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Emely Pinales

Ms. Schonert
Per.4 English

Hurting and In Pain

I believe that what ever happens in your life, good or bad, a friend will
be there if you really need them. I believe this because I have a friend who
had helped me through a rough patch in my life.
Before I met my best friend, I was teased and bullied for a very long
time. Kids would tease me about my weight, mainly; they called me fat and
all those other names that would hurt your feeling. Kids bullied though most
of elementary and middle school. During this time I became very depress. I
cried in the morning because I didnt want to go to school and I hated school.
Every morning I would look in the mirror and just think ugly, fat, and stupid.
Sometimes for days at a time I would starve myself. No one noticed, no one
ever asked about it so I just left it alone. One day I just had it with people
bullying and teasing almost al the time, so I turned to the person I trusted
the most, my mom. I walked in her room and I told her about what was
happening at school. All she told me was to just ignore them they would
stop. To me the look on her face showed me that she didnt really care. I did

what she told me to do but I just got worse over time, like an infection that
wasnt treated with care.
Overall, I felt alone and I hade no one to turn to. I started to cut in 7th
grade; I cut in every direction you could think of. Sometimes I would run into
my room, slam the door, and just cry when I got home. I would be very angry
and through things everywhere. I would find my razorblade that I hid Im my
closet and start to cut. When I cut myself, I felt like everything, in that
moment would just disappear and I would be happy again. When I went to
school the next day I would always talk to her about everything the
happened. One day we were in class and the sleeve of my sweater rose up.
She saw the cuts on wrists. I knew eventually she would find out about what I
did to myself. So that same day she was talking to me about it and she said,
I know how you feel and she showed me her cuts. I was devastated. I
started to cry puddles of tears right after she showed me and so did she. I
knew that it was a problem but I still did it anyway. It didnt get to the point
where I went in to deep and I had to go to the hospital. I stopped completely
and I never did it again.
The support and understanding made me strong and independent. This
is why I believe a friend will always be there.

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