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Nestl Waters North America Water Management Statement

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Nestl Waters North America Water

Management Statement
Oct 16, 2014
10/16/14 9:00pm EST
Today members of Occupy Sacramento gathered outside our bottling facility. We respect everyones
right to free speech. Out of an abundance of caution and for the safety of our employees, the
surrounding businesses and the nearly 30 protesters, we modified our delivery schedules and
continued to operate at full capacity. All employees reported for work as usual.
In Sacramento, Nestl Waters North America purchases and pays the standard metered rate for
municipal water, which is delivered through the municipal pipe system. We are not ranked among the
top 10 water users in Sacramento as we use about two thousandths of one percent (0.0016%) of
Sacramentos total water demand. Our company is subject to any restrictions, drought or otherwise,
imposed on all light industrial or business customers by the city of Sacramento and we comply with
those restrictions. We also comply with reporting requirements for the water we use in the city of
Sacramento. If Nestl Waters stopped operating in Sacramento tomorrow, there would be no
appreciable difference in the amount of water available to other customers.

We respect everyone's right to free speech. After hearing about the planned protest, we reached out to
the organizers to open a dialog, to listen to their concerns and to answer questions.
Nestl has stated for years that water is a human right and that
everyone, everywhere in the world, has the right to clean, safe water for
drinking and sanitation. Nestl is also strongly committed to responsible
water management and fully share concerns about water use and
availability, especially during times of drought. Water efficiency,
sustainability and conservation are integral values of our business.
Through 2013, Nestl reduced direct water use in every product category,
achieving an overall reduction per ton of product of 33% since 2005.
Nestl's commitments to water and sustainability have been recognized
by groups like Oxfam and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and

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Nestl Waters North America Water Management Statement

highlighted at events like the United Nations Climate Week summit.

Nestl Waters across the U.S. has a proven track record as a leader in reducing our environmental
footprint through responsible production, packaging, manufacturing, transport and water sourcing. We
have reduced the plastic in our bottles, improved energy efficiency and taken other measures resulting
in a nearly 20 % reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per ton of product since 2007.

In Sacramento, Nestl Waters North America purchases water from the city just like all other light
industrial users and has no special arrangement. We pay the same rate for the water we use as all
other businesses in the same tier and we comply with reporting requirements for the water we use in
the city of Sacramento.
Nestl Waters' Sacramento plant employs 55 people and produces one of the most water efficient
beverages that Californians can drink. The fact is, whether you get it from the tap or bottle, water is
the healthiest way to hydrate. When a consumer chooses bottled water over other packaged
beverages, they are not only making a healthy lifestyle choice by reducing sugar, but they are choosing
a packaged beverage that takes less energy and resources to produce than other packaged
beverages. Bottled water is also critical in emergencies and natural disasters, when normal water
supplies are disrupted.
Here in California, Nestl Waters supports local watershed restoration and water education programs
partnering with environmental and civic groups such as the American River Parkway Foundation, the
Southern California Mountains Foundation, and the Inland Empire Water Keepers.
Nestl Waters employs almost 1,800 full time and seasonal employees in
the state. The majority of the water we bottle is sold here in the State, nearly
80%. We are committed to open communication and welcome dialog about
our company's practices, our adherence to reporting requirements, and the
responsible use of water in the communities in which we operate.
For further information, see the Sacramento Q&A.
Learn more about bottled water's water use from the International Bottled
Water Association.

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