Fixed Fixed Fixed: PHP PHP

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1. Buttons disappear on hover. Check on all browsers. All Themes.

- Fixed
2. Column count change button disappears on hover. * If only you are very fast you might click.
Check on all browsers. All Themes. - Fixed
3. Strikethrough option should be removed from toolbar. ** Both at Title also at Paragraph
tools. - Fixed
4. Text color option button icon should be removed. It confuses the users mind as it looks like text
underline now. Please check weebly or stg. else and find a logical icon. ** Both at Title also at
Paragraph tools. - Fixed
5. When we select E-mail ID the default text should not be url. It should display E-Mail. - Fixed
6. When we add a logo, proportions display wrong. Check on all browsers. All Themes. - PHP
7. 1, 5 MB JPG image file could not be inserted. Sample Image dimensions : 3000 x 1992 (2 MB
max file can be) - PHP
8. The icons for both Image Upload and Gallery are same. The icon images have to be different
from each other when dragged. - Fixed
9. Progress indicator is not working when we load images to gallery. - Fixed
10. Image proportions should not be distorted when added into gallery (they can be cropped) Fixed
11. When we add a map do not show Australia as default. Show Turkey map as default. - PHP
12. Image proportions should not be distorted at main slider. - PHP
13. When we add a youtube video, it should not be loaded with webbxyz sample video. It can be
blank image with youtube logo etc. - Fixed
14. Images should have Resize and Crop options. Fixed (For Image, Image & Text)
15. Users should not be able to drop Gallery into columns. - Fixed

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