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Drafting and Nesting




Drafting and Nesting

Copyright 2007

Metalix CAD/CAM.
All Rights Reserved

Limited Warranty
Metalix CAD/CAM Warrants the software will perform substantially in accordance with
the accompanying printed materials. Metalix CAD/CAM does not warrant that the
functions contained in the software will meet your requirements or that the operation of
the software will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Limitation of Liabilities
In no event will Metalix CAD/CAM or its suppliers be liable for direct, indirect, special,
incidental, contingent, consequential or similar damages of any kind resulting from any
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D.N. Misgav 20181
Tel: (+972) 4-999 8436
Fax: (+972) 4-999 8519
Copyright 2007



Table of Contents

cncKad Introduction................................................................................................ 1
1.1 The Users Interface .......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Using Toolbars .................................................................................................. 2
The Standard Toolbar............................................................................... 3
The Common Toolbar............................................................................... 4
The Zoom Toolbar .................................................................................... 4
The Help Lines Toolbar ............................................................................ 5
The Select Option Toolbar........................................................................ 5
The Shapes Toolbar ................................................................................. 6
The Delete Toolbar................................................................................... 7
The Edit Toolbar ....................................................................................... 7
The Transform Toolbar............................................................................. 7
1.2.10 The CAM Toolbar ..................................................................................... 8
1.2.11 The Punch Toolbar ................................................................................... 8
1.2.12 The Cut Toolbar........................................................................................ 9
1.2.13 The Nest Toolbar...................................................................................... 9
1.2.14 The Dimension Toolbar ............................................................................ 9
1.2.15 The File Options Toolbar ........................................................................ 10
1.2.16 The CAD Link Toolbar ............................................................................ 10
1.2.17 The Bend Lines Toolbar ......................................................................... 10
1.2.18 The Tubes Toolbar ................................................................................. 11
1.3 Using the Menus ............................................................................................. 11
The File Menu......................................................................................... 11
The Edit Menu ........................................................................................ 12
The View Menu....................................................................................... 13
The Draw Menu ...................................................................................... 14
The Transform Menu .............................................................................. 15
The CAM Menu ...................................................................................... 15
The Nest Menu ....................................................................................... 16
The Tools Menu...................................................................................... 17
The Estimation Menu.............................................................................. 17
1.3.10 The Settings Menu ................................................................................. 18
1.3.11 The Help Menu ....................................................................................... 18 cncKad Help ..................................................................................... 18 Context Help..................................................................................... 18 Play cncKad Movies ......................................................................... 18 Send Problem Report ....................................................................... 18 Purpose of this feature................................................................ 18 Sending a Problem Report ......................................................... 19


Drafting and Nesting

Saving the current file .......................................................... 19

Step 1 Problem Description .............................................. 19
Step 2 Personal Data........................................................ 20
Step 3 Reduced Problem Report ...................................... 21
Step 4 Instruction .............................................................. 21
Sending and Saving the Report File .................................... 22

1.4 The State Bar .................................................................................................. 23

The Snap Button..................................................................................... 23 Snapping Options ............................................................................. 24 Snap Intersection........................................................................ 24 Snap End .................................................................................... 24 Snap Center................................................................................ 24 Snap Auto ................................................................................... 24 Snap Perpendicular .................................................................... 24 Snap Tangent ............................................................................. 24 Snap Part.................................................................................... 25 No Snap...................................................................................... 25 Snap Nearest.............................................................................. 25 Two Entities Intersection............................................................. 25
The Dim Button....................................................................................... 25
The Proc Button...................................................................................... 25
The Side Button...................................................................................... 26
The Index Button .................................................................................... 26
The Mode Button .................................................................................... 26
The Sheet/Part Button ............................................................................ 26
The Cursor Port ...................................................................................... 26
Select Color Button................................................................................. 26
1.4.10 Select Line Button .................................................................................. 27
1.4.11 The Machine Button ............................................................................... 27
1.4.12 The Tool Port.......................................................................................... 27
1.4.13 The Tool Selection Button ...................................................................... 27
1.4.14 The Used Tools List................................................................................ 28
1.5 Keyboard Shortcuts......................................................................................... 28
1.6 Entity Masking ................................................................................................. 29
1.7 Selection Options ............................................................................................ 30
Selecting an Entity.................................................................................. 30
Selection Methods .................................................................................. 30 Single Selections .............................................................................. 30 All...................................................................................................... 30 Contour............................................................................................. 30 In Contour......................................................................................... 31 Out Contour ...................................................................................... 31

cncKad Previous............................................................................................ 31 Window............................................................................................. 31 Filter On/Off ...................................................................................... 31 Filter Settings.................................................................................... 32 Entity Type.................................................................................. 32 Color ........................................................................................... 32 Line Type .................................................................................... 32
1.8 Positioning with Different Coordinate Systems ............................................... 32
Positioning Using the Absolute Method.................................................. 32
Positioning Using the Relative Method................................................... 33
Positioning Using the Polar Method ....................................................... 33

The File Menu....................................................................................................... 35

2.1 Working with files ............................................................................................ 35
File Names ............................................................................................. 36
File Types ............................................................................................... 36
2.2 Opening Existing Part...................................................................................... 36
2.3 Creating New Part ........................................................................................... 37
2.4 Saving Files..................................................................................................... 38
2.5 Convert to NST File......................................................................................... 38
2.6 Run Parametric File......................................................................................... 39
2.7 Open Order File............................................................................................... 39
2.8 Creating and Inserting Sub-Parts .................................................................... 39
Inserting a Sub-Part................................................................................ 39
Saving a Sub-Part .................................................................................. 41
2.9 Auto Nest......................................................................................................... 41
2.10 Export to Auto Nest ......................................................................................... 42
2.11 Post Processing .............................................................................................. 42
2.12 Send to Diskette .............................................................................................. 42
2.13 Send to Machine ............................................................................................. 42
2.14 Simulation........................................................................................................ 42
2.15 Edit NC ............................................................................................................ 42
2.16 Importing Files into cncKad ............................................................................. 43
2.16.1 File Formats Supported for Import.......................................................... 44
2.16.2 Setting up Import Parameters................................................................. 45
2.16.3 The Layers Filter..................................................................................... 46
2.17 Exporting to Other File Formats ...................................................................... 46
2.17.1 File name and path................................................................................. 47
2.17.2 Format .................................................................................................... 47
2.17.3 Use exporting file path............................................................................ 47
2.17.4 Dont use Arcs ........................................................................................ 47


Drafting and Nesting Arc Bulge .......................................................................................... 47 Number of arcs sections .................................................................. 47
2.17.5 Set Layers .............................................................................................. 48
2.18 CAD Link ......................................................................................................... 48
2.18.1 Adding the Interface ............................................................................... 49
2.18.2 Using the Interface ................................................................................. 49 cncKad Material List ......................................................................... 50 New .................................................................................................. 50 Open for Update ............................................................................... 50 Update Part in cncKad...................................................................... 50
2.18.3 Working with CAD Link........................................................................... 50 Processing parts from CAD Link ...................................................... 50 Brief introductory note................................................................. 50 Using the Check function............................................................ 51 Preparing the appropriate Turret Setup ...................................... 52 Running Auto Punch................................................................... 52 Editing the processing ................................................................ 52 Working with the Update feature ................................................ 52 Using Update with a single-use model ....................................... 52 Using Update with a Parametric system..................................... 53 Preparing the Parametric system......................................... 53 Working with the Parametric system.................................... 53
2.19 Run Bending Program..................................................................................... 54
2.20 Batch Mode ..................................................................................................... 54
2.20.1 Formatting a Batch File .......................................................................... 54
2.20.2 Generating a Batch from Auto Nest........................................................ 55
2.20.3 Batch Mode dialog.................................................................................. 55 Batch File Name ............................................................................... 56 Log File Name .................................................................................. 56
2.21 Printing Options............................................................................................... 56
2.21.1 Report types ........................................................................................... 57 The DOC Report............................................................................... 57 The Standard Report ........................................................................ 57 Drawing....................................................................................... 58 Report File .................................................................................. 58 Graphic and Report File.............................................................. 58 Line Thickness............................................................................ 58 Edit Button .................................................................................. 59 Picture Size................................................................................. 59 Black/White................................................................................. 59
2.21.2 Print Options........................................................................................... 59 Print .................................................................................................. 59 Print Preview .................................................................................... 60

cncKad Zooming the Preview .................................................................. 62 Display Options for the Preview.................................................. 62 Displaying Dimensions and Processing in the Preview .............. 63 Scaling and Moving the Part in the Preview ............................... 63 Dividing the Printout.................................................................... 63 Printing Examples............................................................................. 63 Print Preview of Drawing in CAM Mode...................................... 63 Print Preview of Drawing in CAD Mode ...................................... 64 Print Preview of a Report File ..................................................... 66 Print Preview of Report File with Drawing .................................. 67
2.22 File Listing ....................................................................................................... 67
2.23 Exit .................................................................................................................. 67

The View Menu..................................................................................................... 68

3.1 Toolbars .......................................................................................................... 68
Toolbar tab ............................................................................................. 68 Show Tool tips .................................................................................. 69 Cool Look ......................................................................................... 69 Large Buttons ................................................................................... 70 New... ............................................................................................... 70 Reset ................................................................................................ 71
Command tab ......................................................................................... 71
Settings tab............................................................................................. 71 Restore All Defaults.......................................................................... 72 Load From Backup ........................................................................... 72 Save Backup .................................................................................... 72
Moving Toolbars ..................................................................................... 72
3.2 Status Bar Enabled ......................................................................................... 73
3.3 Status Bar On Top........................................................................................... 73
3.4 Auto Scroll Enabled......................................................................................... 73
3.5 Redraw ............................................................................................................ 73
3.6 Show End Points ............................................................................................. 73
3.7 Zoom Part........................................................................................................ 73
3.8 Zoom Sheet..................................................................................................... 74
3.9 Zoom Window ................................................................................................. 74
3.10 Zoom In ........................................................................................................... 74
3.11 Zoom Out ........................................................................................................ 74
3.12 Zoom Previous ................................................................................................ 74
3.13 Zoom Next....................................................................................................... 74
3.14 Zoom Realtime ................................................................................................ 74
3.15 Pan Realtime................................................................................................... 74
3.16 Ask .................................................................................................................. 74


Drafting and Nesting

3.17 Check .............................................................................................................. 75
3.17.1 Convert Arc to Line Under Bulge............................................................ 76
3.17.2 Delete Entities Under Tolerance............................................................. 76
3.17.3 Delete Duplicates ................................................................................... 76
3.17.4 Join All .................................................................................................... 76
3.17.5 Check Contours...................................................................................... 77
3.17.6 Connect Contours................................................................................... 77
3.18 Measure .......................................................................................................... 77
3.18.1 From Base Point..................................................................................... 78
3.18.2 Point to Point .......................................................................................... 78
3.19 CAM Mode ...................................................................................................... 78
3.20 Full Cut Tool Width.......................................................................................... 78
3.21 Rapid Tool Path............................................................................................... 78
3.22 Show Shear Scrap .......................................................................................... 79
3.23 Multi Colored Tools ......................................................................................... 79
3.24 Fill Tools .......................................................................................................... 79
3.25 View Dies Modes............................................................................................. 79
3.26 Colored Tool Path by Speed ........................................................................... 80
3.27 Show Clamps Bar............................................................................................ 80
3.28 Display Bend Lines.......................................................................................... 81

Drawing Entities.................................................................................................... 83
4.1 Drawing Lines.................................................................................................. 83
Auto Snap............................................................................................... 83
Tangent - Tangent .................................................................................. 84
Tangent - Perpendicular ......................................................................... 84
4.2 Help Lines ....................................................................................................... 85
Parallel at Distance................................................................................. 86
Parallel Through Point ............................................................................ 86
Perpendicular Help Line ......................................................................... 86
Help Line By Absolute Angle .................................................................. 87
Help Line by Relative Angle ................................................................... 87
Help Line Through Two Points ............................................................... 87
Vertical Help Line ................................................................................... 87
Horizontal Help Line ............................................................................... 87
4.3 Drawing Arcs ................................................................................................... 87
Two Points and Radius........................................................................... 88
Center Point, Radius and Two Angles.................................................... 88
Two Points and Included Angle .............................................................. 89
One Point, Center Point and Angle ........................................................ 89
Three Points ........................................................................................... 90



Two Tangent Points and a Radius ......................................................... 90

4.4 Drawing Points ................................................................................................ 90

4.5 Drawing Circles ............................................................................................... 91
4.6 Drawing Shapes .............................................................................................. 91
Rectangles.............................................................................................. 92
Ovals ...................................................................................................... 92
D Shapes................................................................................................ 93
Double D Shapes ................................................................................... 93
Trapeze (Connector Shapes) ................................................................. 94
Bolt Holes ............................................................................................... 95
Banana Shapes ...................................................................................... 96
Ellipses ................................................................................................... 96
Punched Sheet ....................................................................................... 97
4.6.10 Triangle................................................................................................... 98
4.6.11 Polygon................................................................................................... 98
4.6.12 Automatic punch of specific shapes ....................................................... 98
4.7 Shapes List...................................................................................................... 99
4.8 Edit Shape..................................................................................................... 100
4.9 Parallel Line................................................................................................... 100
Parallel by Distance.............................................................................. 100
Parallel Through Point .......................................................................... 101
4.10 Dimensions/Text............................................................................................ 101
4.10.1 Adding a Dimension or Text ................................................................. 101 Dimension Mode............................................................................. 102 Single Dimensions .................................................................... 103 Serial Dimensions..................................................................... 103 Dimensions from Base Point .................................................... 103 Dimension Type.............................................................................. 103 Diagonal Dimension.................................................................. 104 Vertical Dimension.................................................................... 104 Horizontal Dimension................................................................ 104 Linear Dimension...................................................................... 105 Angle Dimension....................................................................... 105 Radius Dimension..................................................................... 105 Diameter Dimension ................................................................. 105 Angle to X Dimension ............................................................... 106 Angle to Y Dimension ............................................................... 106 Dimension Settings......................................................................... 106 Text Size................................................................................... 106 Arrow Size ................................................................................ 106 Show Arrow .............................................................................. 107 Show in Nest............................................................................. 107

Drafting and Nesting Adding Text to a Dimension ........................................................... 107 Text Along................................................................................. 107 Text Under ................................................................................ 107
4.10.2 Placing the Dimension.......................................................................... 107
4.10.3 Adding Text .......................................................................................... 108
4.10.4 Edit Dim Text/Text ................................................................................ 109
4.10.5 Global Size Update............................................................................... 109
4.10.6 Move Dim / Text ................................................................................... 110
4.10.7 Replace Text ........................................................................................ 110
4.10.8 Text Size Update .................................................................................. 110
4.11 DFT Text ....................................................................................................... 111
4.11.1 Place Text............................................................................................. 111
4.11.2 Create New Font... ............................................................................... 112
4.11.3 Edit Fonts... .......................................................................................... 113
4.12 Windows Font. . ............................................................................................ 114
4.12.1 Font Size .............................................................................................. 115
4.12.2 Font Selection....................................................................................... 115
4.12.3 Spacing Specification ........................................................................... 115
4.12.4 Text filed ............................................................................................... 115
4.13 Spline ............................................................................................................ 115
4.14 Bend Line ...................................................................................................... 117
4.14.1 Bending Angle ...................................................................................... 117
4.14.2 Bending Radius .................................................................................... 117
4.14.3 Use Sheet K Factor .............................................................................. 117 K Factor .......................................................................................... 118 Compensation ................................................................................ 118
4.14.4 Text Size............................................................................................... 118 Fixed Size....................................................................................... 118 Bending/Factor Size ....................................................................... 118 Scale Factor ................................................................................... 118
4.15 Edit Bend Line ............................................................................................... 118
4.16 Convert to Bend Line..................................................................................... 119

The Edit Menu .................................................................................................... 120

5.1 Undo.............................................................................................................. 120
5.2 Redo.............................................................................................................. 120
5.3 Deleting Entities and Objects ........................................................................ 120
Delete Last ........................................................................................... 120
Delete Entities ...................................................................................... 121
Delete CAMs ........................................................................................ 121
Delete Dims .......................................................................................... 121
Delete Help Lines ................................................................................. 121


5.4 Split ............................................................................................................... 121
5.5 Join................................................................................................................ 121
5.6 Chamfer......................................................................................................... 121
5.7 Fillet (Round Corner)..................................................................................... 122
Single Fillet ........................................................................................... 123
Contour Fillet ........................................................................................ 123
Fillet All Part ......................................................................................... 123
5.8 Trim ............................................................................................................... 123
5.9 Extend ........................................................................................................... 124
5.10 Notch ............................................................................................................. 124
5.10.1 Variation in Notches for Punch\Laser machines................................... 124
5.10.2 Corner Notch ........................................................................................ 125
5.10.3 Corner Notch with Bend Relief for Punch............................................. 125
5.10.4 Corner Notch with Bend Relief for Laser .............................................. 126
5.10.5 Corner Notch with Chamfer .................................................................. 126
5.10.6 Corner Notch with Bend Relief and Chamfer for Punch ....................... 127
5.10.7 Corner Notch with Bend Relief and Chamfer for Laser ........................ 127
5.10.8 Offset Rectangular Notch ..................................................................... 128
5.10.9 Offset Oval Notch ................................................................................. 129
5.10.10 Offset Round Notch .............................................................................. 129
5.10.11 Offset "V" Notch.................................................................................... 130
5.10.12 Double Corner Notch............................................................................ 131
5.10.13 Double Corner Notch with Bend Relief for Punch ................................ 132
5.10.14 Double Corner Notch with Bend Relief for Laser.................................. 132
5.11 Bend Relief.................................................................................................... 133
5.12 Change Attribute ........................................................................................... 133
5.13 Selection Filter............................................................................................... 134

The Transform Menu .......................................................................................... 135

6.1 Move.............................................................................................................. 135
Move Absolute...................................................................................... 135
Move Relative....................................................................................... 136
Move Part ............................................................................................. 137
6.2 Copy .............................................................................................................. 137
Copy Absolute ...................................................................................... 137
Copy Relative ....................................................................................... 137 Copy Progressive ........................................................................... 138
Copy Part.............................................................................................. 138
6.3 Rotate............................................................................................................ 138
The Rotate Command .......................................................................... 139
Rotate Part 90 degrees ........................................................................ 139


Drafting and Nesting


Rotate Part -90 degrees ....................................................................... 140

Rotate Part 180 degrees ...................................................................... 140

6.4 Mirror ............................................................................................................. 140

The Mirror Command ........................................................................... 140 Mirror Vertical Axis ......................................................................... 141 Mirror Horizontal Axis ..................................................................... 141 Mirror Both Axes ............................................................................. 141 User Defined Mirror ........................................................................ 142 Part Center Option.......................................................................... 142
Mirror Part Horizontally......................................................................... 142
Mirror Part Vertically ............................................................................. 142
6.5 Stretch ........................................................................................................... 142
6.6 Scale ............................................................................................................. 143
6.7 Array.............................................................................................................. 144
Rectangular Array................................................................................. 144
Circular Array........................................................................................ 145
Bevel Array ........................................................................................... 146
In Contour............................................................................................. 147
Convert Single Punches to Grids ......................................................... 147
6.8 Bottom Left to 0,0 .......................................................................................... 148
6.9 Set Reference as 0, 0.................................................................................... 148
6.10 Offset Contour ............................................................................................... 148
6.11 Smooth .......................................................................................................... 149
6.12 Part Array ...................................................................................................... 150
6.12.1 Number (of Parts) ................................................................................. 151
6.12.2 Dist Between Parts ............................................................................... 151
6.12.3 Directions.............................................................................................. 151
6.12.4 Convert Single Punches to Grid ........................................................... 151
6.12.5 Grouped Arrays Common Cut .............................................................. 152
6.13 Explode Multiple Part .................................................................................... 152

The Settings Menu ............................................................................................. 153

7.1 About Settings ............................................................................................... 153
Machine Settings .................................................................................. 153 Machine Tab................................................................................... 154 Machine .................................................................................... 154 Sheet ........................................................................................ 154 Offsets ............................................................................... 154 Part ........................................................................................... 155 Private Tool Library................................................................... 155 Machine Settings ...................................................................... 155 Machine Path ..................................................................... 156


cncKad Parts Path .......................................................................... 156 Machines Selection............................................................ 156 Machine Parameters.......................................................... 156 Current Machine.......................................................... 156 Turret........................................................................... 157 Laser ........................................................................... 157 Geometry..................................................................... 157 ID Char ........................................................................ 157 Directives..................................................................... 157 Edit Machine Files section ................................................. 157 Editing Machine Files .................................................. 157 Delete Old Sections..................................................... 158 Line Settings ...................................................................... 158 Backup Machines Directory ............................................... 158 Backup Machine Settings............................................ 158 Read Machines Settings from Backup ........................ 158 Machines Folder User Rights ................................................... 159 Folder Sharing ................................................................... 159 Machine Files Caching....................................................... 159 Setting Machine Folder User Rights Mode ........................ 159 Share / Stand Alone .................................................... 160 User Only .................................................................... 160 Update Local Machines' Folder Mode................. 160 Update Your Local Machines Folder Now........... 160 Master ......................................................................... 161 Creating the Repository ...................................... 161 Updating the Repository...................................... 161 Master Machines Folder .................................................... 162 Local Machines Folder....................................................... 162 Program Functions ................................................................... 162 Auto Tab ......................................................................................... 162 AutoNest ................................................................................... 163 Buffer ................................................................................. 163 Use Global................................................................... 163 Hole Buffer Size .......................................................... 163 Use Rectangular Border.............................................. 163 Use Part Border........................................................... 163 Mirror ................................................................................. 163 Direction............................................................................. 163 Auto Processing........................................................................ 163 Cutting Parameters tab................................................................... 164 Entry ......................................................................................... 164 Exit............................................................................................ 164 Corner Cutting Style ................................................................. 164


