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Reflective writing

Year 7/2 students

Two home groups joined for a guided discussion

Location: Classroom

45 minutes
Foundations: construct texts using software including word processing programs ACELY1654)
Year L:Create short imaginative texts that show emerging use of appropriate text structure,

sentence-levelgrammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation and appropriate multimodal elements,

for example illustrations and diagrams (ACELY1661)
Year 2: create short imaginative, informative, and persuasive texts using knowledge of text

structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and
multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (ACELY1671)
Year 3: rereading and edit texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and

punctuation (ACELY 1683)


Concrete materials
Lesson plan

We would have just had visitors come into the classroom to talk with the children
about their unit of inquiry (significant features of Belair). The children will get their

fruit snack and be seated on the floor.


The class has recently done an activity about recount writing so this task is to

understand how much they can remember. we will start by talking about some of
the significant things the guest speaker has talked about. Then say 'we are going to

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write a recount about his visit today. Who knows how we start a recount?'The
opening sentence will need a.y!9 what, when and why. lt will be close to "On the
12th August Mr Cornish visited the Perooba Unit to talk about significant features
of Belair". This will be a verbal discussion to get the children acting individually and
to gauge their learning.
e will then discuss good sentences starters, I saw, I think, I wonder, I learnt,
found interesting and my new knowledge is...

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