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Expressing ideas

Connecting ideas

Interacting with others

Text design

Multimodal meanings
How do image and text work together to
create meaning
The labels in the corner of the images .
describe what is going on in the image and
name the participant (Tiger snakes). Other
details can be read from the text but are no
explicit in the photos.
How does image and text to interact with
the audience
Text and images are connected in a logical
relationship. The images are a graphic
representation of what is being said in the
How does the layout of the image/text
guide the reader/viewer
Text and images present a factual and
scientific feel to the topic. Even though the
tone of the written is more familiar, the
realistic photos give expertise to the tenor.
How does the layout of the image and text
guide the reader/viewer
Text, labels, text box and images are
distributed whiting the pages with a
sensation of equal importance in the pages
such they are no salient elements. However
more information is actually in the text

Expressing ideas

Connecting ideas

Interacting with others

Design and layout

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