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Lucy Wood

May 29, 2013

Webster pd. 5
Pre-AP English 2
Youve Gone Too Far (Fiction Short Story-Ireland)
Only just yesterday, a young lad by the name of Aideni called in to the police
station in Belfast, Ireland to complain about his horrific night. Hello, what is your
emergency? said the operator, but all she could her was the sound of a boy weeping. It
was somewhat echoey so Maeve, the operator, believed that whoever was on the other
line was in a small room. Hello there? Are you in trouble? There was still no reply, so
Maeveii was forced to trace the phone.
Before she got the chance to do anything, a young boy whispered, Help me
please. But two minutes later, she heard a man scream profanities. While she couldnt
make out exactly what the man was screaming, she knew the boy was in trouble.
Someone trace this phone! We need to find him as soon as we can! After a tedious
eight minutes, the crew at the police station was able to track the call. They found out that
the boy was located on Seaforde Streetiii.
Within four minutes of tracking the call, the police squad was at the door of the
boys house. The house seemed normal. Brick walls painted yellow. Pretty little tulips
danced in the garden that ran along the lawn. A newly painted rocking chair sat on the
wooden porch. Everything seemed perfect, nothing out of the ordinary. One of the
stronger, more aggressive policemen named Seaniv pounded on the door with white
knuckles. There was no answer, but they didnt leave just yet. Everyone be quiet! Sean
said. It became so quiet that the sound of a knife chopping against a wooden cutting
board inside the house could be heard. Alright men, we need to force open this door.

Stand back. With one heavy body slam, the door swung open and in went the five
Startled by all the commotion, Mr. Callaghan dropped the knife and the onion he
was chopping up and ran into the living room. What gives you the right to barge into my
home like this?! he screamed. Get out! Get out!
Before Sean or any of his back up could do anything, in tiptoed a young boy who
looked about eleven years old. He had tears in his eyes and a purple bruise on his head
that was beginning to form into a lump just above his left eyebrow. As soon as he saw the
men, he scurried into the other room as quickly as he could.
Sir, we received a call asking for help that was traced back to this location. one of
the policemen said, Do you mind if we speak to your son?
Yes I mind! Mr. Callaghan shouted, wide eyed, his face turning tomato red with
rage. Now I demand that you men leave this house this instant!
Im sorry, but we cant do that unless we know that you havent been harming
your child.
Fine, go talk to him. But as soon as youre finished, you better bloodyv leave.
The four other policemen began to follow Sean, but he stopped them before they
got anywhere and explained that this was a job for only one person, not five. As soon as
he entered the kitchen, he spotted the boy sitting at a wooden table, with an empty glass
of water sitting in front of him, staring out the window. Sean quietly sat down across the
table and waited to see if the boy would say anything, but he seemed to be deep in
thought, like he couldnt see the man sitting right in front of him.
Aiden, focus on him! Mr. Callaghan scolded his son. Turning towards Sean, he

mentioned how sometimes, when he gets really frightened, he pretends like he cant see
anything or anybody but the one thing he is staring at.
Thank you, Sir, Sean began, but Id like to speak to your son in private. Mr.
Callaghan rolled his eyes, mumbled something under his breath that Sean couldnt quite
understand, and walked out the door to meet with the other four police. As soon as he
was gone, Sean tried to speak to the boy. He noticed how after his father told him to
focus, he looked straight into Seans eyesvi.
So, Aiden, is there anything bothering you? Did anything happen tonight that you
dont like? Maybe with your family? The eleven year old didnt answer, and glanced
over at the wooden rolling pin sitting on the counter next to the uncut onion and the sharp
knife. How did you get that bump on your head? Still, the boy would not answer and
began to focus in on the rolling pin only. Aiden, stay with me. I need you to tell me what
happened. Did he hit you with that rolling pin? Sean was getting nowhere with his
questions, and didnt think that the boy would answer, until finally, Aiden spat out I
want to talk to the lady on the phone.
At first, this confused Sean, but he soon realized that Aiden meant Maeve. Alright,
if I get her to come over, will you tell her what has been going on? Aiden was hesitant at
first but soon agreed by nodding his head.
Maeve pulled up to the house that Sean described. She marched up the few stairs
and walked straight into the house with a look of annoyance on her face. She had
received too many calls from children claiming to be abusedvii. As she entered the
kitchen, she saw Sean sitting with a brunette little boy. She noticed a dark bruise on his
upper arm that he had tried to cover with a band-aid. When she sat down next to him, she

