Calendar Days Unit 1

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September 22nd -Day 1

September 24th -Day 2

September 25th- Day 3

Introduce the concept of

Dystopian Stories. Define the
genre as a class.

Introduce the signpost Again

and Again to help students
identify repetition in a text.

Read Prayer before birth by

Louise Macneice.

Read The Lottery as a class.

Discuss how this fits into our
class definition of Dystopia.

Use the beginning of Farenheit

451 to model the use of

Choral Reading of the poem.

Discuss the use of repetition in
this poem.

Continue reading Farenheit 451

Have students work in groups
to find instances of repetition.

Homework: Read up to p. 40 in
Farenheit 451.

September 29th- Day 4

October 1st -Day 5

October 2nd-

Reading Response.

Read Farenheit 451 in class.

Read Farenheit 451 in class.

Read Farenheit 451 in class.

Day 6

Review Grammar Concepts.

Identify instances of repetition.

Introduce Notes on Appositive

Phrases, Adjective Clauses, and

Homework: Read up to p. 100 in

Farenheit 451

Identify Phrases and Clauses in

the reading. Discuss.

Talk about how these instances

contribute to the overall theme
of the text.

October 5th -Day 7

October 7th- Day 8

October 8th -Day 9

Reading Response

Talk about visual

representations of theme.
Introduce Visual Theme

Finish Soylent Green.

Assignment. Build a rubric as a



Grammar Quiz

Watch the film, Soylent Green.

Look for instances of

Work on Visual Theme

Watch Soylent Green.

Homework: Finish Farenheit


October 12th- Day 10

October 14th -Day 11

October 15th- Day 12

Work on Visual Theme

Workshop Visual Theme

Visual Theme Exhibition Day!



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