Letter To Prime Minister

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57 – 63 Coburg Road, Wood Green, London N22 6UB England

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8889 4545. Fax: +44 (0) 20 8889 7500
e-mail: sales@americancarimports.com

The Right Hon. Gordon Brown 26th August 2009

Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to thank you and your Government for listening to the voice of small business.

I have represented the American Import Agents Association (AIAA) for the last 12 years. We are
a small trade association that is involved with the importation of new left-hand drive American
vehicles in the UK that do not have European Type Approval.

Specifically, I have been involved for the last 3 years as an active player on the Industry
Stakeholder Group with your colleagues in DfT with the introduction of the new Individual
Vehicle Approval regulations. These regulations are a part of the Recast Framework Directive
concerning the European Type Approval of motor vehicles entering the UK.

At a time when the Government comes under frequent criticism from all and sundry, and at a time
when the motor industry has been under immense financial pressure, I felt that it was important to
give you some very positive feedback of how well the Civil Servants in DfT have worked with
our very small sector of the motor industry.

In this regard, I have sent you a copy of a letter that I recently sent to Ian Yarnold, the Deputy
Head and Chief Engineer-Transport Technology and Standards Division in Dft. In drafting the
new regulations, your colleagues in DfT have carefully ensured that the Government’s Principles
of Better Regulation have been followed whilst maintaining fundamental safety and
environmental concerns.

As the representative of a fragile micro-business sector in the motor industry, I am pleased to tell
you that the voice of small businesses has been listened to, enabling us to survive.

Thank-you most sincerely,

Anthony Cohen
Partner-American Car Imports
Chairman- American Import Agents Association
cc Ian Yarnold –Deputy Head and Chief Engineer-Transport Technology and Standards Division
(Department for Transport)

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