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Cultural Diversity in Spain

Cultural Diversity in Spain

Hallie Gardner
Arizona State University
November 5, 2014

Cultural Diversity in Spain

Spain is the site of rich and very colorful cultures. However, there is not much diversity of
cultures even though it is allowed and embraced. Spain doesn't really have very many different cultures
within the country. This is due to the fact that there isn't very much ethnic diversity to practice different
cultures to begin with. There is also not much religious diversity within the country because it is
primarily Catholic. The notion of cultural difference or ethnicity is often submerged by facts of
religious difference...Spanish society...[is] not ethnically diverse (Countries).
Not having very much ethnic diversity plays a big role in the fact that Spain is not very
culturally diverse. This is because the few ethnicities that are there usually encorporate themselves into
the Spanish culture. The government set up is based off of Spanish culture so many people just decide
to adopt the culture for themselves. It was not always this way however. Spain actually used to be
divided by multiple cultures. These cultures consisted of Basques, Cantabrians, and Asturians (Spain
Dreams). Each one came to inhabit the country one by one and didn't blend much with the others.
Then, the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella united all of Spain when they jointly took the throne
(History). Map 1 (Untitled)

Cultural Diversity in Spain

Religion also plays a big role in the cultural diversity of the people. Over 70% of the population
practices the Catholic religion and there are multiple Catholic religious sites within Spain. Since the
same religion is practiced my most of the people then many of the same religious and cultural practices
are followed. During the Reconquest Christians tried to drive the Muslims out of Spain. Then during
the Inquisition the people sought to complete the religious purification of the Iberian Peninsula by
driving out Jews, Protestants, and non-believers (Religion). Even though Spain is primarily Catholic,
non-Catholics practice openly (Countries). This however, is not enough to create enough cultural
diversity within Spain. Pie chart (Religion of Spain).

Because of the separation of church and state in 1965 (Religion) there is not much that the
government can do about the fact that most of their people are the same religion. The government
however, the 1978 Constitution of Spain allows for religious freedom so, if people wanted to practice
different religions/cultures, then they would be allowed to (Religion).

Cultural Diversity in Spain

Work Cited:

Countries and Their Cultures. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2014, from

General information on Spain: Location with bounderies, languages, Public holidays and more. (n.d.).
Retrieved October 5, 2014, from

History of Spain (cont.): United Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella (1479-1516). (n.d.). Retrieved
November 6, 2014, from

Religion. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2014, from

Image credits:
Map 1: Untitled Document. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2014, from

Pie-chart 1: (n.d.). Retrieved from Religion of Spain. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2014, from of Spain

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