Task 2 Contents Page

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Masthead, the Q logo is seen at

the top of the page and then the

word contents. This informs the
reader that this is the contents
page. The logo also helps brand the

Contents lines, these

are in page order and
run across the left side
of the page. They are
also on the bottom of
the page. By placing
them on the left side
this follows the normal
codes and conventions
as the left third is
important in a magazine
when using rule of

Main image, the main image shows

us a bad that are also an important
part of this magazine. It also says
where in the magazine you can find
the article relating to this band

number, this shows
the date the
magazine was
issued and what
issue number this
magazine is

Other images, the other

images on this contents
page show a man in a
suit leaning against a
pillar. The man in the
suit looks well organised
and is the opposite to
the rebellious band

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