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At the age of 13, Harry McGillivary went to the Prince Albert residential school in

He was there during 1960 and 1961. Before he went to school he lived with his 12
other siblings and his single mother. They didnt have much because his mother was
poor but it still was a happy life. Because he had no father he wasnt taught many
things like hunting animals and skinning them even to this day he doesnt. His
Indian Affairs officer named Pete took him away from his mother. They left the
reserve with only the clothes on their back. He wasnt too disheartened because he
was with some other family members. When Harry first arrived to Prince Albert,
they stripped his clothes off, cut his hair in a bowl hairstyle and put some weird
powder in his hair. During the interview peter realized that powder was for lice. The
school wasnt very pleasant; they didnt feed the kids well. Some times Harry and his
friends would go to the next-door farm and eat the carrots raw. The school wasnt
terrible though; Harry has never been sexually abused or seen sexually abuse
himself at the school. But the kids were still being hit like if they came out of line or
spoke their language. Harry didnt mind it because to him thats what boys do; they
get into trouble and get punished. Harry would often miss his mother and his
culture back home and hated his affairs officer Pete for taking him away.
In 1961 and 62 he was moved to the Dauphin residential which was much nicer and
pleasant. They were well feed at that school. Harry went to the work force right
after The Dauphin School in 62 at the age of sixteen. He then worked for the Toco
Sawmills for 32 years before he retired. Harry is 61 now and unmarried. The worst
memory he has of the School was when Pete took him away. Harry still doesnt
forgive him.

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