Drafting and Nesting Max Angle .......................................................................... 164 Cooling Time...................................................................... 165 Offsets ...................................................................................... 165 Piercing..................................................................................... 165 Methods ............................................................................. 165 User Defined Hole Diameter .............................................. 165 Position .............................................................................. 166 Functions .................................................................................. 166 Cutting Table ............................................................................ 166 Switch To Current .............................................................. 167 Sheet Parameters Display ................................................. 167 Material Type ..................................................................... 167 Material Thickness ............................................................. 167 Gas, Head and Lens .......................................................... 167 Copy/New .......................................................................... 167 Delete Parameters ............................................................. 168 Current Material Content.................................................... 168 Use Diameter For Contour Sizes ....................................... 168 Use Area For Contour Sizes .............................................. 169 Technological Cutting Parameters..................................... 169 Cutting options ............................................................ 169 Geometry options ........................................................ 169 General options ........................................................... 169 Piercing options........................................................... 169 Add Row...................................................................... 169 Delete Row.................................................................. 169 Beam Diameter......................................................................... 170 Contour Overlap ....................................................................... 170 Travel Gap ................................................................................ 170 Travel Speed ............................................................................ 170 Various Gap Parameters .......................................................... 170 Convert Plasma Table to cncKad ............................................. 170 NC Report Template Tab ............................................................... 171 Report Language ...................................................................... 171 File Name ................................................................................. 171 Edit Report Template................................................................ 172 Picture Size............................................................................... 172 Template Editors....................................................................... 172 Line Thickness.......................................................................... 172 Black/White............................................................................... 173 Sheet Processing Technology Tab................................................. 173 Tool's Processing Strategy ....................................................... 174 All Sheet ............................................................................ 174 Part .................................................................................... 174


cncKad Stripe ................................................................................. 175 Tools Section ............................................................................ 175 Optimization Strategy ............................................................... 175 Starting Corner................................................................... 175 Optimization Path............................................................... 175 Settings for Stripe ..................................................................... 176 Cut and Split Sheet Tab ................................................................. 177 Cut Sheet Section..................................................................... 177 Choosing Tools Option ...................................................... 177 Offset ................................................................................. 177 Split Skeleton Section............................................................... 177 Lines .................................................................................. 178 Sequence........................................................................... 178 Trim Sheet Tab............................................................................... 178 Reposition Tab ............................................................................... 178 Types of Reposition .................................................................. 179 Quantity .................................................................................... 179 Minimum Reposition .......................................................... 179 Minimum Part Breaks......................................................... 179 User Defined ...................................................................... 180 Max/Min Processing ................................................................. 180 Reposition Safety...................................................................... 180 Tool Reverse Order For Transformation/Reposition................. 181 Laser Optimization Tab .................................................................. 181
Workspace Settings.............................................................................. 182 Display Tab..................................................................................... 182 Dimension Type........................................................................ 182 Dimension Mode....................................................................... 182 Text Size................................................................................... 183 Arrow Size ................................................................................ 183 Show Arrow .............................................................................. 183 Decimal Digits........................................................................... 183 Right Align Text ........................................................................ 183 System Origin ........................................................................... 183 Black Background..................................................................... 183 Use Dash for Selected Entities ................................................. 183 Show All Dies For Tools ........................................................... 183 Rulers ....................................................................................... 184 Pins display............................................................................... 184 Material Tab.................................................................................... 184 Default Material......................................................................... 185 List of Materials.................................................................. 185 Sheet Type ........................................................................ 185 Sheet Thickness ................................................................ 186


Drafting and Nesting Edit Material.............................................................................. 186 Print ................................................................................... 186 Add Material....................................................................... 186 Edit Laser Technology Materials .............................................. 187 Adding Material .................................................................. 188 Deleting Material ................................................................ 188 Convert Materials...................................................................... 188 Sheet Database ........................................................................ 188 Material List........................................................................ 188 Thickness........................................................................... 188 Material + Thickness ID ..................................................... 188 Managing the Material Stock .................................................... 189 Standard Sizes ......................................................................... 189 Extended Table......................................................................... 190 User Data Tab ................................................................................ 190 Working Defaults Tab ..................................................................... 191 Two Letter Tool Definition......................................................... 191 Enable update of LASTSET...................................................... 191 Window with Drag..................................................................... 191 Report with Windows Font........................................................ 191 Editor Reloads Externally Modified File .................................... 192 Change Mouse Wheel Direction ............................................... 192 Use XP style ............................................................................. 192 Adjust punch parameters to current tool type ........................... 192 Minimize Rotation Auto Turn ON .............................................. 192 Notify after parts update ........................................................... 192 Never update NST files............................................................. 192 Ask before Punch Shape .......................................................... 193 Delete Stored Info .............................................................. 193 Send to Disk ............................................................................. 193 Decimal Digits........................................................................... 193 Bulge......................................................................................... 193 Tolerance.................................................................................. 194 Angle Tolerance........................................................................ 194 Post-Processor Options Tab .......................................................... 194 Use Macros............................................................................... 194 Automatic Testing of Common Cuts ......................................... 194 Automatically Remove Punches on Sheet Edge ...................... 195 Check For Not Processed Contours ......................................... 195 Warn If Processing In Y Smaller Than Dead Zone Y ............... 195 Prompt To Overwrite Existing NC File ...................................... 195 Report File Creation Options .................................................... 195 Update LASTSET ..................................................................... 195 Run Simulation After Post Processor ....................................... 196


cncKad Automatic Detection.................................................................. 196 Live Update tab .............................................................................. 197 Punch and Cut Warnings................................................................ 197 Warnings................................................................................... 197 Warn if Over Tonnage........................................................ 198 Warn if Punch Destroys Part.............................................. 198 Warn if No Station for Tool................................................. 198 Warn if Over Travel in Y..................................................... 198 Technological Limits Warnings ................................................. 198 Warn if Punch Less than 1.5 Tool...................................... 198 Warn if Punch Step Less than Thickness .......................... 198 Manual Reposition Warnings.................................................... 198 Warn if CAM in Clamp Dead Zone..................................... 198 Warn if CAM is out of X working Range............................. 198 Temporary disabling some of the warning messages .............. 198 DFT Text Tab ................................................................................. 199 Choose Your DFT Font Directory ............................................. 199 Space Between Letters............................................................. 199 Width of Space Char................................................................. 199 Max bulge ................................................................................. 199 Part Report Template Tab .............................................................. 199 CAD Link Options Tab.................................................................... 202 Bend Lines................................................................................ 202 Bend Lines tab................................................................................ 203
Report Settings..................................................................................... 203 File Format ..................................................................................... 204 Select the Machine ......................................................................... 205
Languages............................................................................................ 205
Set Font... ............................................................................................. 205
Set Working Units................................................................................. 205

The Nest Menu ................................................................................................... 207

8.1 Opening a Nest ............................................................................................. 207
Creating a New Nest ............................................................................ 207
Opening an Existing Nest ..................................................................... 209
8.2 Load and Place ............................................................................................. 209
Loading a Part ...................................................................................... 209
Placing a Part ....................................................................................... 210
8.3 Pick and Place............................................................................................... 210
8.4 Deleting a Part............................................................................................... 211
8.5 Moving a Part ................................................................................................ 211
Move Absolute...................................................................................... 211
Move Relative....................................................................................... 212


Drafting and Nesting

8.6 Nest Array ..................................................................................................... 212
Number (of parts) ................................................................................. 213
Dist. Between Parts .............................................................................. 213
Directions (X and Y) ............................................................................. 213
Grouped................................................................................................ 213
Grouped Array Common Cuts .............................................................. 214
Editing the Nest Array........................................................................... 214
8.7 Split array ...................................................................................................... 214
Original Array........................................................................................ 215
Split on X or Y dimension ..................................................................... 215
Distance between arrays ...................................................................... 215
Perform "Cut Sheet" between arrays.................................................... 216
8.8 Reposition and Transformation ..................................................................... 216
8.9 Set Part Order ............................................................................................... 216
Setting Order by Mouse........................................................................ 216
Setting Order by List............................................................................. 216
Auto................................................................................................... 216
8.10 Functions....................................................................................................... 216
8.11 Set Sheet and Clamps .................................................................................. 216
8.12 Nest Data ...................................................................................................... 216
8.12.1 User Data ............................................................................................. 217
8.12.2 Delete Part............................................................................................ 217
8.12.3 Edit Part................................................................................................ 217
8.13 Ask Part......................................................................................................... 218
8.14 Part Instance Data......................................................................................... 218
8.14.1 The Multi Head Tab .............................................................................. 219
8.14.2 The Part Unload Deposit tab ................................................................ 219
8.15 Explode to Sheet ........................................................................................... 220
8.16 Copy Part Contour to Sheet .......................................................................... 220
8.17 Update Parts ................................................................................................. 220
8.18 Split Skeleton ................................................................................................ 220
8.19 Tool Manipulation .......................................................................................... 221
8.19.1 Change Tool ......................................................................................... 221
8.19.2 Tools at 0 and 90............................................................................... 221

Estimation Menu................................................................................................. 223

9.1 Estimation Settings........................................................................................ 223
Preparations ......................................................................................... 225
Machine costs....................................................................................... 225
Other machines .................................................................................... 225
Bending ................................................................................................ 225


9.2 Cost Estimation ............................................................................................. 225
Estimation for Current Part ................................................................... 225 Preparations ................................................................................... 226 Material........................................................................................... 226 Cutting Machine.............................................................................. 226 Part Properties................................................................................ 227 Manufacture.................................................................................... 228 The Recalculate Button .................................................................. 228 Results............................................................................................ 228
Estimation for Generic Part .................................................................. 229 Generic Part Properties .................................................................. 230 The Reset Button............................................................................ 230 The Standard Part Button............................................................... 230
9.3 The Estimation Report................................................................................... 231
10 Index................................................................................................................... 234


Drafting and Nesting

1 cncKad Introduction
cncKad is a generator of Numerical Control programs for punch, laser, plasma, flame
and water cutting machines. The program includes several modules that come together
to create a complete CAD / CAM package for the sheet metal punching and cutting
industries. cncKad enables the user to design sheet metal flat pattern parts, place
punches or cuts upon the graphic entities, generate an NC program suited for the users
machine and simulate its running on the machine.
Graphic Creation CAD
This is a drawing module that enables the user to make 2D drawings of the sheet
metal flat pattern. Included in this module are all the drawing tools necessary for
creating the draft. There is a special emphasis on drawing tools, to aid in the
design of sheet metal parts. For instance, special commands for creating shapes
that are common to the sheet metal industry, or commands for creating
Graphic Creation CAM
This module enables the user to graphically punch or cut the sheet metal parts
drawn in the CAD stage of cncKad, or imported into cncKad from other drafting
packages. Within this module the user can select tools from the libraries and
place the tools on the entities, as well as automatically punch or cut the graphics.
Every sort of cutting is supported, including single cuts, nibbling, crunching, grids,
Post Processing
This module creates the actual NC code that will be suited to your machine. All
the special machine related codes are used when necessary. In addition the user
has complete control over the program, for instance tools used, stations used,
punching and cutting order, etc.
This module allows the user to simulate the running of the program, as it will be
run on the machine. The user can set the speed of the simulation and other
parameters for checking the code. Any interference with machine parts, such as
clamps is automatically avoided or warned of.


The Users Interface

Upon entering cncKad, the user will be presented with the screen shown below. As you
can see, most of the menu options and toolbars are disabled.
At this stage the file load options are available, enabling the user to load an existing file,
start a new drawing or import a drawing from another CAD package. For further
information on the files options within cncKad, refer to the Working with Files section
of File Menu chapter in this manual.


The top-most line on this screen, the title line, shows the current version of cncKad, the
name of the file currently loaded and the name of the presently used machine.
Under the title bar, at the top of the screen there is the menu bar. On this bar there are
several menu options. Most of the commands used in cncKad can be found within them.
For a lot of the menu options there are toolbars and shortcut keyboard commands, that
enable the user to execute a command much quicker than accessing it through the
menu options.
Below the menu bar are the Toolbars. A toolbar consists of a number of icons that
execute a specific command. Each toolbar contains a different category of command.
For instance, there is a toolbar that deals with the drawing of different shapes, or a
toolbar for deleting different types of Entity, etc. The toolbars can be moved, floated,
docked or be closed. How this is achieved you will find further in this chapter.
At the left of the screen is the State Bar from this bar the user can select different
options that affect the status of the currently loaded part. For instance, the display of
different types of Entity, the positioning of punches on entities, tools loaded, etc:
The bottom line is called the prompt line. On this line the program informs the user of
the input required, and how to continue with the command sequence.
The main area of the cncKad screen is the graphics port. It is within this area that all
the graphics that you wish to display and create are shown. In this space, all interaction
with the program will take place. At the bottom and on the right of this port are two scroll
bars. These bars are used for panning the current drawing.
For an explanation of panning go to Pan Realtime section in this chapter.


Using Toolbars

In cncKad there are many default toolbars. They allow quicker access to cncKad
commands. The user can customize them as well as create specified toolbars by

Drafting and Nesting

Each Toolbar is devoted to a different aspect of the program. For instance, one toolbar
deals with the creation of entities, and another one is related to various types of CAMs,
which might be placed on these entities.
The Toolbars can be turned On and Off, placed in distinctive positions on the screen,
docked to a part of the cncKad screen and their size and attributes can be changed.
These are the cncKad toolbars:

Below you will find a listing of the toolbars and the commands, accessible from them:


The Standard Toolbar

From this toolbar, the user can access options dealing with file management:

These options are (from left to right):

Create new DFT file
Open existing DFT file
Create new Nesting
Open existing Nesting
Import CAD file
Save current file

Print file
Run Parametric File
Open Order File
Open Auto Nest application
Export to Auto Nest
For complete explanation of various features appearing here, go to File Menu chapter of
this manual.


The Common Toolbar

This toolbar contains most commonly used features dealing with part processing.

These options are (from left to right):

Change Language
Measure Point to Point
Measure from Base Point
Change Attribute
Auto Punch
Add Punch
Auto Cut
Cut Open Contour
Add Cut
Add Shear
Used Tools
Set Sheet and Clamps
Create Code NC
Turrets Setups
Windows Font
Display Help
Workspace Settings
More information on the features placed on this toolbar you will find in present manual as
well as in CAM Menu chapter of Laser or Punch Manual.


The Zoom Toolbar

This toolbar allows user for manipulating the part and sheet display.

Drafting and Nesting

These options are (from left to right):
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Zoom Part
Zoom Sheet
Zoom Window
Zoom Previous
Zoom Next
Zoom Realtime
Pan Realtime
Multi Colored Tools
Fill Tools
More information on this toolbar's features you will find on further pages of this chapter.


The Help Lines Toolbar

The features of this toolbar are very useful in creating drafts.

These options are (from left to right):

Help Line at defined distance
Help Line through selected point
Perpendicular Help Line
Help Line by Absolute Angle
Help Line by Relative Angle
Help Line through two points
Vertical Help Line
Horizontal Help Line
For the complete explanation of these options, refer to the Help Lines section in the
Drawing Entities chapter of this manual.


The Select Option Toolbar

This toolbar is very helpful by selecting different objects, such as entities, shapes, help
lines and CAMs.

These options are (from left to right):

Single Selection

In Contour
Out Contour
Previous Selection
Toggle Filter On/Off
Set Selection Filter
For a full explanation concerning these functions, refer to Selection Options section of
this chapter.


The Shapes Toolbar

From this toolbar the user can access the commands for creating shapes on the part.

These options are (from left to right):

Line, Auto-Snap
Parallel by distance
Parallel through point
Draw Arc using 3 Points
Trapeze (Connector)
Banana Shape
Shape List
Draw Arc using 2 Points, Radius
Draw Arc using Center, Radius, 2 Angles
Draw Arc using 2 Points, Included Angle
Draw Arc using Point, Center, Included Angle
Draw Arc using Tangent, Tangent, Radius
For a complete information of these features go to the to Drawing Shapes section of
Drawing Entities chapter in this manual.

Drafting and Nesting


The Delete Toolbar

This toolbar is functional for choosing the proper feature with which we want to remove
specific element from the part whether it is a Help Line, Text or Dimension, CAM or
any other Entity.

These options are (from left to right):

Delete Entities
Delete CAMs
Delete Dimensions
Delete Help Lines
More information on these features you will find in Deleting Entities and Objects
section of Edit Menu chapter. Since the usage of this toolbar is related to Select Option
toolbar, it is advisable to look over the Selection Option section of this chapter.


The Edit Toolbar

The commands you can find on this toolbar are meant for editing entities.

These options are (from left to right):

Fillet (Round) Corner
Bend Relief
For more information on these features, go to Edit Menu chapter of this manual.


The Transform Toolbar

The functions of this toolbar are very functional for transforming entities.

These options are (from left to right):

Move Entities
Copy Entities
Rotate Entities
Mirror Entities
Stretch Entities

Offset Contour
Bottom Left -> 0,0
Set Reference Point as 0,0
Rotate Part 90
Rotate Part 90
Rotate Part 180
Mirror Part Horizontally
Mirror Part Vertically
For more information on these features, go to Transform Menu chapter of this manual.


The CAM Toolbar

From this toolbar it is possible to access commonly used commands for processing the

These options are (from left to right):

Reposition and Transformation
Add Microjoint
Edit Offsets
Edit CAM
Set Tool Sequence
Create Common Cuts
Cut Sheet
Add CAM Functions
Edit CAM Functions
Change the punching tool of a processed entity
Unload Part
Restore Default Clamps
For more information referring to these functions, go to the CAM Menu chapter of Punch
or Laser Manual.


The Punch Toolbar

This toolbar offers the user a few additional commands useful for punching entities.

These options are (from left to right):

Set Uni-Directional
Reset to Bi-Directional
Set Last-Hit-On-Center

Drafting and Nesting

More information on this features you will find in Punch Manual chapter of Punch


The Cut Toolbar

From this toolbar the user can access the commands commonly used when cutting

These options are (from left to right):

Edit Contour Entry
Engrave Text
Engrave Entities
Cut Text
Edit Corner Parameters
Set Corner Parameters
Connect Cuts
Disconnect Cuts
Cutting Technology Table
Add Pierce
Order Parts by mouse
For complete explanation on the above mentioned topics refer to Laser Manual chapter
of Laser Manual.


The Nest Toolbar

This toolbar is being displayed only when you are working with NST (nesting) file. Then
all the other irrelevant toolbars are hidden.

These options are (from left to right):

Load and Place
Pick and Place
Move Part
Delete Part
Nest array
Ask Part
Get Instance Data
Order Parts (on nesting) by mouse
For more information on features shown here go to Nest Menu chapter of this manual.


The Dimension Toolbar

From this toolbar the user can access the Dimensions commands.


These options are (from left to right):

Add Dimension or Text
Draw Linear Dimension
Draw Radius Dimension
Draw Diameter Dimension
Draw Angle Dimension
Global Dimensions Update
Edit Dimension Text
Move Dimension
For complete explanation on these features go to Drawing Entities chapter of this


The File Options Toolbar

The commands of this toolbar are commonly used for manipulating files.

These options are (from left to right):

Print Preview
Edit NC
Send to machine (DNC)
Insert Sub-Part
Save Sub-Part
For more information on these features go to File Menu chapter of this manual.


The CAD Link Toolbar

This toolbar allows user to import 3D models from external CAD systems.

These options are (from left to right):

For detailed explanation of these features refer to CAD Link section of File Menu
chapter in this manual.
These options are only available if CAD Link is enabled for your cncKad seat.


The Bend Lines Toolbar

The commands of this toolbar are being useful for manipulating the Bend Lines.

Drafting and Nesting

These options are (from left to right):

Bend Line
Edit Bend Line
Convert to Bend Line
More information on these features you will find in Bend Line section of Drawing Entities
chapter of this manual.


The Tubes Toolbar

This toolbar allows user to Process Tubes.

More information on cutting tubes you will find in the Tube Cutting in cncKad section of
the Appendix chapter of Punch or Laser manual.


Using the Menus

All menu options are accessed by moving the mouse to the desired menu category and
clicking on the left mouse button.
The chosen menu category will open and the user will be able to pick the desired option,
As you can see on the above example, menu options that cant be used at present
moment are disabled, and cant be clicked.
In some cases, there are submenus. To open them place the cursor on the menu
symbol and click the left mouse button. The submenu will
selection, followed by a
open and the user will be able to choose a needed command.
In order to activate menu commands, you can also use the keyboard:
Pressing <Alt> key, activates menu options; to navigate them manually use the
cursor keys.
When you will press and then <Alt> key and then <N> key, the Notch dialog will
open. The full list of keyboard shortcuts for cncKad you will find further in
Keyboard Shortcuts section of this chapter.
On the next pages you will find all the menus, their options, and a short explanation of
each command accessed through menus. In a way it is a quick reference to the different
commands in cncKad.


The File Menu

From this menu, the user can access all the options that deal with file management. For
a complete explanation of the various features, see the File Menu chapter of this




The Edit Menu

From this menu, the user can access all the options, dealing with editing entities:


Drafting and Nesting

For a full explanation on these commands relating to editing entities, see the Edit Menu
chapter of this manual.


The View Menu

This menu is used to manipulate the way in which the part and the whole cncKad
screen are being displayed:



For a full explanation on the above listed commands, see the View Menu chapter of this


The Draw Menu

In this menu you will see features available for creating new entities:


Drafting and Nesting

For a full explanation of the commands listed here, go to Drawing Entities chapter of
this manual.


The Transform Menu

This menu is used for transforming existing entities.

For a full explanation of the commands listed here, go to Transform Menu chapter of
this manual.


The CAM Menu

This menu is used for adding CAMs to the part, editing them and defining parameters
and definitions that will be used when creating the NC code.



More information on this menu's features you will find in CAM Menu chapter of Punch or
Laser Manual.


The Nest Menu

This menu is used for nesting parts on a sheet.


Drafting and Nesting

The functions presented here are precisely described in the Nest Menu chapter of this


The Tools Menu

This menu deals with the manipulation and creation of Tools that can be used for
punching. With the help of the features listed here the user can create turret setups.

For more information on this menu go to Tools Menu of Punch Manual.


The Estimation Menu

From this menu (if this module is avialable for your workstation) you will be able to
estimate production costs for your parts.

For more information on this menu go to Estimation Menu chapter of this manual.




The Settings Menu

From this menu you can set the various parameters governing the behaviors of your

For a complete explanation of the various features, see the Settings Menu chapter of
this manual.


The Help Menu

This menu allows the user to receive online help on any aspect of the program, as well
as Send Problem Reports to our Support Team, in case there would be some problems
with operating cncKad:

cncKad Help

This option opens the Online Help of cncKad.

