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Kelsey Lucas 3854091

Cross curiccular priority - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.
Subject and Class

Physical Education/Art Lesson 2


iPads - ICT
Prompting questions
- Why did you choose _____ ?
- What does _____ mean?
- What is your opinion on _____?

Learning Intentions

To be able to have a better understanding in the importance of the land that they
live on.
To understand the connection between the art work and movement and why it is


The students introduce the Wathaurong people to the game Name ball in which
they teach it to them in order to break the ice and get to know each others names
Wathaurong tribe then performs a story through dance students will make the
connection between art and movement

Lesson : I do

Guided: We do

The Wathaurong tribe will explain the outfits they were and the meaning behind
the face paint so that students are aware of why they are presented the way they
The class will be run by the Wathaurong tribe I will be ensuring that the students
are focused on the tasks and paying respect to the tribe

I will join in and help teach the dances that the Wathaurong tribe teach the
- Assure students are engaged within the class
- Make sure that students are paying the respect to the visitors
I will conduct the class discussion at the end and ensure student are asking
questions for inquiry into their formative assessment

Independent : You do

Students will listen to the stories told by the Wathaurong tribe, the tribe will give
students an insight into their culture.
Students will then go on to learn the dances and perform the dance and perform it
The students will then undergo an enquiry based class discussion at the end where
students will ask the tribe members suitable questions to help them with their
formative assessment


Students will reflect on the class and be given 5 minutes to individually complete an
exit card as their own way of understanding what today meant.

Assessment/Check for Understanding:

Exit Card
Name the tribe
Name a dance that you were taught?
How many tribes are there?
Why is our land so important?
Additional thoughts/feedback?
Next Lesson Focus/Differentiation needs:
Focus on research task, put students who responded well to the exit card questions together in pairs, then work
with the others on researching.

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