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By Tea Karlovic

Narrator- Once there was a little girl named heaven who

was really excited for Christmas.
Heaven- Mum! Santas coming, Santas coming! (Yelling
and jumping excitedly)
Mum- He will only come if you go to sleep and its your
bed time now.
Heaven- Okay (a little upset)
Narrator- Heaven Went to bed but it was hard for her to
go to sleep until.
4 Hours Later
Santa- HO! HO! HO!
Heaven- Whats that? Is that Santa? (Curious)
Narrator- Meanwhile.
Santa- Okay this is like 1 millionth time Ive been down a
Narrator-After Santa went down the dusty chimney, he
started singing a song.
Santa- Every time once a year, I come to see every
village, to give something to all good kids, to make them
feel (hold) happy.
(Sung in an happy voice)
Narrator- While Santa was singing, Heaven put on her
night slippers and started walking downstairs.

Heaven- Hello, Santa is that you singing that song.

(Heaven feeling scared)
Narrator- Santa quickly hides
Heaven- Santa ha-ha! I can see your tummy behind the
Christmas tree
Santa- Ha-Ha-Ha (comes out from behind the tree)
Heaven- Santa my names Heaven, Um can I have a hug?
Santa- Sure you can!
Heaven- Santa, Did you have the cookies and milk I
gave you?
Santa- No, Where are they?
Heaven- In the kitchen
Santa- Heaven
Heaven- Yes Santa
Santa- Do you want to eat cookies with me
Heaven- Yes! Yes! Yes!
Santa- Lets go
Narrator- When Santa and Heaven went into the kitchen
they both asked each other some questions.
Santa-Why do you like Christmas Heaven?
Heaven- Because I get presents and I get to see my

Heaven-Santa why do you give presents to Children?

Santa-To make sure they are happy
Narrator-Santa and Heaven asked heaps of question but
Santa needed to go
Santa-I need to go
Santa-Yes Heaven
Heaven-Can I ride with you for the night
Narrator- Santa didnt know what to do because he never
let a child go with him for a ride.
Santa- Um, sure you can
Heaven- Okay (jumping with joy)
Narrator- Heaven never been up her chimney so she saw
how dusty it was but when they got to the top Heaven
Heaven- Reindeers
Santa- Calm down, we need to go hop in.
Narrator- With a little trick Santa and Heaven were up in
the sky.
Heaven- Wow, this is Amazing
Narrator- Going house by house all night long until
Heaven was fast asleep. Santa went to Heavens house
and put her in bed and when Santa left he said.

Santa- HO-HO-HO

Next Morning
Narrator- Heaven woke up the next morning very excited
as she ran downstairs and opened her presents she got
an cute adorable fluffy
Heaven- Puppy! (Yelled)
Narrator- Then Heaven, her cute puppy, her mum and
Santa lived happily ever after.
The End

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