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George Sevy

Comm 1010

Group Presentation Reflection Paper

This group presentation allowed me to develop several communication skills that I had
previously been aware of and subsequently lacking in my own life. In the beginning of this
project I was entirely hesitant to be named the group leader, because traditionally I had a
certain amount of anxiety in being the forefront of anything. When it became apparent
through several weeks of this project that the only way we would provide a quality
presentation would be through my ability to apply a direction for conflict resolution this really
allowed me to break out of my shell and take control of the factors that were keeping us from
performing as a team. Unexpectedly this did not entail having complete control over the
course of our discussions, but rather building my capability for listening skills in order to take
into account the credible arguments and alterations made by my peers. I rather enjoyed this
opportunity to sit back and interpret the multiple positions presented by our members while
still maintaining my responsibility to compile all the opinions into an outline that would be
acceptable by everyone. For the most part we all had a great understanding of what our
personal roles and obligations were, which made it relatively easy to express our concerns as
well as encouragement on an equal level. The outcome of this project brought me to a
realization of the capability that I have to truly determine the outcome of group problem
solving especially when it can be applied to my individual career development. Through this I
have gained the desire to be more vocal about expressing my leadership skills, while also
bringing me to the conclusion that in many cases it is too difficult and unnecessary to attempt
to perform these tasks by yourself. In all there is no doubt in my mind that this project has
helped me develop distinct communication skills that will assist me throughout my life.

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