Mops Newsletter 091114

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Welcome to the 2014-2015 NCC MOPS Group!

With this years theme, we invite you to Be You, Bravely!

Our hope for the next year is to journey together into bravery. We show our bravery every day we wake up and choose to start again, no matter the downfalls of
the previous day. We show bravery with each mothering choice, forging a path for those adorable little rug rats. We show bravery when we dig deep and choose to
respond to that little voice inside of us that speaks with an impassioned plea about what we can contribute to the world.

The Courage Key

Thats part of the reason we chose to include a key in the 2014-15 MOPS Membership welcome kit. Its a symbol we can daily
put on to remind us to live the bravest version of ourselves. Its a token we can reach up and touch in those moments we need
a reminder to be brave. And, with solidarity, well be wearing our keys together.

The Feather

We chose a feather because feathers represent flight. In order for a bird to live into its truest, it must step out from the nest, trusting its
wings and take flight. Thats what we want to do, step out from comfortable, trust that inner voice telling us who we are and go be that

in the world.

Information pulled from



2709 E. Nees Ave. Clovis, CA 93611

w w w. n o r t h s i d e c h u r c h . c o m

Table Talk

What does courage look like in your life?

Do you believe you are a force to be reckoned
with? A life giver and world changer?

Todays Topic

MOPS Theme and Meet the Team

Next Meetings
Sept. 25th

Tell Your Story Video

Speaker: Carol Kuykendall

October 9th

Brain Balance Positive Discipline

Speaker: Kristi Otto Marcy Lord; Cooking Demo

Breakfast Bringers
Sept. 25th

1. Be Loved~Dark Purple
2. Be Honest~Pink
3. Be Real~Emerald Green

(Secret Ingredient; Tomato and Apple)

October 9th

1. Be Risky~Orange
2. Be Bold~Light Purple
3. Be Forgiven~Bright Green

(Secret Ingredient; Spinach and Peanut Butter)

Upcoming Events
Moms Night Out- Amazing Mom Race
Follow clue to clue around town and race your team to victory! September
19th @ 7pm Meet at NCC in front of the crosses.

Family Pumpkin Patch Trip

October 11th 11am-1pm @Single Palm Pumpkins 10635 W Barstow Ave Fresno
93723 (5 miles west of the 99 on Barstow) Free Parking, Entrance, Mazes, HayRides, Animals and Story Time with Gramma Pumpkin! Pumpkins $5 each!

Dear Mentor Mom

This column of our newsletter will function just as Dear Abby would. A place
to seek advice. If there is a topic you could use some guidance on, this is the
place to ask it-anonymously. We have an amazing group of Mentor Moms this
year who have been there, done that. They are here with a desire to validate,
support and mentor you through the roller coaster experiences of motherhood. Please submit your questions, and sign out with a creative name. (e.g.
Yours Truly, Frazzled Mommy; Sincerely, Libido Deficient Wifey, etc.) Submit
your entries to with Dear Mentor Mom in the
Subject line

Kids Kraft Korner with Vashie Miller: Craft Stick School Bus

Supply list:

3 large craft sticks

2 metal fasteners

5 small craft sticks


Yellow paint

Black craft foam

Magnets (optional)

Paint the craft sticks with yellow paint.

Trim an inch off 4 of the small craft sticks. You can do this with a scissors. Lay them out vertically at equal intervals and glue
the last small craft stick along the top. Regular white glue works well.
Arrange the three larger craft sticks across the bottom. I overlapped the middle one a little because I liked it better that way.
Glue them in place.
Cut two circles from black craft foam and poke a metal fastener into the center of each. Attach them to the bottom of your
school bus.
I added some pictures of my son making funny faces. The openings of the school bus windows are pretty small, so I kept that
in mind while taking the pictures.
Attach the pictures to the back of the frame using clear tape or glue. I also added a jewel sticker for the headlight and some
magnets to the back.
You could add the date or anything you like to the front.