Context Help

Allows you to receive specific Help about any feature of the system click this option
and then the feature you are interested in getting information about; the appropriate
section of the Help will open.

Play cncKad Movies

Choosing this option you will be able to select various cncKad movies, presenting the
most common functions, features and procedures of our software.

Send Problem Report

This option allows a user to report us about his problems occurring in cncKad and
makes it easier for us to resolve them.
If you might want to Configure your Windows system for sending Problem Reports,
you should consult an appropriate section of Appendix chapter of Punch or Laser


Purpose of this feature

Drafting and Nesting

During your work with cncKad, it may happen that you encounter a problem or wish to
make a suggestion for inclusion in the future versions. This can be anything from a
feature that does not perform as it should, to a comment about an icons picture not
being relevant to its action.
If this happens, we would like to hear about it one of the major driving forces behind
new developments is user feedback.
To make contact with us as easy as possible, we have introduced the Problem Report;
despite its name, this Report can be used for any type of information you wish to convey
to us.
When you encounter a problem, the natural reaction is to want it be resolved
For us to do this, we need to Reproduce the problem; this means recreating the exact
conditions under which the problem occurred, by mirroring your system and loading the
part file you where using at the time.
To do this, we need information about your system configuration operating system,
cncKad version, machine configuration (such as MDL, Turret and Tool files), and quite a
lot more.
This is where the Problem Report comes in. When you create a new Report, cncKad
automatically includes in it all the files necessary for us to mirror your system, and in
addition enables you to add any files you think will help us to understand the issue, such
as screen captures.

Sending a Problem Report

To send a Problem Report, simply select this option:
Saving the current file
Usually, you will want to send a Report while working on a specific file; so before
sending the Report you should Save it this way we will get an exact copy:
Step 1 Problem Description
The first step is describing why you are sending this Report a short summary. Next,
select from the drop-down menu what Type of issue this is:



Then, you will see two tabs: Description and Reproduce.

Description use this text box to give description of the issue as comprehensive
as possible:

Reproduce the most vital piece of information is how the problem came about,
and how often it does. Use the Reproduced drop-down menu and the text box
below it to provide a step-by-step procedure for finding the problem. The more
complete the description, the easier it will be to reproduce the problem:
Step 2 Personal Data
After you send the Problem Report, you would probably like us to respond provide a fix
or a workaround. In order for this to happen, you should supply as many details as
possible for contacting you.
You will only have to do this once check the Always use this info option at the bottom
of the dialog, and this information will be saved for future use.


Drafting and Nesting
Step 3 Reduced Problem Report
The problem report can be sent for Current Machine Only, or for All Machines,
depending on which option you will choose from this dialog:
Current Machine Only the information on the current machine only will be sent
to cncKad Support Team. This option reduces the size of the attached file and
makes it easier to send.
All Machines the information an all machines that are installed on your
working station will be sent to cncKad Support Team.
Step 4 Instruction
This is where you can add any additional file that you think will help us to solve the
problem screen captures showing exactly what is wrong, a 3D model if you are using
the CAD Link module, etc.


Sending and Saving the Report File
After clicking the Finish button, the following dialog will open, showing three options:

Send Report by E-mail now If your system is already configured to send

emails (regarding this configuration see the Configuring your system to send
Problem Reports section of Punch Manual) click OK button. A control message,
shown below, will appear:

Press Send button and the report will be sent. If you changed your mind you can still
resign from sending the report by pressing Do Not Send button.
Open Containing Folder If for some reason you cannot send emails from your
current PC (for example if this is a shop-floor seat with no internet access), you

Drafting and Nesting


should select this option. After clicking OK button a new window will open with
the Report file already selected. All you have to do is save this file to a diskette,
transfer it to a PC with e-mail capability, and send it to us as an attachment to the
following address:
Save 'report.mpr' choosing this option and browsing for destination directory
you will be able to save the Problem Report at any location of your choice.

The State Bar

The State Bar is a Panel at the left of the cncKad screen. From this bar the user can
set different system parameters that relate to the display of entities on the screen.


The Snap Button

When creating a draft, you want your drawing to be as accurate as possible. The drafts
that you will create will be later translated into CNC programs, where every tenth of a
millimeter is crucial.


Therefore choosing using snap features will be required, since it is very helpful in finding
the exact placing positions, especially for placing Help Lines.
Snapping allows you to connect the start of a line to the endpoint of another line, or to
place a circle at the intersection of two lines, or to start a new line at the center of a
circle, etc.

Snapping Options

Whenever you have to locate a position on the part or on the sheet, with the help of the
snap options you will be able to place the cursor at an exact position.
When the Snap Button is pressed, the following menu is being displayed:

Snap Intersection

This causes the cursor to jump to the closest intersection between two entities. It is good
to remember, that an entity can be a line, an arc or a circle.
You can also activate this feature pressing F7 function key on the keyboard.

Snap End

This will cause the cursor to snap to the closest end of the entity nearest to the cursor.
You can also activate this feature pressing F9 function key on the keyboard.

Snap Center

This option causes the cursor to snap to the center of the entity, nearest to the cursor.
You can also activate this feature pressing F10 function key on the keyboard.

Snap Auto

This means that all the previously mentioned methods of snap are available and the
system will automatically determine which snap position is the closest one to the cursor.
You can also activate this feature pressing F11 function key on the keyboard.

Snap Perpendicular

Choosing this option the cursor will snap perpendicularly to the nearest intersecition of
two entities.
This function can by also activated by pressing Alt+F6 key shortcut.

Snap Tangent

After we will choose this option the cursor will snap to nearest tangent between line and
arc or line and circle.


Drafting and Nesting

This function can by also activated by pressing Alt+F7 key shortcut.

Snap Part

After choosing this option the cursor will snap to nearest part.
This function can by also activated by pressing Alt+F8 key shortcut.

No Snap

This option allows the user to determine the coordinates of the cursor position by
himself. This is useful if you wish to place a shape or sub-part using freehand.
You can also activate this feature pressing F12 function key on the keyboard.

Snap Nearest

The cursor snaps to the nearest position on the nearest entity.

This function can by also activated by pressing Alt+F9 key shortcut.

Two Entities Intersection

Here the cursor will be snapped to the intersection of two chosen entities or to their
extrapolated intersection, if the two entities do not actually meet. The snap will not occur
until both entities are chosen.
The procedure is simple:
Choose an entity to place (circle, rectangle, etc.).
Pick Two Entities Intersection from the Snap menu.
Click the two entities you want to intersect
The result will be:

This function can by also activated by pressing Alt+F10 key shortcut.


The Dim Button

This button enables toggling the display of Dimensions. It can be used when the Mode
button is in any state.


The Proc Button

This button allows the user to toggle the display of tooling, whilst in the CAD mode. If
you are in CAM or Sheet mode (see: Mode button) you won't be able to hide the tooling.




The Side Button

The Side button enables the user to select the way of placing the punch on selected
entity. This button has three states:
Auto the CAM will be placed automatically on the correct side of the entity.
Side the tooling will be placed on the side of entity indicated by a user.
Tip the center of the punch will be placed on top of the line.


The Index Button

This option is for machines with Auto Index stations, and allows for tool rotation. This
button has to states:
On In this state, the currently selected tool will rotate itself to the angle of the
line selected. There are usually only a few rotating stations on most machines,
therefore you should be careful not to use more rotating tools than you have
stations for.
Off In this state, the tool will be placed on the selected line at the angle that
was defined for the tool within the tool library. If this angle is incorrect for the line
selected, a warning will appear giving the user the option to cancel the punching
procedure or to continue.


The Mode Button

This button toggles between the states of drawing - CAD, tooling (punching, cutting) CAM, or viewing the Sheet - SHEET.
CAD mode will be turned off if you will switch to CAM mode of cncKad. The CAD lines
are placed behind the tooling, so as to display the tooling in the foreground. Entities that
dont have tooling placed on them will be displayed as normal.


The Sheet/Part Button

This option allows displaying entities that apply to the Sheet or the Part, depending on
which Mode is on.
When you are in the CAM mode (see: Mode button), the Sheet button will be displayed
and you will be able to switch between viewing tooling and entities existing on the Sheet,
instead of the Part.
While in Sheet mode, the Part button will be accessible and you will be able to toggle
the Part details.


The Cursor Port

Here the current coordinates of the cursor are being displayed.


Select Color Button

Pressing the color button allows you to select the color of the drawing line, which you
are placing on your draft.


Drafting and Nesting


Select Line Button

Pressing the line button allows you to select the format style of the drawing line, which
you are placing on your draft.

Only continuous lines (the first option) will be recognized as a contour.


The Machine Button

This button allows the user to select the current machine, provided there is more than
one machine installed.


The Tool Port

Shows a graphic representation of the currently selected Tool (T), and indicates the Tool
Number (if different than 0) and the Tool Station.


The Tool Selection Button

This button allows the user to open the Tool Library and select a Tool from there.
There is a significant difference between accessing this dialog from here and from the
Tool Menu => Edit Tool Library, when it comes to tools selection. Entering this dialog
through tool selection button of the State Bar, you will be able to select a few tools at a
time, holding the Shift or Ctrl keys. This is very useful, and pertains to adding tools to
(or deleting them from) a private tools library.
Another difference between the dialog opened from here and in Tool Menu => Edit Tool
Library is that the one you access from here, you view see and will be able to change
Setup File, if appropriate, and choose desired tool from it.




The Used Tools List

This section shows the tools used in processing the current draft. When one of the tools
is selected, all the CAMs made with this tool will be highlighted on the draft.


Keyboard Shortcuts

Many of the cncKad commands have keyboard shortcuts. This means that they can be
executed quickly by pressing on a combination of keys on the keyboard. The following
list shows all the shortcuts to cncKad commands:


Drafting and Nesting


Entity Masking

There are four types of Entity Masking that can be toggled On and Off:
Graphic drawing (CAD)
Tooling (punches, cuts) (CAM)


Sheet / Part
Dimensions and Text
For more explanation on each of them, refer to appropriate sections of this chapter,
described above, in State Bar section.


Selection Options

At certain stages in the drawing process, you will be requested to select entities.
Depending on what you are doing at the time, you may want to select single or multiple
entities. This section will help you to choose proper selection option.


Selecting an Entity

In order to select an entity, there is no need to place the cursor directly over the entity
it is enough to place the cursor close to the entity and click on the left mouse button.
A selected entity will change its color from white to blue. Selecting an already marked
entity (blue one) will deselect that entity and revert it back to white color.
If the screen is crowded with entities, it is advisable to Zoom in to insure we choose the
correct entity. The more you magnify the view, the more accurate your work will be and
you will waste less time on reverting mistakes that could be avoided.


Selection Methods

When you are asked to choose an entity, Select Option Toolbar opens and allows you
to use one of the several selection methods, presented there:

After marking the entity, remember to confirm the action by pressing Enter.
All the methods available and the descriptions of their actions will be displayed on
Status Bar:

Single Selections

If you want to select (or deselect) an individual entity, place the cursor close to the entity
and click on the left mouse button. When you have finished selecting, confirm the action
pressing Enter.
To return to this option after using one of the other selection options, click the


Clicking the
icon, or pressing A key on the keyboard (this applies accordingly to all
other letter icons, described further) will automatically select all the entities in the


Clicking the
icon will allow you to select a specific contour. Clicking the cursor on
another contour will mark it too.


Drafting and Nesting

A contour to be selected it does not have to be closed it can also be a chain of lines.

In Contour

Clicking the
icon and then clicking the contour will select all the entities inside this
contour, but not the contour itself.

Out Contour

Clicking the
icon followed by clicking a contour will select all the entities outside this
contour, but not the contour itself.


Clicking the
icon will select the last entities chosen while using a previous command.
This means, for instance, that if before you selected a group of entities to copy (and you
copied them) and now you wish to mirror the original selection, you don't have to choose
the entities again, but using Previous selection command will mark them automatically.


Clicking the
icon will initialize selection with a window.
You have to select two points for the corners of the selection window, by clicking at the
first position and then moving the mouse to the second position and clicking a second
time. For better understanding, see the following example:

As you move the mouse the window will grow and shrink, in relation to the mouse
Clicking the

Filter On/Off
icon will switch the Selection Filter On or Off.



Filter Settings

Clicking the
icon will open the Selection Filter dialog. There you will be able to set
parameters for choosing the objects according to their color or type of line, while using
the selection options (All, Window, etc.)
Simply check the options you want and only these parameters will be taken into account
upon selection:

For example, for the above filter definitions only lines and circles that are both yellow
and dashed will be selected.

Entity Type

Here you can choose the type of entities to be selected.


In this section of the dialog you can choose the color of the entities that will be selected.

Line Type

In this section of the dialog you can choose the line type of the entities to be selected.


Positioning with Different Coordinate Systems

There are several methods to place entities on a drawing and reach coordinate positions
within cncKad. As explained in the Snap Button section, the user can jump to selected
entities at specific positions.
The user can also use two different coordinate systems to place entities. These systems
The Absolute method
The Relative method
The Polar method
In all three methods, the user can choose a Reference Point, by clicking the Select Ref
Point button.
Use of the absolute, relative and polar positioning options coupled with the use of the
Snapping options and Help Lines provide a complete set of tools to enable the user to
easily find any position on the drawing.


Positioning Using the Absolute Method

When positioning an entity such as a circle, or a shape, or a line, the user can press the
spacebar and receive the following dialog.


Drafting and Nesting

This dialog allows the user to enter a coordinate position. The X Pos and Y Pos relate to
the bottom left corner of the drawing - this is usually the bottom left corner of the part.
The X=0 and Y=0 position is represented by a purple dashed line, similar to the one
shown on the left. Any coordinate position entered will be relative to this position.
After entering the X and Y coordinates, click on the Apply button. The shape will be
placed at the absolute position defined.


Positioning Using the Relative Method

Positioning using the relative method is similar to the absolute method in as much as the
same dialog is used. When positioning an entity, press the space bar. The dialog shown
above will be displayed. To use the relative positioning method, click the Relative radio
button as shown.

The user must now select the relative X=0 and Y=0 positions. This is achieved by
clicking on the Select Ref Point button. When this button is clicked, the dialog will
disappear and the user will be able to snap to a position with use of the cursor. As soon
as the user has selected a position the dialog will re-appear, allowing the user to enter a
coordinate position relative to the user defined zero. When the X and Y positions have
been defined, click on the Apply button - the entity will be placed at the defined position.
The new position defined will now become the relative Zero and any coordinates entered
will relate to this position.


Positioning Using the Polar Method

Positioning using the polar method is similar to the other methods. When positioning an
entity, press the Space bar. The dialog shown below will be displayed:



A length (L) and an angle (Ang) can then be entered.

The object will be placed relative to the current reference point, displaced by the entered
length and angle.


Drafting and Nesting

2 The File Menu

All the file options can be found in the File menu and some of them on the Standard

There are several categories of file operations, which we will so discover on the pages of
this manual.


Working with files

In this section we will introduce you to a few important issues you should know before
you start working with files.




File Names

Because cncKad has to take into consideration the machine on which the program we
create is going to run, there are some restrictions in file names, which have to be taken
into account.
Working in newer Windows systems allows the user to give long file names consisting of
spaces, but because many machines still work with the old style DOS file name
conventions, the DOS format has been retained for file names.
Therefore, the file names of native cncKad files must follow the rules of DOS file names:
The name of the file can be up to eight characters long and can contain letters or
The extension is three characters long - there is no need to give the extension cncKad adds it automatically depending on the file type being saved.
The file name and the extension are separated by a dot.


File Types

There are several types of files that are used in cncKad, the following is a list of some of
these files:
DFT files - cncKad part files (includes Drawing and Punches / Cuts).
TUB files - cncKad Tube files
NST files - cncKad nesting files.
?NC files - Machine (G-Codes) files, (the question mark is replaced by a letter
depending on the machine you have).


Opening Existing Part

There are several ways of loading existing part files into cncKad.
From the File menu click on the Open Part option.
Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O.
From the Standard Toolbar click on the Open Part icon All these options will load the Open Part dialog.

On the left side of the dialog you will see a list of the .DFT files in the current directory,
while on the right side you will see a preview of the part in the selected file.


Drafting and Nesting

When previewing the files, you have two ways to manipulate the display:
The Hide Preview button will hide or reveal the graphic preview of the files.
The Hide CAM button will hide or reveal the parts processing, if it has any.


Creating New Part

New part files can be started in any one of several ways:

From the File menu select the New Part option.
Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N
Click the New Part icon on the Standard Toolbar.
In all cases, the New Part dialog will be displayed.

Select the directory where you wish to place the new part, by clicking on the directory
icon in the listing. Type-in the name of the file that you wish to create in the File name
field, and press the Save button. If a file with the same name already exists in the
currently selected directory, you will have the option to overwrite the existing file with the
new one, or to re-enter the file name for the last.
When installing cncKad for the first time, the default directory for the parts is:
If you are upgrading from cncKad DOS, this path will be: C:\CNC
The base path for the parts is set in the Settings => Machine Settings =>
Machine tab => Machine Settings.
After clicking the Save button, you will have the option of defining several parameters
from within the following dialog:



Within this dialog you can set the dimensions of the part, choose the material, sheet
thickness, sheet type and the way in which the program should be run.
The Material options and the Sheet Thickness are taken from the Sheet Database, and
the data displayed in Technology Table section and the default settings of Technology
Parameters section (available for Laser Machines only) are taken from the Cutting
Technology Table.
The User Data tab is optional. If it is filled out, the data will be saved with the part file
and used later in the Report File. After pressing the OK button, the new part will be
created, and a rectangle at the defined size of the part will be displayed on the screen.


Saving Files

Like the previous commands, there are several methods of saving files:
From the File Menu select the Save option.
Click on the keyboard shortcut combination of Ctrl+S.


From the Standard Toolbar click on the Save icon -

Convert to NST File

This option allows the user to convert the current DFT file into a NST and permits
opening it in the same window. After the conversion is done you be shown the following


Drafting and Nesting

The NST file will receive the DFT file name, just with the appropriate extension.


Run Parametric File

This option Runs the Parametric File for the current Part.


Open Order File

This option opens an Order File (PPO) for running parametric files.


Creating and Inserting Sub-Parts

Sub-Parts are partial or complete part files that can be saved and imported into any
other part file. For instance - there might be a combination of holes that repeats itself in
many of your part files. You can create a part with this configuration of holes and then
use the Insert Sub-Part option to load those holes into the current part.


Inserting a Sub-Part

A Sub-Part is any Part file (DFT) that has been created and saved in cncKad. Changes
in the original sub-part will not automatically update any instance of that sub-part in other
parts; therefore, once you have inserted a sub-part, it will not be influenced by outside
From the File menu select the Insert Sub Part option. The "Open Part" dialog will be
displayed. Select the directory and file to load and press the Open button. An outline of
the part to be loaded will be displayed in blue and dragged with the mouse. If this is not
the part that you want to load, press Esc and the command will be canceled.
You can manipulate the sub-part in the following ways:

M = Mirror - Pressing the "M" key will mirror the part. The mirrored part will
replace the image displayed on the cursor. The first time that you press M, the
part will be mirrored across the X-axis. The second time that M is pressed, the
part will be mirrored across the Y-axis. If you press M a third time, the part will be
mirrored across the X and Y-axis. Pressing M a fourth time will return the image
to its original position.
S = Shift - Pressing the S key will cause the cursor to shift itself from the center
of the part to the bottom left corner of the part. This allows the user to place the
part by using the corner where the cursor is as a reference point. Pressing S
again will move the cursor to the bottom right corner. Continuing to press S will
move the cursor to the top corners and then back to the center of the part.
O= Offset - When the O key is pressed, the user is presented with the following



If you enable this option and define an Offset, the part will be placed in the Nest
using this offset.
This offset will be used for placing all future sub-parts, as long as this option is
enabled. To stop using this option, re-open this dialog and un-check the
Offset Mode checkbox.

R = Rotate - With this option you can define a rotation angle for the part that you
are placing on the sheet.

Enter the rotation angle in degrees and click the OK button. The part will appear
rotated by the defined angle.
A = Arcs - This is simply a toggle that turns on and off the display of the arcs on
the sub-part. With the arcs turned off the time taken to regenerate the picture is
much shorter, therefore speeding up the positioning of the part.
+/- = Rotate CCW/CW This command will rotate the sub-part slowly, by small
angles in one of the two directions: If you press the (+) key the sub-part will be
rotated CCW (counter clockwise), if you press the (-) key it will be rotated CW

Having set the above options, click the mouse or press Enter at the desired location.
You can also press the Space bar and define a coordinate position for the sub-part, as
described in the Positioning with Different Coordinate Systems section in the
Introduction chapter of this Manual.
When you do one of these two options the following dialog will be opened:


Drafting and Nesting

Here you have the option to cancel the positioning by pressing on Esc or clicking No
button, or to finalize it by pressing Enter or clicking Yes. When you press Yes the part
will be placed at the selected location.
Once placed, you can place more of the selected part with the same definitions as the
previous part, or press Esc to exit the Insert Sub-Part command. You can also use the
Move and Copy options for a part once it has been placed.
Any dimensions or CAMs that were placed on the Sub-Part will be inserted along with
the part. These entities can be displayed by clicking the appropriate display button, i.e.
Proc.=ON and Dim=ON.


Saving a Sub-Part

From the File menu, select the Save Sub-Part command, (there must be graphic
elements displayed on the screen at this stage). The following prompt will appear on the
Status Bar:
These are the cncKad "global entity selection" options. For a complete explanation on
these options, go to the Selection Options section in Introduction chapter of this
Select the entities that you wish to save as a sub-part and press Enter to confirm your
The Save New Part dialog will be displayed. Select the directory where you wish to save
the sub-part, give it a name and press the Save button. The sub-part will be saved.
Note the following:
Entities selected to be part of a sub-part are in no way affected by this selection
Sub-parts are saved in the cncKad drawing file format, DFT. This enables them
to be loaded as part files.
Entities selected to be saved as a sub-part can have CAM processing on them.
Inserting sub-parts with CAM already placed on them, will in no way affect that
It is advisable to save your sub-parts in a separate directory where they can be
easily found at a later stage.
After closing the Save dialog, you are still in the Save sub-Part command. You can
continue and save more Sub-Parts or press Esc to exit the command.


