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The definition of assimilation is to become like others, or help another person

to adapt to a new environment -

Reasons to assimilate
. Understand our history
. Respect our laws
. Learn our language
. Go to our schools
. Use our services
. Fully integrate into the mainstream of society

The Ainu are indigenous people of Japan and Russia. Many Ainu were forced to
work as slaves for another ethnic Japanese group called the Wajin. Later on they
contracted disease such as smallpox and cholera. Their land was taken away,
hunting rights and their language by the Japanese ethnic group.

Process of rebuilding Polish national identity and reclaiming Polish heritage,
including the fields of education, religion, infrastructure and administration
Poland tried to assimilate countries around them to regain some of its lost
territory. They especially tried to assimilate the Lithuanian people.

Nazi Assimilation
In the 1920s to the 1940s The Nazi party wanted to create the superior race (Arian
race). Their ideals were blonde hair, blue eyes, no abnormalities, white and Christian.
This influenced people to leave Germany or any places that had the ideology of Hitler.
Some would die their hair blonde. They looked at people who were handicapped,

homosexual, black and epically Jewish as inferior. The Nazi party wanted to exterminate
the Jews to assimilate the world to the Superior race.
Prior knowledge

Positives of assimilation
Spiritual and Relationship Strengthening: Assimilation strengthens ties between
different people.
Increased amount of individual in the labor force for performing
jobs: Assimilation boosts jobs and the economy of an nation. More jobs are opening
and being taken
Enhance Tourism: Assimilation causes people to come to country for the countries
traits. Example. Tourists would want to go to Russia because its Russia and they
want the Russian experience.

Cons of assimilation
The Possibilities of Doing Unlawful Activities: People who dont have jobs would
start selling drugs, drug trafficking or prostitution.
Possibility of Losing Your Identity: People can slowly loose who they were
because they mostly associated with their cultural for sense of belonging.
The Possibility of Losing the Tradition: They try so hard to become apart of the
assimilators tradition they stop taking part in their old traditions.

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