Equal Partnership Poster

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Saginaw MAX System of Care (MAX) will foster a culture where equal partnership among families, youth
and systems partners is a core value and integral to everything we do. As stakeholders, we are each responsible
to model this core value in the way we treat each other.
We will each support Equal Partnership in the following ways:
1. Maintain Confidentiality
We will safeguard and keep confidential each others personal information and things shared in MAX meetings,
except when it falls within the scope of our mandate to report abuse and neglect and/or when it falls within the
scope of a rights violation.
2. Respect Others
We respect each other by actively listening to and recognizing each others unique contributions and strengths.
3. Respect Each Others Life Circumstances
We understand that each of us is at a different point in our life-journey.
4. Show Kindness
We are kind, friendly and attentive to each other because the work we are embracing can be stressful and a smile
might turn someones day around.
5. Build Trust
Trust is a key element to successful partnerships and we actively seek to build trust by reaching out and getting to
know each other better.
6. Be Considerate
We strive for open, straightforward communication that is not offensive.
7. Be Honest
We will be honest and courageous when discussing complex topics.
8. Be Aware of Body Language
Be mindful of what we might be communicating through our actions, gestures, postures, and expressions.
9. Be Positive
We acknowledge barriers but we dont dwell in the negative. We strengthen each other through encouragement,
support, and inspiration.
10. Respect Each Others Culture and Beliefs
We celebrate our similarities and our differences.
11. We Speak Clearly and Ask Questions
We communicate directly and ask clarifying questions to avoid making wrong assumptions. We will speak with
confidence and clarity; however, we are prepared to explain our point of view when questions arise.
12. Give Each Other the Benefit of the Doubt
We are all here because we care. We are all advocates of better outcomes for children/youth and families.

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