Auto Nest

If this option is available, it launches the Auto Nest program.



2.10 Export to Auto Nest

This option can be used only if the Auto Nest option is available. To use this option, you
should have a NST file loaded in cncKad. Select the Export to Auto Nest option and
the Auto Nest screen will open with the current file loaded.

2.11 Post Processing

The Post-Process option enables the creation of the NC code. You can also access this
button from the Common Toolbar.
feature by pressing the
More information on this feature you will find in NC Program Creation chapter of Punch
or Laser Manual.

2.12 Send to Diskette

This option allows the NC code to be copied to a diskette.

2.13 Send to Machine

This option allows NC codes to be transmitted to the machine.

2.14 Simulation
This option opens the simulation of part's NC code, in a new window.
For more information on this subject, go to Simulation chapter of Punch or Laser

2.15 Edit NC
When you choose this option, the Editor opens, allowing you to edit the current NC code
As you notice the editor distinguishes various sections and keys and uses different
colors for different commands.


Drafting and Nesting

2.16 Importing Files into cncKad

All the common formats of file translation between different programs are available in
cncKad. This means that if you have a 2D file created in another program, you will be
able to read this file directly into cncKad.
Stages for importing a file into cncKad:
1. From the File menu select the Import option, or click the
Standard toolbar. The following dialog will be displayed:

button from the



2. Select the file you want to import. Use the browsing buttons reach the specific file:


Moves you up in the directory tree.

Enables you to add a new directory to the list.

Enables you to remove from the list a directory you no longer use.
Use the File Extension drop-down menu to choose the type of the file to import.
In the Units section, select the units used in the original drawing. These will be
translated into the units used by cncKad.
Click the Setup button to define some parameters for the import.
Click the OK button to begin the import.
If you checked the manual option in the Layers Import Mode section of the
Import Setup dialog, the Layers Filter dialog will open. Here you can choose
which layers to include in the import, and also the Color and Line Type that will
be assigned to them.
It is imperative that you select white and continuous line type for those lines
that will comprise the different contours of the new part.

8. Next, you will be presented with a dialog similar to the one for creating a new
part. After clicking the Save button, a new dialog will open where you will have
the option of defining several parameters. The dimensions of the part will be
already set from the imported file.
After clicking the OK button, the file will be imported and saved as a .DFT.



File Formats Supported for Import

DXF - Direct eXchange Format, used by most CAD programs, developed by

Autodesk for AutoCAD.
DWG - default extension used by Autodesk for its AutoCAD drawing files.

Drafting and Nesting

CADL - Cadkey Advanced Design Language, developed by Cadkey Inc. for

translation of Cadkey drawing files to ASCII file format
HP/GL - HP plotter format of an ASCII geometry file
XY Points - An ASCII list of X, Y coordinates
ANSI / AAMA - Agreed ASCII file translation format
X Y NC - An NC code format
IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange System, popular exchange format used by
most CAD programs for translating files.
DSN (MetalDig)
ESSI - Messer Grisham machine compatible files.


Setting up Import Parameters

The user can define how a file is imported by clicking on the Setup button within the
import dialog. The following dialog will be displayed:

The following list explains the different options that can be set from this dialog:
The Tolerance field defines the accuracy with which cncKad imports parts.
The Bulge tolerance is used when importing Spline (curve) entities in the IGES
format. When splines are imported into cncKad, they are translated into arcs and
lines. This tolerance defines how close the arcs and lines represent the original
path of the curve. The higher the bulge tolerance is the closer the representation
will be, but there will be more lines and arcs thus making a larger program.
The Min hole size defines how small a hole can be on the part. Any hole
occupying less area than the defined here, will not be imported with the part.
In the Layers Import Mode section you can define the Layers Mode for the file
to be imported. You can choose to Keep the colors and Line types of the
original file; to Convert all to solid white or choose the Manual option, and
define the Layers parameters manually in the Layers Filter dialog.
Text Size - Text can be imported with several of the import formats. This field
defines the size that the text will be displayed at after importing it.
Mirror Y Axis during import as it says, if you check this option the Y axis will
be mirrored during the import.



Pressing the Back to default button resets all the settings that have been
changed back to their default values.
When you have defined all the settings press the OK button. The settings will be saved
and used for importing files in other sessions.


The Layers Filter

The layers displayed in this dialog are those found in the input file. At this point the user
may select to discard certain layers by un-checking the Import checkbox. The color of
the input layer and format of lines to be displayed may be changed by selecting a new
one from Color and Line Type drop-down lists.
The outer contour of the part must be set as Continuous White, otherwise
automatic processes will not work correctly.

2.17 Exporting to Other File Formats

You can, not only import files, but also export them from cncKad to other programs:


Drafting and Nesting

When you export a drawing, you only translate the drawing, not the


File name and path

Define the file name and path, to give to your exported file, via the Browse button or
by entering them directly in the file name field. The default is the original file name (of the
.DFT file), with an extension suitable for the export, chosen from the Format drop-down



In the drop-down list you can choose the Format to export to; the original .DFT file will
not be erased!


Use exporting file path

If you mark this checkbox the exported file will be placed in the same directory of the
original file, unless you had defined a path for it via the Browse button. In this case
marking this option wont change a thing.


Dont use Arcs

If you wish not to export arcs, while exporting files, you can check this option and then
be able to set the Arc Bulge and the Number of arcs sections options below.

Arc Bulge

This is the maximum distance you want to allow between the line and actual arc in the
original file. This is your way to control the accuracy.

Number of arcs sections

This is the maximum number of lines that will be used to create an arc.
If the Bulge is too small for the MAX number of lines - cncKad will increase the Bulge for
the specific arc - but will not create more lines.




Set Layers

When you click this button a dialog opens giving you the option of choosing whether to
Export the file flattened in One Layer or to Export it with the Layers separated by
Color, in a way you will be able to select to see each one of them separately (if the
program you exported to supports this capacity).

2.18 CAD Link

Currently, transferring a part from the design system (CAD) to the processing system
(CAM) entails using standardized formats, such as DXF, IGES, etc.
As the standards for these formats undergo changes from time to time, CAM systems
have difficulties reading such formats in a manner that allows free and continuous work.
There is usually the need to clean or fix the incoming file to make it acceptable for the
CAM system, a process that demands time and system resources.
CAD Link is an intuitive interface, enabling a direct and efficient transfer between the
two systems - the CAD system and cncKad. Part attributes are transferred directly
between the systems, bypassing the need for intermediate formatting.
This shortens the transfer from design to production, minimizes the error potential,
cancels the need to clean the incoming data, and maintains complete intuitiveness
between the part in the CAD system and the part in cncKad.
This interface is especially useful for shop-floor production, as a part can be designed in
the CAD system, intuitively processed in cncKad, and sent straight to the machine.
Updates to the part performed in the CAD system retain the technological decisions
made in the CAM system, with almost no need to re-process the part.
Using the CAD Link menu and toolbar options, you can work on your 3D model in the
CAD system, continuously updating the flattened representation in cncKad, seeing in
real time how changes to the model affect the part that will be passed later on to the
When you use the CAD Link Update feature, any changes you have made to your 3D
model will be transferred automatically to the part in cncKad:


Drafting and Nesting

Changes to existing entities in the 3D model will be reflected in their counterparts

- punches/cuts will be updated according to the new dimensions, with no need to
re-process them.
Newly added entities will be shown on the part, ready for processing.
Any new bends inserted in the 3D model will be shown as bend lines on the part.
Currently this feature is available for the following CAD systems:
Solid Works
Autodesk Inventor
Support for further CAD systems is in development.


Adding the Interface

If the CAD system is already in place when cncKad is installed, there is no need to do
anything - the toolbars/menus are added automatically.
If the CAD system has been installed after cncKad, do the following:
1. Go to Start => Search

2. Search for a file called PartReaderReg.reg :

3. After finding this file, double-click it.


Using the Interface

There are four options on the CAD Link toolbar/menu, which appears in one of the CAD
systems mentioned above:



cncKad Material List


This will perform the following steps with the part currently opened in the CAD
1. Open the cncKad application and display the New Part dialog, with your parts
name already used as the default name for the draft (DFT) part.
2. Display the new parts parameters; at this stage you should click the OK button.
Flatten the part and use its attributes to create a DFT file from it.
3. Show the flattened part in cncKad.

Open for Update

This will allow you to choose an existing DFT part in cncKad, so that it will be the
target when you use the Update option.
When you use this option, make sure you choose the correct file, as the files
current contents will be overwritten.

Update Part in cncKad

This will update the file currently opened in cncKad with any changes made to the
3D model.


Working with CAD Link

Processing parts from CAD Link

When 3D models are first transferred to cncKad, they are naturally un-processed.
The recommended procedure for processing then is as follows; please read it carefully,
to avoid unnecessary problems.

Brief introductory note

Before beginning the processing of a part that has been CAD Linked, it is important to
understand the difference between such a part and one that was created in cncKad.
Specifically, the treatment of 3D features (Bends, Folds, etc.) after they have been
When a part is created in cncKad, it is seen as a flat representation of the finished
product - from the designers point of view it does not matter if the material will be bent
after the processing is finished, as long as the part is processed correctly.
However, when a 3D model is transferred via CAD Link, Entities that run across 3D
features are often broken-up into multiple segments.
Take for example the following model:


Drafting and Nesting

After being flattened (in preparation for the transfer), it is represented as 5 distinct faces:

Therefore, when it is transferred to cncKad, the resulting length-wise Lines in the part
will consist of 5 corresponding segments, each an independent Line entity:

If you wish to process the part and to retain the associability between the processed
Entities and their parent objects in the 3D model, it is imperative to preserve Entities as
they are transferred. This means not using the following cncKad functionalities:
Inserting a Wire joint (except as an organic part of the processing definition)

Using the Check function

In accordance with the above, when running Check, it is important to use only those
options that do not break the associability.


The Check function will only be used to determine if all the contours have been
transferred correctly:

Preparing the appropriate Turret Setup

As you will be using Auto Punch, it will save time to prepare a Turret Setup file that
reflects the tool arrangement in your (or the users) machine (unless this is just a

Running Auto Punch

When Auto Punch is running, it can select tools from the entire Tools Library, or restrict
the selection to a specific Setup file. We recommend you use the Tools Library for Holes
and a Setup file for Notching and Slitting:

Editing the processing

After Auto Punch has finished its running, it is important to go over the processing
decisions it has made, and decide if they are appropriate from the standpoint of tool
selection etc. (see the Working with the Update feature section for more information
on this subject).
This is also the time to add Micro-Joints, if these are needed.

Working with the Update feature

The Update feature can be used in two very different ways.

Using Update with a single-use model

The term single-use means in this context a model that is intended to be created,
processed, and produced, and then kept in the models library for future reference.
The Update feature can be used for two reasons in this context:
1. During the design process, the design engineer may wish to see how a machine
will process the model, and modify it according to various considerations. (In this
case the engineer will be using the Update feature while working on the model)
2. After the model has been finished and sent to the manufacturing department, it
may be returned for corrections. (In such a case, the engineer will use Open for
Update feature to open the previously created DFT file, before using the Update


Drafting and Nesting

In both these cases, processing considerations are intended for the model as it is after each use of Update the processing is re-examined for problems.

Using Update with a Parametric system

The following is intended mainly for users with punching machines.

Parametric system in this context means a model that after its initial creation is reused to create an unlimited number of DFT parts, where these are differentiated by
parameters such as size, number of Hole features, etc., defined in the model.
Such a system is comprised of a duo: a 3D model and a DFT part file that includes
processing definitions. These are the master files that will be used for creating future
Processing a Parametric model-DFT system is conceptually different from processing a
single-use model - the processing must be valid for all possible permutations of the
model; it makes no sense in creating a parametric system if the DFT part in it has to be
re-processed each time the system is used.
Preparing the Parametric system
To prepare a DFT for parametric usage, do the following:
Create the 3D model
This model will serve as the basis for the Parametric system.
1. Transfer the model to cncKad.
After the transfer, make sure that all the features (Holes, etc.) appear correctly.
2. Run Check in cncKad.
Make sure not to use any of the harmful options.
3. Process the part.
Run Auto Punch, and insert Micro-Joints as needed.
4. Check the processing.
Go over all the Entities that can potentially be changed, and make sure they are
all processed with Nibble or Crunch punches, not Singles. This will enable the
Update feature to accommodate any changes in size.
5. Testing the system.
Return to the model and run a series of tests to determine if the processing
choices you have made are correct. Try several parametric changes, updating
the DFT after each one, and making sure that all Entities are still being
processed correctly, changing definitions where necessary.
If the first series of tests goes well, run another series, this time using the most
extreme values liable to be used, both the highest and the lowest, again testing
the processing after each one.
6. Save the Parametric system files.
Save and close both 3D model and DFT master files and change their Properties
to Read Only, to protect them from accidental changes in the future.
Working with the Parametric system
After going through the above procedure, you can be reasonably sure that the modelDFT system is ready for use. Keep in mind that each use of this system should be
accompanied by careful checking, to make sure there are no surprises.
There are a number of issues to keep in mind when working with the system:
1. Undoing changes in the model.
When working with the system, it is likely some parametric changes will be


judged as unsuitable, e.g. expansion of a Sketch that destroys a Hole feature.
If this happens, it is not enough to change the model to its former shape!
The best option is to close the model, re-open it and continue working. If this is
not possible, e.g. if this was the last of a long series of changes, then try using
Undo to revert to the last acceptable position.
Undoing changes may be limited by the 3D applications definitions.
2. A Parametric system with a varying number of holes.
One of the parameters that may be subject to change in a Parametric system is
the number of holes on the model.
If you are designing such a system, then the DFT master should reflect the
maximal case - the most extreme number of Holes etc.
When the DFT is updated from the model, the extraneous Holes will be deleted.

2.19 Run Bending Program

This feature applies only to users working with a bending program.
When you select this option, the program you specified in Bend Lines tab of Workspace
Settings dialog, will open and you can bend your part in it.

2.20 Batch Mode

When in Batch Mode, cncKad is acting as a Post-Processing unit for pre-prepared
.DFT files.
When in this mode, cncKad opens a Queue file, and processes the files it finds in it.
There are two ways to create a Queue file:
With a text editor
From Auto Nest


Formatting a Batch File

If you wish to create a Queue file, use a plain text editor, and format the file as follows:
cncKad97 v1.11 QUEUE_FILE <103>
90 e:\work\094560.dft /d=e:\final\094560
95 e:\work\another_dir\mydrawing /b=Y /m=1,3
100 e:\work\104560 /d=f:\temporary\10\4560
103 c:\my_work\123.nst
The Header:
The first line, the header, is constant, aside for the number in brackets, which should
always be the biggest key number in the queue. Such as, in our case: <103>
A queue file MUST contain a valid header. If cncKad finds a bad header, it assumes the
file is corrupt. Then it creates a backup of the corrupt file, and starts a new queue file.
Guidelines for listing the jobs:
Each line after the header is comprised of:
o [key] [source file] (/ - options) <maximal key>
Each line (job) has a distinct key number.
After the key (90, 95, 100 etc. in our example), there has to be a source file
name. It doesnt have to have the .DFT extension, but it is best if it includes the


Drafting and Nesting

full path of the job.

Other options (such as /d or /m) are optional. If a certain option is not mentioned,
cncKad will use the default option for that job.
Available options:

Command Parameters
[file name]
Destination file name

Same as
(if different

from source)


Machine number in local

Copy of

1=current machine


Sort tools - Yes or No?
Use Sub Routines - Yes or No?
[integer num] Program number.
[integer num] number of Runs from this post.
reposition Clamps?



Generating a Batch from Auto Nest

After creating a nesting solution in Auto Nest, you have the option of generating a
Queue file to match this nest.


Batch Mode dialog

After you have a valid Queue file, open the batch dialog:



Click Change Files button to change the file settings, and then click Accept changes to
save the new setting, or Discard changes to revert to the previous setting.
To start the processing of the files in the Queue click the Start Batch button, and the
STOP! button to stop it.
There may be a delay before the Batching stops, as cncKad may be in the
middle of a processing.

Batch File Name

This field shows the path of the current Queue file. To change it, click the Select BATCH
button and choose a different Queue file.

Log File Name

This field shows the path of the current Log file, where the operations performed are
logged. To change it, click the Select LOG button and choose a different log file.

2.21 Printing Options

Once the drawing or the NC code has been created, their details can be printed. As with
all Windows based applications, the setup of the printer device is done via the Windows


Drafting and Nesting

Printers Setup options. You have several printing options, as well as various report


Report types

There are various items you can choose to print, and two different types of Report Files:
The DOC Report
The Standard Report
Whichever report you wish to print can be defined in Settings Menu => Machine
Settings => NC Report Template tab or Settings Menu => Workspace Settings =>
Part Report Template tab or directly in Settings Menu => Report Settings dialog.
For further explanations, see the appropriate sections of the Settings Menu chapter in
this Manual.

The DOC Report

If you have chosen to print a DOC Report, the following dialog will appear where you
can choose to print only the Drawing or the drawing together with information about the
manufacturing of the part, i.e. the Doc Report file:

The Part Report is always in the DOC format.

For an explanation on Line Thickness button and Black/White option see the appropriate
sections below.
To see an example of DOC Report, please refer to the Report File section in the
Appendix chapter of this manual.

The Standard Report

The regular Report File (RTF or OEM format) creates a hard-copy of the drawing with or
without dimensions; of the part with the punches displayed; of the complete sheet
including all the parts, the sheet, the clamps and the machine table or of the report file
with or without a drawing of the part:



From this dialog, you can choose one of the Print Modes (described below) and define
others parameters concerning the printout.


The drawing will be printed with or without the dimensions or punches/cuts.

See below examples of printing using this option.

Report File

The report file will be printed. This report includes information about the part, program,
tools, sheet and other data pertaining to the manufacturing of the part.
See below an example of printing using this option.

Graphic and Report File

The report file will be printed with a drawing of the part. This report includes information
about the part, program, tools, sheet and other data pertaining to the manufacturing of
the part.
See below an example of printing using this option.

Line Thickness

Clicking on this button will present the following dialog where you can define how
different drawing lines will be represented in the printout:

Once new widths are selected you have the following options:


Drafting and Nesting

Click the Save As Defaults button to save the settings for all future printings.
Click the Close button to use the settings for the current printing only.
You can also change the default settings for Line Thickness in Settings Menu =>
Report Settings dialog or in Machine Settings dialog => NC Report Template tab or
Workspace Settings dialog => Part Report Template tab, depending on the Report you
want to print.

Edit Button

When you choose the Report File option or the Graphic and Report File option as the
Print Mode, the Edit button will become enabled.
If you click this button the Metalix Editor will open with the current Report File and you
will be able to edit it; adding, switching and removing information, as you wish, for this
specific printing of the report file.

Picture Size

This parameter will be enabled only when you choose to print Graphic and Report File.
It determines the percentage of the whole page which will be composed by the graphic
representation of the part.


If this option is checked the drawing will be printed in Black and White.


Print Options

All the options for printing can be found in the File Menu and they allow you to print the
hard copy directly, or to view it before it is printed.


You have two options for printing:

Print: This option prints the part displayed together with information on the
manufacturing of the part. This means that it will not be possible to load this
Report File before the NC has been generated. The settings for this option are
defined in the Machine Settings dialog => NC Report Template tab or from the
Report Settings dialog.
Print Part Report: This option prints the part with information only about the part
itself. It means that no information on the processing will be included, no matter if
this part was processed or not. The settings for this option are defined in the
Workspace Settings dialog => Part Report Template tab or from the Report
Settings dialog.
The name and path of the part will be printed at the top of the sheet. The user has no
options of editing the look of the print once this option has been selected, therefore if you
wish to print something, first display exactly what you want printed and then click the
print option.
When this option is selected, the Print Mode dialog is displayed, for a DOC Report or for
a Standard Report, according to your definitions for Report types.
The Part Report is always in the DOC format.
After clicking OK, you will be presented with the Print dialog:



From this dialog, you can select the printer to send the output to and the number of
copies to print. By clicking on the Properties button, you will be able to define printer
specific options including the orientation of the print. Once you click on the OK button,
the print will be sent to the printer. To cancel the print, click the Cancel button.
If you have a color printer, the different entities within cncKad can be printed in color.
For instance the part will be printed black, the sheet and clamps red, the table brown,
etc., as displayed on the cncKad screen. You can define the thickness of the different
color lines with the Line Thickness option.

Print Preview

You have two options for print preview:

Print Preview: This option displays a print preview of the processed part, before
its actual print, displayed together with information on the manufacturing of the
part. This means that it will not be possible to load this Report File preview before
the NC has been generated. The settings for this option are defined in the
Machine Settings dialog => NC Report Template tab or from the Report
Settings dialog.
Print Preview Part Report: This option displays a print preview of the part,
before its actual print, with information only about the part itself. It means that no
information on the processing will be included, no matter if this part was
processed or not. The settings for this option are defined in the Workspace
Settings dialog => Part Report Template tab or from the Report Settings
This option is useful for viewing the page before the hard copy is created:
If a DOC Report file was selected, Windows Microsoft Word will be opened and
you will be able to make changes on the Report File.
If a Standard Report was selected, a new window will open showing how the
page is going to be printed. In this window, the user has several options for
manipulating the display of the printout (see the picture and the appropriate
sections below).


Drafting and Nesting

The same window as for the Standard Report will be opened if you choose to
preview only the drawing within a DOC Report.
It is suggested that you always print your files only after you have seen a preview of its
printout. This saves time by printing the draft correctly at the first time. The actual print
can be executed or canceled directly from the preview option.
Whatever is displayed in the print preview window will be printed. As you can see on the
below example of standard report printout, you have several options for manipulating the

More information about them you will find in the succeeding sections of current chapter.
When you are satisfied with the display on the sheet of paper, click the Print button and
the printing will be executed.
The name and path of the part will be printed at the top of the page as shown in the
If you wish to exit the preview without printing, click the Close button.
When you select the Print Preview option and the specified report file for the current
drawing doesn't exist, cncKad will issue the following warning:



When you click OK button, you will be presented with the following notice:

After clicking OK button here, you will be transferred to the just created report. You will
see that, just as you have been warned, some data displayed in it is not correct. If you
want to get the complete report, run Post-Processor (NC).