For Your Information

Make sure to bring your checkbook and register with your table leader. Membership is $32. Make checks payable to NCC
Daycare Information: Please pick up your children no later than 11:15AM
Each week we will have a Momswap table where you can give and take gently used baby or maternity clothing. Unclaimed items will be donated after
every 2 sessions. So take advantage of our unique Mommy Community!
Please fill out your information card so we are better able to keep you connected and well informed.
Are you on INSTAGRAM? Use #nccmops when you take MOPS related photos! (e.g. bi-weekly sessions, Moms Night Out, Playdates, etc.)

Mommy Spotlight

Is there something youd like to share or see in the next newsletter? Tell us! Do you have a funny story, poem or article you would like to share? Ideas on
how to get your kids service minded? An inspirational blog caught your eye? Helpful tips on how to get organized? If so, we need YOU. Please contribute
your tidbits or articles to with Mommy Spotlight in the subject line. OR fill out and turn in the Newsletter Content Idea Card.


Here is where you will find Baby Announcements, Birthdays and Anniversaries. Make sure to fill out your information card to be included. If you have a
new bundle of joy who was born or joined your family between the months of May through August of this year, please e-mail Tiffany@northsidechurch.
com with Baby Announcement in the Subject line. Include the names of his/her proud parents, babys name (first and middle), and the date they joined
your family. You also have the option of submitting a photo (attach a jpeg) of your sweet angel.

Recipes by Chef Marcy

Heres a yummy and delicious Blueberry Streusel Muffin recipe, probably best saved for a
casual morning or special occasion.

Blueberry Streusel Muffins ~ (makes 1 doz. regular size muffins)

Blueberry Filling
1 cups fresh or frozen blueberries,
thawed if frozen.
1 Tbls. Water
1 Tsp. Sugar

Simmer all ingredients in a small pan, pressing on

blueberries with a fork, popping and breaking them
down. Continue to simmer, stirring occasionally for 4-6 minutes until mixture thickens slightly. Transfer to
bowl to cool, approximately 15 minutes. Mixture will continue to thicken as it sits.

Streusel Topping
2 Tbls. cold butter, cubed
4 Tbls. all purpose flour
1 Tbls. Sugar
1 Tsp. Cinnanmon

Combine all ingredients in a bowl with a fork (or fingers!) mix until crumbly.

Muffin Batter
2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 cup + 2 tbls. sugar
2 large eggs
4 tbls. unsalted butter ( stick)
melted and cooled slightly
4 tbls. vegetable oil ( cup)
1 cup buttermilk
2 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line muffin tin with paper wrappers. Mix the flour, baking powder and salt,
set aside. In a separate bowl, combine sugar and eggs, mix until thickened. Slowly add melted butter
and oil, continuing to stir, than add buttermilk and vanilla. Once liquid ingredients are combined slowly
add the dry ingredients, mixing slowing, until moistened. Batter will have small lumps ~ Do not over stir.
Divide ingredients between muffin tins, filling 2/3 full. You will have batter leftover. Spoon 1 Tbls. filling
onto each muffin and with a toothpick, stir a figure 8 in each cup to swirl the blueberry mixture in. With
remaining batter top with an additional tbls. of batter, followed by the streusel mixture. The cups should
be full to the top. Bake for 18-20 minutes until edges are slightly browned. Let cool. If desired, combine 1
cup confectioners sugar with 2 tbls. water, stir completely and drizzle over cooled muffins.

The Top Ten What do you miss most about life before children?

1.) Watching my own TV shows-Vashie Miller

2.) Being able to leave the house with just a small purse instead of a diaper bag, a change of clothes for each child, blankies, sancks, sippy cups,
etc, etc-Lauri Lambrecht
3.) Clothes without spit up or pbj-Cheryl Johnson
4.) Going away for the weekend with my husband by ourselves!-Melissa Gleason
5.) A bladder that works-Shannon Walker
6.) The ability to completely finish a task when I start it on a regular basis!-Erin Albright
7.) A quiet home.-Tiffany Solorio
8.) Having an adult conversation without being interrupted a hundred times!-Melissa Gleason
9.) Free time.-Shannon Walker
10.) SLEEP!-Every Mom Ever

Would you like to be featured in our next Top Ten? Submit your answers to with Top Ten in the Subject line

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