Sleepi Eye of Horus

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Rommel Alleyne


In this the 21st century the Eye of Horus seems to be becoming

more and more prevalent for reasons unknown. Is it that individuals
are getting in tune and reading up on Egyptian mythology and it
speaks to them? Is it associating them to a demonic nature? Or is it
just something that looks cool to use as a print, pendant or tattoo?


Made of gold, silver, porcelain (translucent ceramic), wood, lapis
(blue gemstone) and carnelian (brownish gemstone) the Eye of Horus,
also known as the All seeing Eye or even the Eye of Ra, first and
foremost is a very powerful symbol, which represented that of
protection of the bearer and upon other research shows it stood for and
provided: royal power, sacrifice, good health, restoration, great
wisedom and prosperity.
As mentioned above the Eye of Horus was said to have protective
powers while being used as a fine piece of jewellery, along with that, it
was also used as a form of measurement, in most cases for that of
medicine and pigments. The Eye of Horus is divided into six (6) parts,
each part associated with a particular sense and fraction. What we
know as our five (5) senses (smell, touch, taste, sight and hearing) plus
what the Egyptians considered a sixth (6th) sense, the sense of thought.

1. Smell points towards the nose

2. Sight represents seeing, the sensation of light
3. Thought represents the eyebrows which covey what one is
4. Hearing points towards the ear
5. Taste represents the growth of wheat they ate with their
6. Touch represents planting a stick in the earth that will take
root, it is itself physical contact.

In Egypt, the Eye of Horus derived from Horus whom was said
to have been an ancient sky God whose eyes were the sun and moon, the
sun being the right eye and the moon being the left. Its said that the
moon, on its own, was referred to as the Eye of Horus and the sun the
Eye of Ra. In ancient Egypt many of their terms, concepts and beliefs
overlapped and Horus had become strongly associated with the sun
therefore the sun was also called the Eye of Horus.

The Eye of Horus also known as the All seeing or Third Eye has
since been interpreted in many different ways according to individual
and cultural belief.
Ask any teenager or young adult what do they know about the Third
Eye or the All see Eye and more often than not theyll respond to you
saying its demonic ask them to explain why? Theyre stumped.
The Third Eye is a concept that often symbolizes an enlightened
state found in meditation arts, one of those arts being Yoga,
According to:
-Hinduism they associate the Third Eye with chakra.
-Taoism (Chinese tradition that emphasizes living in harmony)
teaches that the Third Eye it is part of the main meridian and situated
between the two physical eyes and shifts to the middle of the forehead
when opened.
-Christianity, according to Father Richard Rohr, refers to a higher
level of awareness and calls it having the mind of Christ
-Neo-Gnosticism, according to Samael Aun Weor, is the progression
of Kundalini (spiritual energy) upwards through three and a half (3 )
turns and seven (7) chakras.
-Theosophy (philosophy concerning presumed mysteries of nature
and its divinity) the Third Eye is the partially dormant pineal gland
which sits between the two hemispheres of the brain and is said, if
developed, can ones actual vision to being micro and even telescopic.


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