Zooming the Preview

Moving the cursor over the page displayed, the user will notice that the cursor changes
to the shape of a magnifying glass. When the cursor is in this shape, the user can click
the left mouse button and enlarge the display of the area around the cursor. The display
can be zoomed in twice. The third time the mouse is clicked, the complete page will be
displayed, i.e. the display will be zoomed out. The same action can be accomplished by
using the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons at the top of the screen.
Zooming the preview of the Report File or drawing will not affect the printout.

Display Options for the Preview

In the print preview window, at its left side, you will see a reduced state bar, similar to
the regular state bar of the cncKad screen, where you will be able to select to display
and print or to hide different entities by toggling the appropriate buttons between their

When you enter the print preview, the state you were in the cncKad will be reflected in
here, as the default for the printout display. For example, if you entered the print preview
when you were in the Mode=CAM, the default is to display the complete sheet with all
the parts, CAMs and clamps.
However, as mentioned above, you can change the default states by clicking on each
button: the Mode=CAM button toggles between CAD, CAM and SHEET states.


Drafting and Nesting

When in the CAD mode, the drawing is displayed, with or without processing and
dimensions. When in the CAM mode, the complete sheet with all the parts, CAMs,
machine table, and clamps will be displayed. When in SHEET mode entities associated
with the Sheet are displayed.

Displaying Dimensions and Processing in the Preview

If any Dimensions have been placed on the part, they can be displayed by clicking the
Dim=ON button. This button turns the display of the dimensions on and off.
When in the Mode=CAD, the CAM display (if there is any CAM placed on the part) can
also be turned on and off by clicking the Proc=ON button.

Scaling and Moving the Part in the Preview

With the aid of these controls the part can be magnified and moved on the page. Unlike
the zoom explained earlier, this type of zooming affects the printed result. This option is
useful if you have small parts displayed that you wish to enlarge upon printing, for
greater detail and clarification. The parts can also be moved upon the paper. For
example, these two options allow the user to take a small part displayed on the sheet of
paper, enlarge it, and center it on the page. This is accomplished by manipulating the
controls displayed below:

Editing the number in the Scale field at the top changes the size of the displayed part.
(scale arrows).
This can be done by either entering a scale or by clicking on the
Clicking the upward arrow will increase the scale and clicking the downward arrow will
decrease the scale of the part. The part will be updated immediately; therefore the user
can select the exact required scale.
To Move the drawing on the page use the directional controls. Clicking them will move
the part in the direction selected. The part will move on the sheet of paper by a defined
amount, each time one of the directional buttons is clicked.

Dividing the Printout

If the display is too cramped, it can be divided into two different sheets of paper. This is
done with the aid of the Two Page button. Both pages will be displayed on the print
preview screen. To toggle between the two pages, click the Next Page button. To revert
back to a single page click the One Page button.

Printing Examples

As mentioned before, there are several options for printing the part:

Printing Drawing in CAM mode

Printing Drawing in CAD mode

Printing the Report File

Printing the Report File with drawing

Print Preview of Drawing in CAM Mode


In this example the following settings have been defined in the print preview screen:
The mode button is in the Mode=CAM state.
The dimension button is in the Dim=OFF state.

Print Preview of Drawing in CAD Mode

In this example the part on the previous section of this chapter has been previewed with
the following options defined:
The mode button is in the Mode=CAD state.
The Dimension button is in the Dim=ON state.
The Process button is in the Proc=OFF state.


Drafting and Nesting




Print Preview of a Report File

Drafting and Nesting

Print Preview of Report File with Drawing

As with all the other preview options, the drawing displayed here can be manipulated
with the aid of the scale and movement controls. The punches and cuts can also be
toggled on and off and the part can be displayed in CAD or CAM modes, with or without

2.22 File Listing

This list shows last eight files that were loaded into cncKad.

2.23 Exit
Clicking this option closes the cncKad, prompting you to save your work, if it hadn't
been saved, yet.



3 The View Menu

This menu is used to manipulate the way in which the part and the whole cncKad
screen are being displayed:



Clicking this option you will be able to customize the cncKad toolbars. The following
sections of this chapter describe the features of the dialog, which will open.


Toolbar tab

Upon selecting Toolbars command, the following dialog will appear:


Drafting and Nesting

When some option of the Toolbars section of this tab is ticked, the chosen Toolbar will
be displayed in cncKad.
If you wish to activate or disable a toolbar in more simple way, hover the cursor over the
toolbars area and click the right mouse button. You will be shown a list of the toolbars,
with the ones active checked. Simply mark or un-mark the checkboxes of the ones you
There are more options on this tab, which the user can set:

Show Tool tips

Marking this option will cause a short explanation to appear every time you hover the
cursor over a button:

Cool Look

When you'll select this option the way, in which individual buttons are delineated in a
toolbar, will be changed.
Regular look:

Cool Look:



Large Buttons

Selecting this option changes the size and icon of individual buttons in a toolbar.
Regular buttons:

Large buttons:


This feature allows you to create toolbars with the buttons you usually use, and then
turning off unnecessary toolbars, to make your workstation more efficient.
After clicking this button, the following dialog will appear:

Insert the name for the toolbar to be, and confirm it clicking OK button. The new toolbar
will appear on the upper-left side of the window.
Now in the Command tab, select Category, click the button you wish to add and drag it
to the toolbar (this action applies to any toolbar). You can move a button from one
toolbar to another, by dragging it between them.
In order to remove a button altogether from any toolbar in cncKad, on the keyboard
hold down the ALT key, and concurrently click the cursor on the button you wish to
remove and drag it out of the toolbar. You can also erase a button by dragging it to a
clear area.
Below you can see the exemplary user created toolbar:

If you would like to rename your toolbar, go Toolbars tab and click your new toolbar. Like
shown on the picture below, the Toolbar name field will be available and you would
have a chance of entering a new name.


Drafting and Nesting

This feature is unavailable for the default cncKad toolbars.


If you have made any changes to the regular toolbar and you wish to revert to its original
setting (toolbar's full extent, which differs from default toolbar arrangement), simply mark
a toolbar and click the Reset button.


Command tab

This tab is meant to help you learn the usage of the various buttons.
In Categories section on the left mark a toolbar, and click on a desired button to see the
explanation of its purpose.


Settings tab

This tab allows user to save toolbar settings, load them as well as restore default
toolbars arrangement.



For more information on each above presented feature see the following topics:

Restore All Defaults

Clicking this button will make all toolbars revert to the default settings of the cncKad. If
you had some custom toolbars, the buttons which weren't exposed in cncKad as a
default, will disappear.

Load From Backup

This feature is useful in case you want to restore the toolbar order you saved
beforehand. When you'll click this button, you will be asked the following question.

Confirm your choice, clicking Yes button, and the toolbars settings will be loaded from

Save Backup

If you want to store the toolbars you created or all the other changes you made to the
existing ones as well as the order they are placed in, this is the right feature to do so.
After clicking this button you will be asked if you are sure of your decision. Confirm your
choice. Then you will be presented with the following message:

Now, any time you would like to, you restore settings you saved now.


Moving Toolbars

You can move toolbar by dragging it with the mouse. To do so click the mouse on a
toolbar, (but not on any of the icons) and while pressing the left mouse button, move the
mouse. Moving the toolbar to different areas of the screen causes its shape to change.


Drafting and Nesting

For instance when the toolbar is placed in the center of the screen, its outline appears to
be bigger. If located to the left or right of the graphics view port, becomes vertical.
A toolbar can be floating, this means it can become an independent window with a title
bar and be placed anywhere on the screen.
To dock a toolbar, drag it to one of the four edges of the graphics port. When you will
release the mouse button in one of these areas the toolbar will be attached to it.
The user can define his\her own screen configuration for the toolbars. It will be loaded,
whenever cncKad is opened.


Status Bar Enabled

Marking this option makes the Status Bar appear on the bottom of the screen. Status
Bar allows for viewing tips about the option you are selecting (outlined below):


Status Bar On Top

You will be able to select this option only when the Status Bar Enabled feature is already
marked and Status Bar visible on the screen. Choosing this option will move the Status
Bar to the top of the screen.


Auto Scroll Enabled

As the name indicates choosing this feature we can turn Auto Scroll on, and
unchecking it turn it off.
When enabled, the drawing will be scrolled automatically when we will position the
cursor the edges of the graphics area.



This option refreshes the screen, Redrawing the current part and removing the
irrelevant shapes from the draft.


Show End Points

When choosing this option, the End Points of each entity will be displayed on the lines,
like shown below:

This option is useful for showing the entities that make up a line, e.g. after you have
used Split on this line.


Zoom Part

Using this option enlarges the part so, that it fills the whole screen.




Zoom Sheet

This option is allows the user to see the complete sheet filling the display.


Zoom Window

With this option the user can enlarge selected area of the screen.

3.10 Zoom In
Choosing this option enlarges the magnification of the drawing.

3.11 Zoom Out

Choosing this option decreases the magnification of the drawing.

3.12 Zoom Previous

This option is useful when you want to return to previous enlargement or diminution.

3.13 Zoom Next

Go to the next view (only becomes available if you have used Zoom Previous).

3.14 Zoom Realtime

This option enables you to incrementally magnify the part and the sheet.
After choosing this feature, click on the draft and then drag the mouse up to enlarge the
drawing, or down to decrease it.
You can also achieve this effect by holding down the CTRL key and dragging the mouse
with right button clicked.

3.15 Pan Realtime

With this option you can "garb" the draft and move it on your screen to view different
sections of it. To do so, click the mouse anywhere on the draft and move it. As long as
the mouse is clicked the draft will follow the mouses movement.
You can also achieve this effect by holding down the SHIFT key and dragging the
mouse with right button clicked.

3.16 Ask
When choosing this option you will be given information on a selected Entity and CAM (if
it is already processed).
When we will use this option on Special Punching, the Information dialog will include a
Special Punching section.
In the following example of Special Punching we use three tools RO, Pre-Tapping and
Tapping to process a circular hole:


Drafting and Nesting

After using Ask on the processed circle we will be shown the following dialog:

The order of the tools in the above dialog is the same as the one we have defined in the
Used Tools dialog:

When you will change the order in the Used tools dialog, their order will also change in
the Information dialog.

3.17 Check
This command is used for checking the geometry before processing it.
It is important to execute these checks before entering the cutting/punching stage, so
that cncKad will be able to recognize the difference between inner and outer contours.
This allows the program to place CAMs on the correct side of the contour, as well as


enables the Auto Punch and Auto Cut cutting options to be used, since it is impossible
to run them on the opened geometry.
It is not imperative that the geometry is closed and correct, but it can make the CAM
processing much easier. Since the program will know on what side of the contour to
place the processing, therefore there will be no need for the user to use the Side button.
When this command is selected, the following dialog is displayed:

Set the options as you wish. They will be executed after you click the OK button.


Convert Arc to Line Under Bulge

Bulge is the difference between an Arc and the straight line connecting its ends:

All arcs whose bulges are smaller than the size defined in the Bulge field will be
converted into straight lines.


Delete Entities Under Tolerance

Entities under the size defined in the Tolerance field will be deleted:
Points for obvious reasons wont be deleted.
Arcs and lines will be measured by their actual length.
Circles will be measured by their diameter.


Delete Duplicates

This option deletes identical duplicate entities (like Lines, Circles, Arcs or Points) placed
on top of each other.


Join All

Collinear lines that connect together or partially overlap will be converted into one long
Three connected together, collinear lines:


Two partially overlapping lines:

Drafting and Nesting

in both cases were converted into a single line.

Concentric arcs that connect with each other or partially overlap will be converted into
one long arc or circle:

This is an example of four concentric

arcs converted into a circle.


This is an example of two overlapping concentric

arcs converted into a single arc.

Check Contours

This option enables verification of the contours.


Connect Contours

This option connects broken contours by extending and trimming entities.

Gaps in the contours, smaller than the value entered in Connect Tolerance field, will be
repaired automatically.
If in the contours there are any gaps bigger than the Connect Tolerance value, the
examination process will stop, a red X will be placed at that position, and the following
message will appear:

3.18 Measure
With the help of this feature you can measure distances by using one of two different
measuring options:




From Base Point

That means you can select one base point and from it measure to various different
points on the part.


Point to Point

That means you can measure the distance between two selected positions.

3.19 CAM Mode

This function of this feature is exactly the same as the function of Mode Button it
toggles between CAD, CAM and SHEET mode This option toggles from CAD to CAM

3.20 Full Cut Tool Width

This feature applies to Laser and Milling Machines.
When working with a wide-diameter beam, the cut entities sometimes obscure the finer
details of the part. In order to clarify the view of the part, you can choose to show only
the path the machine takes, as it makes the cut.
Before enabling this option:

After enabling it:

3.21 Rapid Tool Path

You have an opportunity of seeing the whole path your machine will take, as it moves
between Cuts:
Before enabling this option:


After enabling it:

Drafting and Nesting

3.22 Show Shear Scrap

This function is only for machines enabling Shear option.

3.23 Multi Colored Tools

This option allows you to distinguish on the screen, with different color, punches made
by various tools.
Normally, punches color is determined by machine commands:
Yellow - No machine command.
Red - Stop the machine following this punch.
Green - Open the chute following this punch.
Purple - Some machine function before/after this punch.
When you activate the Multi-Colored Tools option, the color code on the screen is
changed: punches are not recognized anymore according to the functions attributed to
them, but according to their tool type. In effect, each tool and its punches are
represented by the same color.

3.24 Fill Tools

This option allows you a better display of the punched parts on the screen: the punches,
instead of being hatched, are filled with color.

3.25 View Dies Modes

This feature offers four states:
Do Not Show - Dies will not be displayed on the screen.
Show Dies only during Ask - Dies will be shown when you press Ask
button/icon and when you click with the mouse on the tool instance in the tool
panel (on the left side of the screen).
Show for Close to Clamps Tools - Dies will be shown only for tools defined
with the Close to Clamps feature.
Show for all tools - Every tool will be displayed with its concordant die.
The Dies will be represented by dotted circles (or halved circles for CTC Tools) around
the punches:



3.26 Colored Tool Path by Speed

This feature is destinated for cutting machines.
Choosing this feature the paths of cutting tools will be denoted by various colors,
accordingly to the speed they were cut with:
Low orange
Medium red
High yellow
Ultra green
See the following example:

The contour sizes definitions for each of the speeds are being set in the Diameter
columns of Geometry tab, in Cutting Technology Table.

3.27 Show Clamps Bar

Now, not only the full extents of the clamps holding the sheet are visible on the display,
but their Clamp Bar as well. By toggling this option you can show or hide the clamp bar.


Drafting and Nesting

The size of the clamps can be set in machine MDL file.

3.28 Display Bend Lines

This feature enables you deciding whether to show the bend lines or not (by toggling
Show Bend Lines checkbox) as well as selecting which parameters you want to be
displayed for each Bend Line:

According to this selection, the Bend Lines will be accompanied by their parameters:
A Angle
R Radius


K K Factor
C Compensation
See the following example:


Drafting and Nesting

4 Drawing Entities
There is a wide range of entities you can incorporate in your part. The commands for
drawing these entities can be found in the Draw Menu or on the Shapes Toolbar:



Drawing Lines

Lines are the basic building entity in cncKad (and most drafting packages). There are
three Line commands that can be accessed from the Line option within the Draw Menu.
These options are as follows:





Auto Snap

The Line, Auto-Snap command allows the user to create lines automatically, and can
be activated in two ways:
Selecting Line from the Draw Menu and then selecting the Auto-Snap option
from the sub-menu.
Clicking on the Line, Auto-Snap button
on the Shapes Toolbar.
The user will be asked to click the start point for the line, and then its endpoint:
The Auto snap option means that all the snapping options are available and the system
will automatically determine which snap position is the closest one to the cursor and
place the line on it.
Of course the user can create lines by snapping to any one of the snapping positions
defined via the snap button.


For more information on the Snapping Options, refer to the appropriate section in the
Introduction chapter of this manual.
The user can also enter an absolute coordinate position for the start or endpoint of the
line. This can be done by pressing the Space bar on the keyboard.
The Orthogonal Mode allows you to draw Vertical and Horizontal lines. To activate the
Orthogonal Mode, press the V key and you will then be able to draw Horizontal and
Vertical lines with precision. Press V again if you wish to deactivate this option.
Make sure that the Snap option is set at None for the Orthogonal Mode to
function correctly!
To exit the Line, Auto-Snap command, press Esc.


Tangent - Tangent

This command creates a line tangent to two entities. It is activated by selecting Line
from the Draw menu and then selecting the Tang-Tang option from the sub-menu.
The tangent entities selected must be circles or arcs.
First click a tangent entity. The position where you click the entity will determine the side
from which the line will start.
Next, click the second tangent entity. cncKad will automatically draw a line tangent to
both entities.
To exit the Line, Tang-Tang command, press Esc.


Tangent - Perpendicular

This option draws a tangent from the first entity clicked, perpendicularly to the second
entity selected. The position where you click the tangent entity will determine the side
from which the line will start.
The tangent entity must be a circle or an arc, the perpendicular one can be of any type.
To activate this command, select Line from the Draw Menu and then select the TangPerp option from the sub-menu.


Drafting and Nesting


Help Lines

Help Lines are fundamental to the drawing process within cncKad. The Help Lines
commands can be accessed from the Draw menu, or from the Help Lines Toolbar:

Help Lines are special reference line entities always displayed as green lines crossing
the entire extent of the screen.
They are used only for finding positions within the drawing, which can be used for
creating a drawing or placing holes or shapes on the part, without the need of entering
absolute coordinates.
All the snapping options can be used for placing Help Lines. The Help Line
positioning will depend on the snapping option selected.
The Auto-Snap feature will automatically place the Help Line through the
nearest snap position, unless you have selected another snapping option.
There is no need to place the cursor exactly at the position where you want
the Help Line to be.
If you wish to place the Help Line at the exactly position you click the cursor,
select the No Snap option.
If you wish to define a coordinate position through which to place the Help Line,
press the Space bar and choose one of the different coordinate systems:
absolute, relative or polar. Defining a coordinate position will override the
Snap feature.
Help Lines have a lot of benefits, but some limitations. For example, they cannot be
manipulated using the manipulation commands, i.e. Move, Copy, Array, etc.




Parallel at Distance

This is by far the most useful of the Help-Line commands. This option allows the user to
place a Help Line parallel to an existing line by a defined distance. It means that when
in this command the user wont be able to choose a coordinate position through which to
place the Help Line and that the snapping options will be ignored.
After selecting this command, a distance dialog will appear. Enter the desired distance
and press the OK button.
Click the cursor near the line you want the Help-Line to be parallel to, on the side on
which you want the Help Line placed:

To place more lines at the same distance, place the cursor near other lines and click the
To change the parallel distance, press the Space bar and re-enter the distance in the
displayed dialog.


Parallel Through Point

Selecting this option enables the user to place a Help Line parallel to an existing line,
through a defined position (point).
After selecting this command, click the line you want the Help Line to be parallel to,
which can be a Help Line itself. Then click the position through which to place the new
help line:

You may continue to select other lines followed by points to create more parallel Help


Perpendicular Help Line

With this command a Help Line is created perpendicular to a selected line, which can be
a Help Line itself.
Click the line you wish to create a perpendicular from. Then click the position through
which you wish to place the perpendicular line.
The user can continue to select more lines to make perpendiculars from and then select
the positions through which to place the lines.


Drafting and Nesting


Help Line By Absolute Angle

This command places a Help Line at a defined angle, through a selected position. The
angles are measured counter clockwise, starting at 0 at 3 Oclock, therefore 90 = 12
Oclock, 180 = 9 Oclock and so on.
Upon selecting this command, you will be able to define an absolute angle for the Help
Line. After defining the angle, press the OK button and then click a position for the Help
The user can continue clicking positions for Help Lines with the defined angle or press A
to re-enter the angle for the help lines.


Help Line by Relative Angle

Upon entering this command, the user may define the relative angle and click on the OK
button. Click the line to which the defined angle will be relative. Click a position through
which to place the Help Line.
You can place more lines through defined positions or press A to change the relative


Help Line Through Two Points

This Help Line command creates a Help Line whose orientation is defined by the
location of two points. The user chooses the two points. If a coordinate position is not
required, the user can rely on the Auto-Snap feature to snap to the nearest snap
position. If you wish to define an absolute coordinate position, press the Space bar, as
explained earlier.
Click the first position through which the Help-Line will be placed. Click the second
position, and the Help-Line will be created.


Vertical Help Line

This Help Line command places a Vertical Help Line at a position defined by the user.
Click the position you wish to place the Vertical Help Line, and it will be placed according
to the snap position selected, as explained earlier.
You may continue to place more Help Lines or press Esc to exit the command.


Horizontal Help Line

This Help Line command places a Horizontal Help Line at a position defined by the
Click the position you wish to place the Horizontal Help Line, and it will be placed
according to the snap position selected, as explained earlier.
You may continue to place more Help Lines or press Esc to exit the command.


Drawing Arcs

There are six different methods of creating arc entities with cncKad. Each method
requires a different piece of information from the user.
This command can be accessed from the Draw Menu or by clicking the Draw Arc
from the Shapes Toolbar. In all the arc creation options the same dialog box
will be displayed, with the appropriate options activated. The different arc creation
options are as follows:



In all the methods of creating arcs you are required to give three/four pieces of
information. In every different arc creation method, that information will be different.
In every method of arc creation you are required to select at least one point.
The user snaps to these positions with the cursor or enter coordinate
positions for the point(s) by pressing the Space bar. For more information
on these subjects, see the appropriate sections of Introduction chapter on
this manual.


Two Points and Radius

When selecting the 2 Points, Radius option, the following dialog box will be displayed,
with the appropriate option activated:

Define the arc radius and press on the Apply button, click the two endpoints of the arc. If
the arc cannot be created with the defined data, you will receive a warning. In this case,
clear the warning and redefine the data.

After creating the arc, the user can continue to create more arcs with the same radius or
press D to re-open the dialog and redefine a new radius.


Center Point, Radius and Two Angles

When selecting this arc command the following options will be activated within the arc
definition dialog:


Drafting and Nesting

Define the arc radius and then enter the start angle (A1) and end angle (A2) of the arc.
After clicking on the Apply button, click the center position of the arc. The arc will be
created with the defined radius and the included angle between the start and end

Within cncKad, angles are measured from zero at 3 Oclock, and work around
counter clockwise.