glared at Sean, clearly letting him know it was time for him to leave. He whispered to her
that he wasnt able to get any information out of him, just that he wanted to speak with
her. She nodded, understanding that she had to get as much as she could out of this boy.
Alright, little fella, why did you call asking for help? At first, he didnt answer
her. He just sat there, still focused on the rolling pin. It was almost as if he was blind to
the fact that she was there. Okay, lets start with your name. she waited for almost five
minutes before he piped up.
My name is Aiden Callaghan. I am eleven years old, and I have had one of the
worst days of my life. Maeve noticed how he had started to tear up. Im finished
letting onviii that nothing is wrong with my family. Let me tell you all about my day.
Before he began, he got up to fill his empty water glass. On his way over to the fridge, he
stopped at a cabinet under the sink. This cabinet, he began, is where he puts me when
he thinks Ive done something wrong. Its cramped in there, and there are always
cockroaches. After I get locked in here for about an hour, he takes me out and lets me rest
for about fifteen minutes before he gives me my beating. During this rest time, he makes
himself a drink, and this causes him to lose controlix. When he makes his drinks extra
strong, he hits me even harder. Mother has no idea that he hits and kicks me this hard.
Shes always away when he does it. By this time, Maeve had tears in her eyes. She
couldnt believe that this boy hadnt spoken up before. Aiden continued, Sometimes, he
hits me in the arms and the legs, but when I do something extra bad, he hits me in the
head with that wooden rolling thing. He pointed a thin finger to the rolling pin. Thats
how I got this bump on my head. It hurts a lot, but Im tough, so it will go away soon.
Thats what he always tells me. Aiden stopped talking and filled his water glass. He

looked over to see that Maeve had tears running down her face. Why are you crying?
he questioned her. She hadnt realized how hard she was crying until he pointed it out.
Oh, Im sorry Aiden. I just cant bear to hear how awful this man treats you. Is he the
only one who hurts you?
It took Aiden a few seconds to respond, but he answered very maturely. Yes, my
dad is the only one who hits me, but he says that its okay if others punish me if Im bad
at school or at church. He started to scratch his forehead, but felt his large lump, and
remembered that it would hurt too much if he did. He made his way back to the table
where Maeve was still sitting. Aiden, what church do you go to? He quickly responded
with St. Marys Churchx! Its my favorite place to go. I wish Mother could come with us
Maeve wasnt sure what he meant by this. Does your mother not go with you to
church? Aiden shook his head sadly. He said that she is always too busy to go with
them. Aiden, I want you to understand that your father is doing a very bad thing. Do you
remember when he first started to hurt you?
Oh no, hes been doing it my entire life; even when I was a baby. My mother
never knew where the random bruises would come from, or why I had this look in my
eyes every time he walked into the room, but she always thought it was a sign of
affection. The truth is, Ive been so scared of him. I have always tried to please him so
that he wont hurt me. Suddenly, he gasped and looked out the window. No! he
screamed, He has the chain out! Hes going to tie me up tonight and make me sleep
At the sighting of the chain, he stopped talking, and wouldnt tell Maeve anything

more. She told him that she would be right back, but to stay there and dont talk to his
father if he came in the room. She walked out into the living room to speak to Sean.
Hes been brutally beaten, Sean. I dont think we can let him stay here with this man
anymore. We need to find the mother, or he needs to come back to the police station with
us. Sean nodded in agreement and said, I dont think we are going to find his mother.
He looked down. Maeve could tell he was uncomfortable, but she made him say what
was on his mind. His father accidentally mentioned that he shot his wife during an
argument about a month ago. He had been drinking. He has told Aiden that his mother
has gone on a vacation for a while. At this news, Maeve was speechless.
How can someone be so horrible that they shoot their wife then dont even tell
their child of his mothers death?!? She was screaming at this point. She heard a gasp
come from the other room where Aiden was still waiting for her to come back. She ran
into the kitchen, but it was too late. Aiden was flat on the floor, sobbing. Maeve tried to
comfort him and apologized profusely. Im so sorry Aiden, she said over and over
Quickly he stood up and muttered with clenched teeth, I want him thrown in jail. I
never want to see him ever again. All the times he had been hit and kicked, smacked and
whipped didnt matter now that he knew what his father had done to his mother. I hate
him. Sean walked into the room and said, Dont worry son, we will take care of him.
Maeve stayed inside with Aiden while Sean and the other men went outside to
arrest Mr. Callaghan. Liam Callaghan, you are under arrest for the murder of Anna
Callaghan and the beating of Aiden Callaghan. At then they drove away.

One of the most common Boys names in Ireland.

One of the most common Girls names in Ireland.
Real street in Belfast, Ireland.
Common boys names in Ireland.
Irish slang used mostly for strengthening an adjective.
When children in Ireland are beaten, they will do anything to prove to their parents they are
worthy, including listening when told to do something, even if they dont want to.
There is a high rate of abuse among children in Ireland.
Irish slang for pretending.
Most of the time, alcohol is the main reason for abuse among families.
St Mary's was the first Roman Catholic Church in Belfast and started in 1784.

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