Let Women in Public Discussion April 15 2013

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Perceptions on the Role

of Women in Society
April 15, 2013 UNWE, Sofia

Let Women In: Bulgaria Turkey NagornoKarabakh/Armenia

Project Overview
Area of intervention: womens rights, gender equality,
empowering women, gender-based stereotypes
Geographic scope: Bulgaria, Turkey, Nagorno-Karabakh/Armenia
General purpose: to stimulate cooperation between young civil
society activists in the Black Sea region

to raise awareness among the young populations on gender
to exchange local experience and debate on

Project Overview
Target group: young people up to 30 years

Project activities (1):

Mid-January 2013: Study visit to NK by Turkish partner;
End of January 2013: Study visit to BG by Turkish partner;
January 29, 2013: Role-play workshop in Sofia, BG;
March 1-7, 2013: Study visit to NK by Bulgarian partner;
March 5, 2013: Discussion on gender equality perceptions with
youths in Stepanakert, NK;
6. April 13-16, 2013: Study visit to BG by Karabahian partner;
7. April 15, 2013: Discussion on gender equality with youths in
Sofia, BG

Why no visits and public events in


Project Overview
Project activities (2):
8. To draft a comparative report on gender equality and womens
access to power in society for the 3 countries;
9. Dissemination of project results:
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Lets see some pictures, shall we? ;)

Meeting politicians

Youth representatives

First tastes of the Balkans & the


Art circles

University students

and first surprising results

Spreading the martenitza

among journalists

Talking with
Government officials

Now, lets take a look at the other

side of the Black Sea

Meeting an inspiring
woman in Stepanakert

Exploring the BG trace in

the EU debate on gender

Sometimes even one woman can

make a difference

Preliminary findings

Despite all differences the internet is slowly changing perceptions

globally, the same goes for the three countries in the project;

Rural communities are more traditional and conservative;

Stereotypes about womens role in society remain even when

progress is made;

Differentiation between the glass ceiling and the voluntary

imprisonment and the chains of religion a matter of choice
perceptions and visibility.

Thank you for your

The floor is yours!

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