Two Points and Included Angle

With this command, you are requested to select two points and enter the included angle
of the arc. The arc definition dialog will be displayed with the following option activated:

Define the included angle of the arc. Click on the Apply button, and click two points:


One Point, Center Point and Angle

With this command, you are requested to define the included angle, one point, and the
center point of the arc.
After defining the included angle in the arc definition dialog (see above), click on the
Apply button. Now click the first point of the arc and then click its center point:




Three Points

Using this method to create an arc, you have to choose three different points on the
circumference of the arc. The user can snap to these positions with the cursor or press
the Space bar and enter a coordinate position for each point, as explained above.


Two Tangent Points and a Radius

In this method the user is requested to enter a radius in the Arc dialog box and then click
two tangent entities. The tangent entities can be arcs or circles. The arc will be placed
tangent to both tangent entities with the defined radius.


Drawing Points

This command simply places a point (or a dot) at specified coordinates. Points can be
useful as reference positions, and a tool can be placed on the point when you come to
graphically punch the drawing.
This command can be accessed from the Draw Menu or by selecting the Point button
from the Shapes Toolbar.
The point can be placed using the snapping options or entering a coordinate position by
pressing the Space bar and choosing one of the different coordinate systems: absolute,
relative or polar. See the appropriate sections of the Introduction chapter on this manual.


Drafting and Nesting


Drawing Circles

In cncKad, circles are used to punch/cut round holes in the sheet metal.
This is the only option for inserting circles on your drawing and it can be executed from
two places:
From the Draw menu select the Circle command.
From the Shapes Toolbar select the circle button In both cases, the following diameter definition dialog will be displayed:

Define the circle diameter and click the Apply button. The circle will be displayed on the
cursor moving together with the cursor.
Click a center point for the circle by snapping to a defined position or by clicking the
Space bar and entering X and Y coordinates, using one of the three methods mentioned
above. (See appropriate sections in the Introduction chapter on this manual for more
When the circle is being created, if there is a tool defined in the Tools Library that fits
that circle (hole) exactly, you will be asked if you want to punch the hole with the
appropriate tool. You can reply Yes or No. If your reply is Yes, the geometry is created
and punched automatically.
The user can continue and position more circles on the drawing; to re-define the
diameter click on the "D" key.


Drawing Shapes

cncKad comes with built-in shapes, commonly used in the Sheet Metal industry. The
shapes will remain constant, but you have complete control over their dimensions. There
are several different shapes you can choose from and they can be accessed from the
Draw Menu => Shapes option or from the Shapes Toolbar

The shape of your choice will be "ghosted" around the cursor. Moving the
cursor moves the representation of the shape.


Place the shape on the drawing by either clicking the left mouse button near a
snap position or by pressing the space bar and defining a coordinate
position for it.
All the shapes will be placed according to their center point, apart from the
Triangle which will be positioned according to its snap point. When the
shape is positioned, a point is placed at its center/snap point.
If you draw a shape of which the definitions correspond exactly to an available
tool in the Tools Library, cncKad will offer you to punch that shape
automatically. (See the appropriate section below for more details on this
After the shape has been positioned, the user can continue to place more of
the same shape, or press on the "S" key to re-define its parameters.



This will create rectangular or square shapes. You have complete control over the size
and angle of the rectangle and the positioning of it.
When you select Rectangle from within the Shapes sub-menu or click the
the Shapes Toolbar, the following dialog box will be displayed:

button on

Fill in the dialog parameters and press the OK button.



An oval is made up from four entities: two arcs and two lines. Using the Shapes submenu to define an oval is faster than building each entity separately:

Selecting Oval from the Shapes sub-menu or clicking the

Toolbar will bring up the following dialog:


button on the Shapes

Drafting and Nesting

Having entered all the parameters, press OK to close the oval definition dialog.


D Shapes

D shapes are comprised of an Arc entity and a straight line connecting the ends of the

Selecting the D option from within the Shapes sub-menu, or clicking the
bring up the following dialog:

button will

Define the parameters for the D shape and click on the OK button.


Double D Shapes

A Double D is a circle trimmed at two opposite sides:



Selecting this function from the Shapes sub-menu or from the Shapes Toolbar bring up the following dialog:


Define the parameters for the shape and click on the OK button.


Trapeze (Connector Shapes)

The Connector shape has more parameters than the previous shapes. You therefore
have more control over the look of the connector:

Selecting Trapeze (Connector) from the Shapes sub-menu or from the Shapes Toolbar


will display the following dialog:

Drafting and Nesting

Define all the settings for the connector shape and click on the OK button.
For Fillet Radius field you have to enter some value. It cannot be equal "0".


Bolt Holes

This shape creates an array of holes on a defined radius. The user has control over the
amount of holes to insert, the diameter of the holes, the angle at which the holes start,
the radius and the center point of the array:

Selecting Bolt holes from the Shapes sub-menu, or clicking on the Bolt Hole button on the Shapes Toolbar will bring up the following dialog:


Define the parameters for the shape and click on the OK button.


Banana Shapes

A banana shape is made up of four arc entities. Together they make an arc shaped slot
with rounded ends:

Selecting banana from the Shapes sub-menu or clicking on the Banana button Shapes Toolbar will bring up the following dialog:


Define the parameters for the shape and click on the OK button.



This Shape command creates an elliptical entity. The user has control over the length,
width, angle, number of arcs to use, and center point of the ellipse.
Selecting Ellipse from the Shapes sub-menu will bring up the following dialog:

Press OK to place the shape on the drawing.


Drafting and Nesting


Punched Sheet

This Shape command allows the user to create an array of staggered holes. The
resulting NC code for this function will be as for Grid. Unlike all the other Shape
commands, this command works on a complete sheet. Selecting this command will bring
up the following dialog:

See the picture below for clarification of the different parameters:

D = Hole Diameter
t = Diagonal Distance between centers of holes
A = Slant angle of holes
E1 = X offset from the left side
E2 = X offset right - Minimum
F1 = Y offset from Top
F2 = Y offset right - Minimum


Entering conflicting parameters in this dialog will cause cncKad to generate a warning
and the array will not be created.
Defining the offset parameters sets the number of holes that will be created. The number
of holes placed is displayed on the status bar.



The Triangle shape is created by specifying the size of the Base, the Height and the
declination Angle (A2):

You can also define the Vertex Angle (A1) and Snap point (C):
The Vertex Angle (A1) and Base values are related, so that when the Base is
defined, the Angle value is calculated accordingly and appears automatically in
its field (and vice-versa).
The Snap point parameter allows you to choose the cursor position on the
triangle. The shape will be placed according to this position (point).



The Polygon shape is created by specifying the number of sides N, and either the Width
(A), or the Height (B); the other parameter will be calculated accordingly to the first one:

Define the parameters and press OK to place the shape on the drawing


Automatic punch of specific shapes

cncKad always asks you whether you wish to punch directly a placed shape if the
matching tool is available in the Tools Library.


Drafting and Nesting

You can also set this particular shape as punched by default for the current part. To do
so, check the Do not ask again for this shape option when the warning offering you to
punch that shape appears and press OK:

From now on, whenever you will place this shape again on this part, cncKad will
recognize it and punch it automatically.
This will be the case for the current part only and as long as you do not rerun


Shapes List

This command displays a list of the shapes that have been positioned on your drawing.
From this list you can delete shapes or edit their parameters.
When you choose to delete a selected shape or to edit its parameters, be
aware that you are doing this to all the amount of shapes with the same
definition of the selected one. If you wish to edit one shape only go to Edit
Shape section below.
When this command is activated, cncKad will analyze the drawing and list all the
shapes from the following kinds:
Circles, Rectangles, Ovals, D Shapes and Double D Shapes.
The list of all of these shapes placed on the drawing will appear with the following

The first column shows the shape letter(s), i.e. RO = Circle (Round), RE =
Rectangle, O = Oval, L = Double D, RR= Rounded Rectangle, etc.
The second, third, fourth and fifth columns give the parameters (length, width,
rounding and angle) of the shapes.
The final column (N) shows the quantity of each specific shape in the drawing.
As you move the cursor down the list, the corresponding shapes on the drawing are



When a shape is selected, the Edit Shape button may be used to change its
To delete the shape, click the Delete Shape button.
To print a report on the Shape List, click the Print button.
To close the dialog, click on the Close button.
This command also works on imported (DXF, IGES, etc.) files.


Edit Shape

With this option, you can edit individual Shapes, as opposed from Editing Shapes via
the Shapes List.
After selecting Edit Shape in the Draw menu, click on a shape; the appropriate Shape
dialog will appear. Edit the shapes definition and press OK.
cncKad will change the shape according to your new definitions, and will try to adapt
and rebuild the shapes CAM.


Parallel Line

This command will create a line entity parallel to an existing line or an arc entity parallel
to an existing arc. The Parallel Lines will be placed at a defined offset on the selected
side of the original entity.
This command works on all entities, such as lines, circles and arcs.
There are two options for this command:
By Distance
Through Point
After selecting the type of parallel line, you can change its color and the line style before
positioning it on the part.


Parallel by Distance

For this command you will be requested to enter a distance for the parallel line, and to
select the entity to offset from:

Select Parallel from the Draw menu, and then select By Distance. The Parallel by
may also be used for this command.
Distance button
If this is the first time you are using this command in the current session of cncKad, you
will be presented with a dialog box requesting the offset distance:


Drafting and Nesting

Enter a distance and press OK. Next, click the mouse to place the line. The side of the
entity you click on is the side where the new parallel will be created.
At any stage during the command you can press on the "D" key to re-enter the distance.
You can place as many parallels by distance as you wish, without re-entering the
command each time.


Parallel Through Point

This command will create a parallel line to a selected entity, putting it through a selected
Select the Through Point option from the Parallel menu.
First, you must select the entity the new parallel will be offset from, and then define a
point for the parallel entity to go through.
The point can be set by entering coordinates or by selecting a point with the aid of the
Snapping options. For more information on these subjects go to the appropriate sections
of Introduction chapter of this manual.

4.10 Dimensions/Text
cncKad dimensioning will add almost any type of dimension to your drawing. The dialog
system makes it a very simple command to use.
The dimensions you insert into your draft will be automatically updated with every
change made to the geometry, for example, when using the Stretch command.
You can access the Dimensions and Text options from the Dim/Text sub-menu:


Adding a Dimension or Text

This option may be accessed from Draw menu=> Dim/Text sub-menu or from the
Dimension toolbar, by clicking the Add Dim\Text button You will be presented with the following dialog:



Before adding a dimension to your drawing, there are several settings that have to be
Some of these settings deal with the type of dimension and others with its size. The user
can also add text to the dimension, for example to specify units (inches, mm), by typing it
in the Enter Text field.
You can also add free text to your draft, by selecting the Text option.
After setting the various parameters, you will be able to place the Dimension on your
You can continue to place more dimensions of the same type and parameters or press
the Space bar to re-load the Add Dim/Text dialog and redefine them.
To exit the command press Esc.
It is suggested you finish your part before placing Dimensions on it, as these
might hinder your drafting, however Dimensions can be used in the middle
of the drawing process to verify entity length or position.

Dimension Mode

There are three different dimensioning modes available:

Single Dimensions
Serial Dimensions
Dimensions from base point
All the three modes can be used with the following types of dimension:
Diagonal Dimensions
Vertical Dimensions
Horizontal Dimensions
There are also some additional types of dimensions which can be used only for the
Single Dimension mode:
Linear Dimensions

Angle Dimensions

Radius Dimensions


Drafting and Nesting

Diameter Dimensions

Angle to X Dimensions

Angle to Y Dimensions

Single Dimensions

The Single dimensions command will place one single dimension on your drawing.
Select two entities (points) between which you want to measure the distance and click
the cursor on a place for the dimension text:

Serial Dimensions

Serial dimensions place a chain of dimensions on the drawing.

Select two points and click a place for the dimension text. Continue selecting more
points and the text will automatically align itself with the first dimension:

Dimensions from Base Point

This command allows you to define one Base Point where the dimensions originate
from, then locate the second point and a position to place the dimension text:

Dimension Type

This setting controls the type of dimension that you are going to place on your drawing.


As explained earlier, you can choose Diagonal, Vertical and Horizontal types for all
modes of dimensions, and Linear, Angle, Radius, Diameter and Angle to X or Y for
Single Dimensions only.

Diagonal Dimension

Diagonal puts a dimension between two points that are at an angle. The resulting
dimension will be at the same angle as an imaginary diagonal line connecting the two
points selected.

Vertical Dimension

Vertical places a vertical dimension between two points on the drawing. These two
points can be at an angle to each other; cncKad will still make a vertical dimension.

Horizontal Dimension

Horizontal places a horizontal dimension between two points on the drawing. These two
points can be at angles to each other; cncKad will still make a horizontal dimension.


Drafting and Nesting

Linear Dimension

Linear will place dimension texts in an automatic way. It positions the dimension
diagonally, horizontally, or vertically as described above but the placement depends on
the location of the points chosen by the user for dimensioning.

Angle Dimension

Angle creates an angular dimension between two lines. This is performed by selecting
two lines and then clicking the position for the dimension text. The position you click to
place the text defines which angle you are measuring, i.e. inside or outside angle.

Radius Dimension

Radius creates a radial dimension on your drawing. Click an arc or circle and then click
a position for the dimension text. The Radius text will begin with an "R".

Diameter Dimension

Diameter creates a dimension text representing the diameter of circles. Select the circle,
and then click the position for the diameter text. The Diameter text will begin with a D.


Angle to X Dimension

Angle to X dimension type creates an angular dimension from a selected entity to an

imaginary parallel to Axis X.
The entity you choose can be vertical or diagonal; it cannot be horizontal.
Click a position for the dimension text. The side you click the cursor will determine which
angle will be measured.

Angle to Y Dimension

Angle to Y dimension type creates an angular dimension from a selected entity to an

imaginary parallel to Axis Y.
The entity you choose can be horizontal or diagonal; it cannot be vertical.
Click a position for the dimension text. The side you click the cursor will determine which
angle will be measured.

Dimension Settings

Within the Add Dimension/Text dialog, the user can define how the dimension will be
represented. There are several parameters you can set.

Text Size

This will set the text scale only. This means that if the default text size is too small (or
large) for your drawing, but the arrows appear the way you want them, you can change
the text scale individually by setting this option.


Arrow Size

Drafting and Nesting

The value entered in the arrow size filed is the result of the height of the arrow divided by
the length. Therefore if the height is 6.0, the length is 2.0 the resulting arrow size will be
3. You can change this number to get a bigger or smaller arrow.

Show Arrow

Toggling this option allows the user to place arrows on the dimensions leader lines, or to
create dimensions without arrows.

Show in Nest

This option sets the appearance of the Dimension Text in case the part is included in a

Adding Text to a Dimension

There are times when you may wish to add descriptive text to a Dimension. The size of
this text will be the same as the one defined for the Dimension itself.
The text can appear in one of two modes, which can be chosen in the Dim Text
Location section of the Add Dimension/Text dialog.

Text Along

Will place the text alongside the Dimension:

Text Under

Will place the text under the Dimension:


Placing the Dimension

After you have selected the desired dimension mode and type, and all the settings have
been set within the Add Dimension/Text dialog, the next stage is to place the dimension
on the part.
Press OK to close the dialog and click the first entity.
The snapping options are ignored within the dimension command. This is
because cncKad automatically identifies the dimension base point of the


entity selected. If this entity is a line, then the endpoints of that line will be
selected. If the entity is an arc or circle, then the center point will be
The closest snap position to the click will be taken as the base point for the dimension. A
red X will be placed at this position and the entity will be highlighted in blue:

Select the second point in the same manner and then click a position to place the
dimension. The dimension will be created.
Dimensions in cncKad are colored in purple so as to differentiate them from the
TIP: First finish all the dimensions of one type before going on to change to
another type, e.g. first do all Horizontal dimensions, then change to
Vertical, then Diameter, etc. This will prevent re-entering the dimension


Adding Text

Text can be placed on the drawing by selecting the Add Dim\Text command from the
Draw Menu => Dim\Text sub-menu or from the Dimension Toolbar.
The same dialog as for dimensions will be displayed, but here you will select to add Text
and then most of the options will be grayed-out:

The user can define the Text Size and the rotation angle of the text to be placed.
Text can be imported into cncKad via the translation of files in IGES, DXF and
CADL. Text that has been imported can be edited with the cncKad text
editing commands.
Having defined the settings for the text, click on the OK button. Now select a position for
the text with the cursor and it will appear on the drawing at the clicked position.


Drafting and Nesting

The user will be returned to the Dimension/Text dialog, and will be able to continue
selecting more positions to place the same text or enter additional text.
To exit the command press Esc, or select a new command you want to use.


Edit Dim Text/Text

The value of the dimension cannot be changed but you can Edit pre-positioned Text or
add text to a pre-positioned dimension. For more information on how to Add Text to
Dimension or simply Add Text refer to the appropriate sections of this chapter.
Select the command Edit Dim Text/ Text from the Dim/Text sub menu within the Draw
button from the Dimension Toolbar.
menu or by clicking the
Click the dimension/ text you wish to Edit. The selected dimension/ text will be
highlighted in blue, and the following dialog will be displayed:

Notice that you can edit only certain elements in the dialog - the rest are grayed-out.
Enter or edit the text, change the available parameters as you wish and then click the
OK button. The dimension or text will be updated. You may now select more dimensions
or texts to edit.


Global Size Update

After you have added dimensions or texts to your drawing, you may want to update the
scale of ALL the dimensions / texts or of different parts of the dimensions (the arrows or
the text).
Regardless of whether or not you already have different scaled dimensions / texts on
your drawing, this command will update them all by the same factor.
This command is accessed from the Dim\Text sub-menu, within the Draw Menu or by
button in the Dimension Toolbar.
clicking the
Selecting this option, the following dialog will be displayed:



The user can define the scale of the text and/or the arrows. For both of these options
you may enter a scale where:
0.5 = half scale
1.0 = current scale
2.0 = double scale
After entering the scale press OK. All the dimensions will be updated by the scaling
factor defined.


Move Dim / Text

This command can be accessed from the Dim/Text sub menu within the Draw Menu or
by clicking the
button in the Dimension Toolbar.
This option will move the dimension selected to a new place of your choice. Select the
dimension and it will be highlighted in green, then click a new position to place it on your
drawing. You can continue selecting dimensions to move them or press Esc to exit the


Replace Text

With this option you can replace a pre-positioned Text with another one of your choice,
everywhere this Text appears on the part. When you choose this option from the
Dim/Text sub-menu the following dialog will be opened:

This option works only for free Text not for text added to a dimension.


Text Size Update

Here the user can update the size of the text by defining a fixed size for the text or a
scale factor:


Drafting and Nesting

Make your choice, define the appropriate values and click OK to close the dialog.
Select the Text of which you wish to update the size, press Enter to confirm and the
Text size will be updated according to your definitions.

4.11 DFT Text

This feature enables you to place text on your part and then process it as entities.
You have the following options:


Place Text...

From the following dialog you can define the parameters for the text you want to place
on your part:

Type from this dropdown list you can select the font you wish to use, user
defined or pre-defined
Size you can define here the size of the font.



Auto Spacing if you check this option, cncKad will use the default parameters
defined in Workspace Settings => DFT Text tab => Auto Spacing Factors
If you choose not to use the default spacing parameters, uncheck this checkbox
and define the parameters below.
Between Letters here you can define here the margin to leave between
letters, as a percentage of the characters size.
Space Width - define the size of the Space character (ASCII 32), on a line of
DFT Text, as a percentage of the regular characters size.


Create New Font...

From this dialog you can create a new font, one that suits your special needs:

Font Name enter a name for the new font.

Font Width define the width of the new font (in mm).
Font Height define the height of the new font (in mm).
Font Descent define the distance that letters, such as g and y, will descend
below the level of the line.
After defining these parameters, and clicking the Create button, a new cncKad window
will open, with the dimensions you defined already in place as the size of the new


Drafting and Nesting

Draw the new character, and Save it. The character will be saved as a DFT file, in the
directory defined in the DFT Text tab of the Workspace Settings dialog.


Edit Fonts...

This option opens the following dialog:

If you click one of the Create/Edit Char buttons, the corresponding character will be
presented in a new cncKad window where you will be able to edit it (the digit "8" in this



Dont forget to save your changes before closing this window and returning to the
cncKad screen.

4.12 Windows Font. . .

With this option you can insert True Type text into your draft, using any of the fonts
installed in your Windows system.
After choosing this option, the following dialog will be presented:

The resulting text will correspond exactly to the Font you have chosen (in this case the
Font is Times New Roman):


Drafting and Nesting


Font Size

This option determines the size of the characters in mm/inches.


Font Selection

Click the font type button and you will presented with a dialog where you can choose
your Font Type and Style and your Character Set (Script):

The Size you select here will have NO impact on the drafting.


Spacing Specification

Here you can set the spacing used for your text:
Between letters - the distance between individual characters
Space Width - the size that will be given to the Space character (ASCII 32)
Auto Spacing Factors if you check this option the two above sizes will be set
as percentages of the characters size. These percentages are set in Settings
=> Workspace Settings => DFT Text tab => Auto Spacing Factors section.


Text filed

This is the input field for the text you wish to place using Windows fonts.

4.13 Spline
This option allows you to create a Spline from a set of (X,Y) coordinates.
This is a very powerful tool that allows you to draw complex features with ease, as long
as you feed-in the correct parameters.
For example, imagine trying to draw a curve with the regular tools available to you; now
see how easy it is to do this with the aid of the Spline command.
Create a simple part:



Go to: Draw => Spline, and fill-in the following parameters, pressing the Tab key
to add a new row :

It is easier to use Excel to plan your Splines - type-in your coordinates in two
columns, Copy (CTRL+C) the table, mark the first box in the Spline dialog,
and then Paste (CTRL+V) the table into it.

There are three checkboxes you can choose to mark or not:

o Relative - there are two Relative checkboxes, one for X coordinates and one
for Y. If this box is checked, the points for the Spline will be calculated taking
each parameter in relation to the previous one; for example, marking Y as
relative will give the following values - 100, (100+120)=220, (220+80)=300,
o Close - the last point will be connected to the first. Owing to the splines
characteristics, checking this option will result in the same parameters giving
a different shape, in comparison to leaving this option un-checked.
Click the OK button.
If you had marked one of the Relative checkboxes you will be asked to click the
start point for the Spline or to press space bar and define a coordinate for it. If
you choose to draw a Spline with the absolute coordinates you have entered in
the dialog, just leave the Relative checkboxes un-checked and the spline will be
drawn automatically when you click OK.
An almost perfect sine wave will be drawn on the part:


Drafting and Nesting

Naturally, the more points you provide for the Spline, the closer it will correspond to the
shape you want to create.

4.14 Bend Line

This feature allows you to create Bend Lines and pass them to a bending program.
Clicking this option a dialog will appear, allowing you to enter the parameters for bend


Bending Angle

In this field you can enter the angle under which you want the line to be bent.


Bending Radius

In this field you can enter the radius of the bending.


Use Sheet K Factor

This option determines from where the values of K Factor will be taken. Checking it
allows you to use enter the value of K Factor for the sheet. If you want to use a default
one, leave the box unchecked.



K Factor

After you have checked the Use Sheet K Factor option, you will be able to edit the
values entered here or leave them as they are. The default values are being taken from
and depend on the material chosen from Material List:

When you enter a new value here, it will be saved for the current sheet and will appear
also on the Sheet tab of Set Sheet and Clamps dialog.


Here you can enter the compensation value.


Text Size

This section of the dialog concerns the size of the text displayed along Bend Lines.

Fixed Size

Clicking this option you choose the same size of the text for all Bend Lines you will

Bending/Factor Size

In this field you can set the size of the text font or of the scale factor, depending on
which option was chosen.

Scale Factor

In this dialog this option is unavailable. But when you will open the Edit Bend Line dialog,
you will be able to select this button and enter the value in the size field.

4.15 Edit Bend Line

Use this option to edit existing Bend Lines, either one at a time or you can select multiple
Note that when you Edit a Bend Line, you can specify a Scale Factor for the Text Size,
in addition to the other parameters, described in Bend Line section of this chapter:


Drafting and Nesting

4.16 Convert to Bend Line

This option allows you convert a regular line (or lines) into a Bend Line.
To use this option:
1. Click Convert to Bend Line.
2. Select the line (or lines) to be converted.
If the lines you plan to convert are co-linear, first use the Join command from
the Edit Menu to convert them to a single line (when you are bending the
part on a machine you only make one bend in such a case).
3. Press Enter to confirm the selection.
All the lines thus selected will be given the same parameter values (angle,
etc.), so make sure you do not lump together lines that need different
The Bend Line Parameters dialog will open where you will be able to define the Bend



5 The Edit Menu

This section deals with commands that are used for editing existing drawing entities
within cncKad.
The commands listed in this section can be found in the Edit Menu, on the Delete
Toolbar or on the Edit Toolbar:



This option Undoes the last command executed. This command can also be accessed
from the Standard Toolbar by clicking the




This option Redoes a command that was Undone. This command can also be accessed
from the Standard Toolbar by clicking the



Deleting Entities and Objects

Using these options you can erase unnecessary objects from your drawing:


Delete Last

This option deletes the Last Entity added to the part.


Drafting and Nesting


Delete Entities

This option deletes Entities, using the selection options. This command can also be
accessed from the Delete Toolbar by clicking the



Delete CAMs

This option deletes Punches or Cuts that have been placed on the part, using the
selection options. This command can also be accessed from the Delete Toolbar by
clicking the



Delete Dims

This option deletes Dimensions from the part, using the selection options. This
command can also be accessed from the Delete Toolbar by clicking the



Delete Help Lines

This option deletes Help Lines that have been positioned on the part, using the
selection options. This command can also be accessed from the Delete Toolbar by
clicking the




The Split command - takes an existing entity (line, arc or circle) and divides it into
two new entities, with their endpoints touching each other.
Select the entity to split, and then click on a division position. The point where the split
occurs depends on the Snap Button status, for example, if this button is set to No
Snap, the split will be where you click the entity. For more information on this subject
check the snapping options section in Introduction chapter of this manual.
You can also press the space bar and define a distance from the first endpoint of a line
to the division point or a split angle in case you are splitting an arc or circle.
You can go on selecting more entities to split or press Esc to exit the command.



The Join command - performs the opposite function to the Split command.
When in this command select two entities that have a split on them. When you select the
second entity, they will be joined.
The only constraint is that the entities must be co-linear.



The Chamfer command - will trim corners to specified distances and join the end
points with a line.
When you choose this option a dialog will open where you must enter two values,
representing the distances from the corner at which the chamfer will be done:



1st - distance from corner to chamfering point on the first clicked line.
2nd - distance from corner to chamfering point on the second clicked line.
After defining the distances click the two entities you want to chamfer and the chamfer
will be done.
The chamfer distances are taken from the beginning of the line, therefore if you
enter the same distance for both entities the result will be a 45 chamfer
This command works only on lines. The lines do not have to be perpendicular to each
other for the command to work.


Fillet (Round Corner)

The Fillet command - creates an Arc on the intersection of two entities (lines or
arcs) and trims these entities to the endpoints of the Arc.

When this command is selected, the following sub-menu is displayed:

The user must define the radius of the arc, through a dialog that will be presented after
one of the Filleting options is selected:


Drafting and Nesting


Single Fillet

When you choose this option you will be presented with the Fillet Radius dialog,
requesting the radius of the Fillet. Enter the radius and press OK.
Next, select the two lines making up a corner on which to place the Fillet. After selecting
the second line, the fillet will be created at the intersection of the two lines.
The two entities selected do not have to actually intersect; cncKad will extend these
entities to the intersection point between them and will fillet this intersection.
The entities selected for this command cannot be parallel entities.
At any time during the run of the command you can press the space bar or the "R" key to
return to the fillet radius dialog and re-define its value.


Contour Fillet

When you select this option, cncKad will make a check of all the contours on the
drawing. If an opened contour or a geometry that is not connected to the drawing is
found, cncKad will warn you and suggest you run a check on the drawing, repairing this
way the bad geometry.
Press Enter or OK to close the warning and select the contour you want to Fillet. After
selecting it, cncKad will ask you if this is the correct contour, select Yes or No.
If you select Yes, the Fillet Radius dialog will open. Enter a radius and press OK. The
selected contour will be filleted at every corner.
This command cannot be used on an opened contour.


Fillet All Part

When you select this option, you will be presented with the Fillet Radius dialog. Enter
the radius and press OK.
cncKad will make a check of all the contours on the drawing; if the contours are found to
be correct all the parts corners will be filleted by the defined radius. If cncKad finds any
problems with the contours of the part you will be notified and advised to run a check.
Press Enter or OK to close the advice dialog and the whole part (including opened
contours) will be filleted on every corner.



The Trim command - allows existing lines to be trimmed to their intersections with
other entities.
When you choose this option the Selection Toolbar will appear, enabling you to use the
usual selection options to select the entities to erase (Trim).
When this command is selected, the entire Part is defined as the Trim border; the user
can simply click the entities to trim and they will be trimmed.


You can also press ESC to select the boundary entities (trim borders). When you have
selected the Trim borders press Enter to confirm your selection and then click the
entities to Trim.



The Extend command - extends one entity to another specified entity. The
intersection between them can be imaginary. This means that the two lines dont have to
actually intersect for the Extend command to work.
Select the Extend command and click the entity you wish to extend. The selected entity
will be highlighted in blue.
Next, click the entity to extend towards.
The first entity you select will extend itself to the (actual or imaginary) intersection with
the second entity selected.

5.10 Notch
The Notch command -

- creates a notch on a selected entity.

The Notch options you will be offered depend on the type of machine you are
currently using - Punch or Laser:
You can choose between 10 types of notches:


Variation in Notches for Punch\Laser machines

In general, the Notch options are the same for both types of machines.
The difference is in the treatment of Bend Relief:


Drafting and Nesting

In Punch machines the Bend Relief is done with a round tool, and is shown as
such in the draft:

In Laser machines, the Bend Relief is cut following the contour of the part, and is
shown appropriately, where R will be the fillet radius of the Relief corners:

There are three types of notches that have Bend Relieves on them: Double Corner with
Bend Relief, Corner with Bend Relief and Chamfer, Corner with Bend Relief


Corner Notch

Creates a simple notch:


Corner Notch with Bend Relief for Punch

Creates a simple notch with a bend relief:




Corner Notch with Bend Relief for Laser

Creates a simple notch with a bend relief:


Corner Notch with Chamfer

In this type of notch different chamfers can be used for each corner:


Drafting and Nesting


Corner Notch with Bend Relief and Chamfer for Punch

In this type of notch different chamfers can be used for each corner:


Corner Notch with Bend Relief and Chamfer for Laser

In this type of notch different chamfers can be used for each corner:




Offset Rectangular Notch

This type of notch can be internal or external; depending on the position the user clicks
the cursor:


Drafting and Nesting


Offset Oval Notch

This type of notch can be internal or external; depending on the position the user clicks
the cursor:

5.10.10 Offset Round Notch

This type of notch can be internal or external; depending on the position the user clicks
the cursor:



5.10.11 Offset "V" Notch

This type of notch can be internal or external; depending on the position the user clicks
the cursor:


Drafting and Nesting

5.10.12 Double Corner Notch

In this type of notch you can vary all four parameters defining the two corners:



5.10.13 Double Corner Notch with Bend Relief for Punch

In this type of notch the same size hole will be used for both bend relieves:

5.10.14 Double Corner Notch with Bend Relief for Laser

In this type of notch the same size hole will be used for both bend relieves:


Drafting and Nesting

5.11 Bend Relief

This feature alleviates the stress caused when bending at a corner:

When you choose this option the following dialog will appear where you should define a
radius for the Bend Relief:

Select a corner to place the Bend Relief.

You can also add Bend Relieves while making a Notch on your part by choosing one of
the Notch types with Bend Relief.

5.12 Change Attribute

This option changes the attributes of an entity. After choosing this option, select an entity
or entities (using the selection options). Press Enter to confirm your selection and the
following dialog will appear:



Click the Select Color button to change the color of your selection.
Click the Select Line Type button to change the line style of your selection.
Click the Change button to put the changes into effect.

5.13 Selection Filter

The Selection Filter allows you to choose objects according to their color or line type
when using the Selection Options.
For more information on this option, please refer to the Filter Settings section in the
Introduction chapter of this manual.


Drafting and Nesting

6 The Transform Menu

This section deals with the transformation of existing entities. For example, commands
such as Move, Copy, and Mirror are discussed.
All the commands covered in this section can be found on the Transform Menu or in the
Transform toolbar:




The Move command moves selected entities from one position to another.
This command can be activated by clicking on the move button Toolbar or by selecting Move from the Transform Menu:


from the Transform

Move Absolute

This command will move a selected entity or group of entities to an absolute position or
relative/polar to a defined base point.
Select the entities you wish to move, as explained in the Selecting an Entity section in
the Introduction chapter of this manual.
The selected entities will be highlighted in blue.
Press Enter to confirm your selection. You will be asked to select a Reference Point = R
where the cursor will be positioned, i.e., a new base point for the entities that are to be
You can define this base point by clicking the cursor and snapping at a snap position or
by pressing the spacebar and entering the coordinates for the Reference point.
The cursor will position itself at the defined base point, and all the selected entities will
move with the cursor.


Now, you will be able to place the entities selected at a selected position, with the aid of
the snapping options.
You can also enter a coordinate position to move the entities to, by pressing the
spacebar or the O key (O=Offset):

In this dialog, define the position as described in the Positioning with Different
Coordinate Systems section in the Introduction chapter. Press Enter or select Apply to
close the dialog.
The entity will be moved to the defined position. Press Enter to confirm the move or Esc
to return one stage back, to the positioning stage.
Having finalized your new position, the command will return to the selection stage
allowing you to select more entities to move.


Move Relative

This command will move entities by specified X and Y distances.

Select the entities you wish to move, as explained in the Selecting an Entity section in
the Introduction chapter of this manual.
The selected entities will be highlighted in blue. Having made your selection, press
Enter to confirm.
The following dialog will be displayed allowing you to define the X and Y distances to
move the selected entities by:

After defining the distances, click the Move button. The entities will be moved.
The dialog will remain opened and will allow the user to redefine more distances to move
the same entity selected. When you have completed the move operation for this entity or
group of entities, click the Close button or press Esc.
The Move Relative command will remain active, enabling you to continue selecting
more entities to move.


Drafting and Nesting


Move Part

This command will move an entire Part or Sub-part on the Sheet.

Select the part/s you wish to move, as explained in the Selecting an Entity section in
the Introduction chapter of this manual.
The selected part/s will be highlighted in blue. Having made your selection, press Enter
to confirm.
The part can be manipulated before it is placed with the functions explained in the
Inserting a Sub-part section of the File menu chapter of this manual.
You can place the part manually with a mouse click (make sure that the snap button is
set to the appropriate state), or select the position by pressing the space bar and
defining coordinates, as described in the Positioning with Different Coordinate Systems
section in the Introduction chapter.
A dialog will appear, asking you if you are sure you want to place the part at the defined
position. Press Yes to confirm the move or No to return one stage back, to the
positioning stage.
Having finalized your new position, the command will return to the selection stage
allowing you to select more parts to move.



The Copy command copies selected entities from one position to another.
This command can be activated by clicking on the Copy button Toolbar or by selecting Copy from the Transform Menu:


from the Transform

Copy Absolute

This option will copy a selected entity or a group of entities to an absolute position or
relative/polar to a defined base point. The copies of the entities will move with the cursor
until finally placed, either manually (with the use of the snapping options) or by entering
coordinates for the new base position.
The procedure for this command is exactly the same as the one described for Move
Absolute in this chapter.


Copy Relative

This command will copy entities from one position to another by specified X and Y
Select the entities you wish to copy, as explained in the Selecting an Entity section in
the Introduction chapter of this manual.
The selected entities will be highlighted in blue. Having made your selection, press
Enter to confirm.
The following dialog will be displayed allowing you to define the X and Y distances to
copy the selected entities:



The entities you selected will be copied to the relative location specified. The dialog will
remain opened and you will be able to re-define the copy distances and copy more of
the selected entities.
If you wish to create a series of entities relative to each other at the same distance, use
the Copy Progressive feature.

Copy Progressive

This feature allows you to create a series of copies of an entity, where each new copys
position is relative to the last copy placed, by the distance defined in the Copy dialog.
To use the Copy Progressive option, as distinct from Copy Relative, you must press
SHIFT as you click the Copy button. You can repeat this procedure as many times as
you want, resulting in a diagonal array of entities:


Copy Part

This option will copy a selected part to an absolute position or relative/polar to a defined
base point. The copy of the part will move with the cursor until finally placed, either
manually (with the use of the snapping options) or by entering coordinates for the new
base position.
The procedure for this command is exactly the same as the one described for Move
Part in this chapter.



From this sub menu you can access the commands for rotating entities and whole parts:


Drafting and Nesting


The Rotate Command

The Rotate command takes an entity or group of entities and rotates them through a
defined center, in a defined number of degrees:

This command can be activated through the Transform Menu or by clicking the Rotate
on the Transform Toolbar. Select the entities you wish to rotate and press
button Enter to confirm the selection. The following dialog will be displayed:

Enter the desired rotation angle and click on the OK button.

Now you must pick the point around which the entity will be rotated; you will be
presented with three options displayed on the status bar:
Snap to a rotation center point by clicking the mouse near the snap position.
Press the Space bar to key in an absolute, relative or a polar coordinate position.
Press the "A" key to go one stage back and redefine the rotation angle.
After selecting the center point for the rotation of the entities, you will be requested to
decide if you want to Delete old (original) Entities. Reply Yes or No and your answer
will define the command as a Rotate Move command or a Rotate Copy command.
If you choose not to delete the original entity the Rotate Mode dialog will
remain opened allowing you to continue rotating the entity by the same
angle with a different rotation center point or to define a new rotation angle.
If you are done, just click the cancel button to close the dialog.
You can continue selecting entities to Rotate or press Esc to exit the command.


Rotate Part 90 degrees

This command will rotate the whole part by 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

After choosing this command simply click inside the part and it will be rotated.




Rotate Part -90 degrees

This command will rotate the whole part by 90 degrees clockwise.

After choosing this command simply click inside the part and it will be rotated.


Rotate Part 180 degrees

This command will rotate the whole part by 180 degrees.

After choosing this command simply click inside the part and it will be rotated.



From this sub-menu you can access the commands for mirroring entities and whole


The Mirror Command

This command allows you to select entities and copy or move them by using a mirror
action. The Mirror point can be on any axis chosen.
This command can be activated through the Transform Menu or by clicking the Mirror
on the Transform Toolbar.
button Select the entities you wish to mirror and they will be highlighted in blue. Having made
your selection, press Enter to confirm. The following dialog will be displayed:

Choose one of the three first options and press OK.

You will be presented with two options on the status bar:
Click the mouse near a Snap position
Press the Space bar to enter a coordinate position.
For an explanation on the User Defined option see the appropriate section below.
When the mirror axis position has been selected you will be asked if you want to Delete
old (original) Entities.
Selecting No will copy the entities and you will be returned to the mirror dialog. Selecting
Yes will move the selected entities, and you will be returned to the entity selection stage.


Drafting and Nesting

Mirror Vertical Axis

This option allows you to mirror entities along a Vertical axis - the axis is selected in the
X direction:

Mirror Horizontal Axis

This command will allow you to mirror entities along a Horizontal axis -the axis is
selected in the Y direction:

Mirror Both Axes

This command allows you to mirror entities along both the X and Y axes:



User Defined Mirror

To define the Mirror Line by yourself, select this option and press the OK button. You
will be able to select a line for the Mirror Axis by snapping to a point or clicking on an
existing line or help line.
Here you cannot define a coordinate for the mirror line to pass through, as with
the mirroring commands, mentioned above!

Part Center Option

When the Part Center option is checked, cncKad will calculate the center of the part.
Whether the center of the part is calculated for a horizontal or vertical axis depends on
the mirror axis setting chosen.
The entities selected will be mirrored automatically through the center of the part in the
horizontal or vertical directions without any need to snap at a position or enter a
coordinate for the axis line (as you have to do for the other mirroring commands).
Help Lines are not taken into consideration when calculating the center of the


Mirror Part Horizontally

This command will mirror the whole part by along the Horizontal axis.
After choosing this command simply click inside the part and it will be mirrored.


Mirror Part Vertically

This command will mirror the whole part by along the Vertical axis.
After choosing this command simply click inside the part and it will be mirrored.



Stretch is a very useful command for changing the dimensions of a part or of single
entities. This command stretches selected lines by a defined amount in the direction(s)
specified by the user.
This command can be activated through the Transform Menu or by clicking the Stretch
on the Transform Toolbar.
button The selection of the entities is done with a window.
Upon entering the Stretch command, the user will be requested to pick a first corner for
the window. When selecting there are a few considerations that should be taken into
The command stretches lines only.
For a line to be stretched, one of its endpoints must fall within the boundaries of
the selection window.
An entity (of any type) which completely fall within the boundaries of the selection
window will be moved by the amounts specified and not stretched.
If there are any Dimensions attached to the entities stretched, their values will
be updated automatically.
Having made your selection, you will be prompted to enter the X and Y amounts by
which to stretch:


Drafting and Nesting

Enter the values and press OK to confirm.

Entities which are completely within the selection window will not be stretched,
but moved (note the Dimensions updates of the various entities):




The Scale command increases or decreases the scaling of a selected entity or group of
entities. The base point for the scaling is at X=0, Y=0. This means that not only the scale
of the selected entities will change, but also their distance from the base point (X=0,
This command can be activated through the Transform Menu or by clicking the Scale
on the Transform Toolbar.
button Select the entities you wish to scale and they will be highlighted in blue. Having made
your selection, press Enter to confirm. The following dialog will be displayed:


When entering a factor for the scale in either the X or Y direction, note that:
0.5 = Half the current scale
1.0 = The current scale
2.0 = Double the current scale
The selected entities will be scaled relative to the X=0, Y=0 point of the
drawing, so that not only the entities themselves will be scaled - so will their
distance from the (0, 0) point.
If the selected entity or contour was processed, the punches/cuts will update themselves
to fit the new dimensions of the entities. At this point you may be asked about the
positioning of certain punches/cuts.
To exit the command either press Esc.



Creating an Array means taking an entity or group of entities and placing a defined
number of copies of them at defined distances.
This command can be activated by selecting Array from the Transform Menu or
on the Transform Toolbar.
clicking the Array button
The command starts with the entity selection process, as explained in the Selecting an
Entity section in the Introduction chapter of this manual.
The selected entities will be highlighted in blue. Having made your selection, press
Enter. The following dialog will be displayed:


Rectangular Array

This will copy any selected entity a defined number of times, in a rectangular pattern.
The user is required to enter the number of copies that are required in the X direction
and the number of copies in the Y direction. The distances between the entities in both
directions (dX, dY) must also be entered.
For example, the following settings:


Drafting and Nesting

Will produce the following result:

The distances between the entities are measured between their center points.
As you can see in the following example, where dY was defined as 20 and
dX as 25:


Circular Array

A Circular Array takes an entity and copies it a defined number of times around a
chosen center point.
There are two parameters you must define:
The Step Angle - this is the angle between each copy of the selected entities in
the Array.
The Number of Items in the array - this includes the selected entity.
Click the OK button.


At this stage the user must select the center point around which to place the array. You
can use the snapping options or press the Space bar to enter a coordinate position.
For example, the following settings:

Will produce the following result (the center of the Array was chosen as the intersection
of the Help Lines):


Bevel Array

The Bevel Array is created in a similar manner to the Rectangular Array. The
difference is that the user has the option of entering an inclination angle besides the
other parameters available for the Rectangular Array.
For example, the following settings:


Drafting and Nesting

Will produce the following result:


In Contour

When In Contour is selected, the entity is copied until the entire contour in which it is
placed is filled. The In Contour option is not available for Circular Arrays.


Convert Single Punches to Grids

When this option is enabled, Rectangular Arrays will be processed as Grids, and
Circular Array punches will be processed as Single on Arc punches, i.e. appear in the
NC code as a single command line.
If you do not enable this option, each punch in the array will be a distinct punch (and
thus a distinct line in the NC code).
This option is useful if the user wishes to create a specific optimization path.




Bottom Left to 0,0

This option will move the complete drawing and place its bottom left corner at X=0, Y=0
position. This command is very useful for drawings that have been imported from other
CAD packages.
The bottom left corner of the drawing is usually the absolute zero, and all coordinates
are taken from this point. This command calculates the extreme left-most entity and
bottom entity within the drawing and moves the drawing so that these two entities are
tangent to the (0, 0) position.
This command avoids having to calculate the current position of the drawing in the X and
Y directions and then moving the drawing with the Move command.


Set Reference as 0, 0

With the use of this option you will be able to select a reference point that you want to be
set as the position of origin (0, 0). This can be done by clicking this option and then onto
any point on the drawing. The latter one will be moved to the point of origin (0, 0).
This is useful when creating a Special Tool, when you want to set the tools
center as the (0, 0) point.

6.10 Offset Contour

The Offset Contour option creates an identical contour that is bigger or smaller than the
selected entity, chain of entities, or contour:

Select the Cutting Type as Entity, Chain (of entities) or Contour. Enter an Offset
distance and press OK.
Click the mouse on the drawing, on one of the sides of the item for which the offset
contour should be created. The new contour will appear larger or smaller than the
original item, depending on the side chosen (external or internal side):


Drafting and Nesting

You can continue selecting items of the same type to create offset contours or press the
space bar to return to the Offset Contour dialog and re-define the Cutting Type.
To exit the command press Esc.

6.11 Smooth
This option can be used to minimize the number of entities in a part (and therefore to
create a smaller NC file).
It is especially useful after importing a file into cncKad, a process that can create a large
number of entities.
After selecting this option, you will be presented with the following dialog:

Max bulge - this parameter will be used for smoothing several Lines into one Arc. More
information on this subject can be found on the Introduction chapter of this manual.
To smooth the whole contour, press OK button and select the desired contour.
The following is a section of a part that was imported from a DXF, and contains a Spline
that was converted to Arcs and Lines:

After defining the Smooth option with a Max bulge of 0.2, the following dialog was

Yes will make the changes permanent, No will revert to the original part.
The number of resulting Arcs and Lines depends on the Max bulge; for
example, the same part with a bulge of 0.5 will result in fewer entities:



The Smooth option also recognizes circle-like shapes comprised of several lines and
smoothes them into a single circle shape.


Part Array

This feature lets you create an array from a group of parts that will be treated by the
program as though it was a single part.
From the Transform menu, choose the Part Array command, and click inside your part.
The following dialog will appear, enabling you to set the following options:

The resulting array will depend on your settings, for example:

The following setting:


Drafting and Nesting

Will produce the following array:


Number (of Parts)

Here you can define the number of parts arrayed in the X and Y directions.


Dist Between Parts

This option defines the distance between the arrayed parts in the X and Y directions.



This option enables the user to define the direction for the array relative to the selected
part. The array can be created in the X positive or negative directions and in the Y
positive or negative directions.
In the example above, the array was created in the X positive direction and Y negative
direction; see the part selected, highlighted in blue.


Convert Single Punches to Grid

This option is the same as the one that appears in the Array command, explained earlier
in this chapter. See the appropriate section above for more information on this subject.




Grouped Arrays Common Cut

This option defines whether to use common cuts between the arrayed parts.
If you enable these options, you will lose the ability to define distances between
the parts for the direction enabled.

6.13 Explode Multiple Part

This option takes the current Multiple Part, and turns the copies into individual Parts.
The upshot of this action is that the instances of the Multiple Part can now be processed
and manipulated just like any other part.


Drafting and Nesting

7 The Settings Menu

This chapter deals with the working definitions that can be set within cncKad.
The settings presented here relate to all the aspects of the program, like for example: an
option of setting working units to Metric or Inches. There are default settings for certain
commands used in the drawing process, and defaults for the punching or laser cutting of
parts. Many of the defaults are set for the user and should generally not be changed.
Examples of these are machine-specific definitions, or working tolerances of the
The subsequent pages list all the features that can be defined within cncKad, and
explain how changing specific options affects the running of the program and the
creation of NC code programs.
To access the various settings, use the Settings Menu:


About Settings

You can define two distinct Defaults, which are accessed via different menus. They are
quite similar in the parameters they set, with one major difference the areas they
General Defaults (the Machine and Workspace Settings dialogs) they define
the defaults for all the parts created on this specific seat.
Part Defaults (the Set Sheet and Clamps dialog) they define the default
settings for the part you are currently working on and will not influence future
The parameters you define in the Machine and Workspace Settings will be taken as
General Defaults for every part you create, but only after you reload the current part,
open a new one or the next time you open cncKad.


Machine Settings

Using the tabs of this dialog you can set default parameters for the machine you are
currently working with. This dialog vary for the punch and for laser cutting machines. If
you work with laser cutting machine you will see the following tabs:

If you work with punching machine the tabs related to laser cutting will not be displayed
and you will see this dialog in the following manner:



Machine Tab

This tab defines the default sheet setup, parts' positioning on the sheet and the machine
type. It is advisable to determine these settings, especially if you normally use the same
offsets around the sheet edges.
The options related to machines generally concern those users who have more than one
type of punch and/or laser machine. However, you can also change certain definitions
for a single machine.
After selecting this tab, you will be presented with the following dialog:


If you have more than one machine, from the dropdown list you can select the one you
want to use. You will be able to change the machine at any time during the drawing,
addition of CAM and post-processing stages.


The options of this section allow you to define the default offsets of the parts from the
sheet edges.



Drafting and Nesting

The values entered here set the offsets from the system origin (0,0) and from its
opposite end.


This section allows you for defining default settings for your parts, such as:
Distance Between Parts this option, by entering the values for X and Y
directions, determines the distances between multiple parts on a single sheet.
In many cases this option will be overridden by the common cuts command.
Start Parts Placement here you can set the edge of the sheet from which the
placing of the parts will begin:
o From Clamps, or
o Opposite Clamps.

Private Tool Library

With this option, the user can create Tool Libraries per Machine or group of Machines.
Click on the Create New Library button and the following dialog will be displayed:

A default name for the Tool Library will be displayed, including the name of the currently
selected machine, but you can enter any name you like.
Click OK button and a blank Tool Library will be saved for the current machine; it will be
loaded every time this machine will be selected.
To Insert your tools into that library or if you wish to Copy tools from one Private Library
to another, go to the Edit Tool Library section in the Tools Menu chapter of Punch or
Laser Manual.

Machine Settings

These options allow you to set directories for parts and machines files, add and remove
machines from your seat and configure the settings for the machine currently selected:


Machine Path
Sets the directory where the machine files will reside.
Parts Path
Sets the directory where the part files will reside.
Machines Selection
These options allow you to add or remove machine installations from your seat.
If you are adding a machine, you will have to define various parameters for it, found in
the Machine Parameters section.
Machine Parameters
These options govern the settings of the machines you have installed in your seat.


Current Machine

Drafting and Nesting

Here you can see the machine that is selected in the Selected Machine list, which is the
machine you chose to work with in this session of cncKad (if you have more than one
machine in your seat).
In this dropdown list the user can set the type of the turret his machine is using currently.
If you work with the laser machine, by default there will be chosen: None.


This field will be available for editing only for laser cutting machines.
Here you can choose the laser technology your machine will be using. It will be
comprised into and used with the Cutting Technology Table.


This field will be available for editing only for laser cutting machines.
This section allows you for choosing the geometry table your machine will be using. It
will be comprised into and used with the Cutting Technology Table.
ID Char
Each machine in your seat has a distinct letter that identifies it. If a few of the machines
selected for your seat have the same ID characters, here you can assign other letters to
This feature is applicable only to Amada machines containing a few machine controllers.
In this case you will be able to choose the controllers you want the machine to use for
present part processing. Otherwise this field will be unavailable for editing.
Edit Machine Files section
This section allows the user for managing various Machine Files.
Editing Machine Files
This dropdown menu presents you with various files that govern the way your machine
will perform and the NC program that cncKad will produce. Select one of these files and
click on the Edit button; it will be opened in the Metalix Editor:



The Metalix Editor distinguishes various sections and keys and uses different colors for
distinctive commands.
Delete Old Sections
With the usage of this button you can delete old sections of currently chosen machine
file, without being required to open it.
Line Settings
In this section, the user can define according to what logic the line numbers will appear
in the NC code.
Backup Machines Directory
With these options, the user is able to back up the current machine configuration and
load an existing configuration:
Backup Machine Settings
When clicking this button the Save As dialog will appear, allowing you to enter a name
of your choice and to save the current configuration at a desired location as a Backup
File (with the .mbf extension).


Read Machines Settings from Backup

Drafting and Nesting

After clicking this button the backed up configuration will be displayed inside the
Machine Settings dialog. When you use this option, the current display of the Machine
Settings dialog will be backed up itself (a warning notifying about that will appear).

Machines Folder User Rights

This feature enables the users to share machine definitions, while solving problems
endemic to folder sharing.
Folder Sharing
Until now, users who wanted to share machine definitions (tools library, material
database, etc.) between several workstations had to use a shared folder and work online
all the time. This could cause several problems, since:
Any user can make changes to the machine definitions, whether they are
supposed to or not.
Accidental changes (or file deletion) affect all workstations without an easy option
of reverting.
Network crashes halt all work.
Machine Files Caching
The new modus operandi solves these issues by copying the definition files from a
central repository to a local folder and regularly updating the local files from the central
source. This has the following benefits:
Changes to a workstations definitions affect only that specific workstation.
Any accidental changes can be easily undone by updating from the central
If the network fails this does not affect work all definitions are local.
The new Modus Operandi also distinguishes between two classes of users:
Regular users these users only receive updates from the central repository.
Master users these can send updates to the repository, thus affecting all the
rest of the users.
Using this feature does not entail any changes to the Machine Path in the
Settings => Machine Settings => Machine tab => Machine Settings

Setting Machine Folder User Rights Mode



There are three modes of operation:
Share / Stand Alone
This is the default setting it is intended for workstations that do not share machine
User Only
This is the standard operating mode for users who share machine definitions.
In this mode users receive updates they do not make any changes the definitions.
Even if you are only a simple user, you must still set the central repositorys
folder in the Master Machines Folder section. Update Local Machines' Folder Mode
In this section you can set how the local definitions will be updated from the central
Each Time cncKad Starts
It is an automatic update mode every time cncKad opens it will check for
Only When I Press the Update Button
It is a manual update mode the local definitions will be updated only when you
click the Update Your Local Machines Folder from Machines Master Now
button. Update Your Local Machines Folder Now


Drafting and Nesting

Any time when you want to update your local Machine folder all you need to do is click
this button.
This is for users who want to update the central repository (and are authorized to do
By clicking the Create/Update Machines Master folder button you copy your local
definitions to the central repository.
A Master user can create and update the definition files that all the other users will
receive when they update their local copies. Creating the Repository
In order to use a central repository for your machine definitions, you must first create it.
To do this, use the following procedure:
Before beginning: make sure that your local machine folder definitions are
correct these will be the basis for the repository.
1. Set the User Rights mode to Master.
2. Click the Create/Update Machines Master folder button.
3. Now you must select where the repository will be.
If you want other users to use this repository it must naturally be on a network
drive (or in a Shared folder).
4. Once you have selected where the repository will be placed, click OK.
The naming of the repository folder is automatic you only select the
5. A warning dialog will now open:

6. Click Yes button, and the repository will be created.

After creating the repository, its path is automatically set as the Master
Machines Folder path.
7. Set the User Rights mode back to User Only. Updating the Repository
To update the repository, use the following procedure:
Before beginning: make sure that your local machine definitions are correct
these will be the basis for the repository.
1. Set the User Rights mode to Master.
2. Click the Create/Update Machines Master folder button.


3. A warning dialog will now open:

4. Click Yes, and the repository will be updated.

5. Set the User Rights mode back to User Only.
Master Machines Folder
This is the central repository, from where you will get (or send) updates.
Use the Browse button to navigate through this folder.
Local Machines Folder
This is the local folder where cncKad gets its working definitions.

Program Functions

Here you can choose functions that will be added to your NC program.
For a full explanation see the appropriate section in the CAM Menu chapter of the
Punch or Laser Manual.

Auto Tab

The options displayed in this tab relate to the export of files from cncKad to the
Automatic Nesting program Auto Nest, and they determine whether cncKad will
analyze contours and allow automatic processing to occur.
That's how this is being displayed:


Drafting and Nesting


All the options shown in this section relate to the export of files from cncKad to the
Automatic Nesting module AutoNest.
The parameters entered here can be changed before exporting the part, as well as
redefined from within the Import Setup dialog of the AutoNest; after exporting the part,
they can be seen and edited from Part Information dialog.
All the parameters set in this dialog will be the defaults for the new parts to be created;
they don't influence the current part.
The buffer is the area around a part that separates it from the other parts in the nesting
solution. There are a few options for setting parameters for buffer:
Use Global
If this option is checked in cncKad, before exporting parts to AutoNest, the default
buffering parameter will be taken; else the parameters you defined on the Auto tab will
be used.
When importing a part, while being in AutoNest, you will have the option to set a default
buffering parameters in the Import Setup dialog.
Hole Buffer Size
This parameter defines the size of the area around a hole inside the part.
Use Rectangular Border
If you check this option, the buffers will be calculated according to the parts bounding
rectangle. Using the Left, Right, Top and Bottom parameters' fields set the desired
buffering values on each side of this rectangle.
Use Part Border
When you check this option and define the Buffer Size value, the buffering will follow
the part's contours.
Using one of the options presented from the dropdown list, the user is able to define
whether the part can be mirrored when automatically nesting it on the sheet or not.
Global means the mirroring settings will be taken, during importing the part to
AutoNest, from the Import Setup dialog.
From the dropdown list you can choose in how many directions the part can be rotated
while being nested in AutoNest.
Global means the direction settings will be determined as default ones, in the Import
Setup dialog, during importing the part to AutoNest.

Auto Processing

If Valid checkbox is marked cncKad will automatically analyze the parts contours and
will place the punch/cut on the correct side.
This feature also enables automatic processing (Auto Punch or Auto Cut) of the part. If
the checkbox is unmarked you won't be able to process your part automatically.
Minimum Part Size defines the minimum size of the area which can be considered a



Cutting Parameters tab

This entire tab will be available only for laser cutting machines.

The features presented on this tab allow you to define defaults for cutting options:


This section allows you to set default parameters for the entry point of the laser beam
onto the entity to be cut. The default position of the beginning of the cut (End, Middle,
Free Hand, etc.), the type of the cut (Straight, Arc 45, Arc 90, etc.), and the default
length of the cut may be selected from this dialog.


This section allows you to set default parameters for the exit point of the laser beam out
of the entity to be cut. The type (Straight, Arc 45, Arc 90, etc.) and the length of the exit
cut may be defined in this dialog.

Corner Cutting Style

This section allows you to define default values for the maximal corner angle to be
processed as well as the cooling time.


Max Angle

Drafting and Nesting

Here you can enter default the value of the Max Angle, up to which the corners will be
processed in a chosen way.
For more information on this subject go to appropriate section of the Laser Manual.
Cooling Time
In this option the user can define the default value of the Cooling time.
For more information on this subject go to the appropriate section of the Laser Manual.


This section allows you for choosing the default offsets of the entry and exit cuts.
For more information on this feature go to appropriate section of the Laser Manual.


In this section of the dialog you can choose the parameters for the initial piercing of the
sheet. These settings allow you using all the capabilities of your machine as you can
see there are different options for various machines:
PrePunch machines:

Machines without PrePunch function:

The parameters you set here will be the default parameters in the Add Cut dialog, the
next time you open a part in cncKad.
Changes to the piercing settings for the current part can be done in the Piercing section
of the Add Cut dialog. More information on this topic you will find in appropriate section
of the Laser Manual.
From this dropdown menu you can select the Piercing Method you wish to use. This
menu varies for machines and is dependent on the fact whether the current machine
supports pre-punch or not.
Machine supporting Pre-Punch:

Machine not supporting Pre-Punch:

The methods are:

Normal pierce with the same setting as a regular cut.
None start cutting from a pre-prepared opening.
Pulsed pierce with a pulsing beam.
Fast pierce with a Fast setting.
Prepunch punch a hole and start cutting from it.

User Defined Hole Diameter


This feature is available for editing only for machines supporting the Pre-Punch
The user can define here the size of a hole diameter which should be pre-punched.
The hole diameter parameter defined here is actually the size of the tool with which the
machine will perform the pre-punch. In other words this is the default Tool that will
appear in the Piercing section of the Add Cut dialog.


This feature is available for editing only for machines that support the PrePunch option.
From the dropdown list you can choose one of the two possible positions of placing the
piercing: Bound and Center.
The option chosen here will be the default one in the Piercing section of the Add Cut
dialog. You will be also able to change the pre-punch position for a specific part, there.


This will open a new window enabling you to insert Pre- and Post-Cut functions.
More information on these features you will find in Defining Functions section of CAM
Menu chapter in Punch or Laser Manual.

Cutting Table

This button opens the Cutting Technology Table dialog, which can also be accessed
through the CAM menu, as well as from the Cut Toolbar.
This table allows you to define, view and edit various additional parameters for the
cutting technology:
A sheet type is a combination of material Type and material Thickness.
Therefore for each sheet type you use, you must set individual cutting
For each combination of material and sheet thickness, different types of gas, heads and
lens can be defined.
Except for that, the table is composed of four tabs: Cutting, Geometry, General and


Drafting and Nesting
Switch To Current
This button is active only when you change one of the sheet parameters; with just one
click it allows you to return to the ones, which were set originally.
Sheet Parameters Display
If you are working with originally set parameters, you will see them displayed in red and
blue colors next to inactive Switch To Current button.
See the above picture. Notice that the material thickness chosen by you (2.00mm) in the
Set Sheet and Clamps dialog, doesn't exist in Material Thicknesses database, so the
program chose the closest thickness (2.30mm) to the original one.
Material Type
This dropdown menu itemizes the different material types in your Material Data Base.
When you select an item here it influences the whole dialog the Current Material
Content section will show the thicknesses as well as gas, head and lens parameters
available for this specific material, and the Technological Cutting Parameters tabs will
show their other attributes.
Material Thickness
This dropdown menu itemizes the different material thicknesses available for the
material type selected in the Material Type section.
When you select one of the thicknesses the Technological Cutting Parameters tabs
will show the appropriate attributes for the specified material and thickness.
Gas, Head and Lens
For each combination of material and sheet thickness, different types of gas, heads and
lens can be defined. These parameters are being defined one according to the other.



This option enables you to copy a material data in order to create a database for
another material. This is done by duplicating the values from the current combination of
material, thickness, gas, head and lens to another parameter or creating a new one.
For instance, if you wish to copy the current material data to another material, all the
values belonging to that material will be copied to the new one. If you wish to copy the
current thickness data to another thickness, all the values belonging to the current
material/thickness combination will be copied. If you wish to copy the current gas data to
another gas, all the values belonging to the current material/thickness/gas combination
will be copied to the new gas. And so on and so forth.
To do this, click on the appropriate Copy button and the following dialog will appear:

If there is a possibility of creating new parameters (click Copy/New button) the following
dialog will appear:

Notice that in the dropdown menu you will see only possible parameters derived from
the list existing in cncKad for the current machine.
You can also check the Also Copy Geometry and General tables option to include
these tables' values in the duplicate.
Click OK button to close the dialog. The new parameter will assume the values of the
copied one.
If you wish to add to the table a new sheet type with its values, you should go
to Settings => Workspace settings => Material tab => Edit material
button. There, you have access to the Material List.
Delete Parameters
To delete parameters defined for a certain sheet type combination, simply mark these
parameters and click the appropriate Delete button.
Current Material Content
This section shows information on the database content of the currently selected
Use Diameter For Contour Sizes
Selecting this option you choose to define the contour by the diameter. On the Geometry
tab you will see the Min and Max Diameter values determined by diameter.


Drafting and Nesting

For comparison go to: Use Area for contour sizes section of this chapter.
Use Area For Contour Sizes
Selecting this option you choose to define the contour by the area. On the Geometry tab
you will see the Min and Max Diameter values determined by area.
For comparison go to: Use Diameter for contour sizes section of this chapter.
Technological Cutting Parameters
This section shows the attributes of the sheet type you selected. Browsing between the
tabs you will be able to view and edit various parameters.
Cutting options
This tab allows you to define the cutting parameters in the same way this was possible in
your earlier version of cncKad.
Geometry options
This tab allows you to define parameters such as length, entry and exit for the contours
size command.
General options
This tab offers setting several general parameters.
Piercing options
This tab offers setting various parameters for piercing.
Add Row
Using this button you can add parameters to the table, choosing them from a pop-up list
of parameters possible to be added.

Delete Row


By the help of this button you can remove rows of parameters from the table. When the
verification dialog appears, click Yes button to confirm your choice.

Beam Diameter

In this field you can set the diameter size of the beam your Laser machine will use by

Contour Overlap

This option allows you to control over the points where the laser cut enter and exit the
If you would like to:
Leave a bridge enter a negative value.
Have the laser cut overlapped enter a positive number.

Travel Gap

This section determines the gap used by the cutting head when traveling between cuts.
Here you can define the default parameters to the following travel gap options: Low,
Medium, and High.

Travel Speed

This section determines the speed used by the cutting head when traveling between
cuts. You can easily modify and set the default values for: Low, Medium and High
travel speeds.
The value of Rapid travel speed is being taken from MDL machine file and is not
available for editing.

Various Gap Parameters

There are three gap parameters for which you can set their values:
Piercing Gap
Cutting Gap
End Gap
More information about each of these values you will find in appropriate sections of
Laser Manual.

Convert Plasma Table to cncKad

This option is avialable for Boschert machines only.

Since version 8.0 the cncKad can load the plasma.bin and copy some of its content
into the cncKad laser tables. Currently, the information that is being passed to cncKad
is the set number and feed rate (for simulation).
To convert the plasma.bin file click this button. You will be asked to select the
plasma.bin file (usually in A: drive) and after the process is finished, you can open the
Laser Technology Table (by clicking the Cutting Table button) and see the results. For


Drafting and Nesting

Note, that only the medium cutting speed is updated, and all the other ones are ignored.
Now, when creating plasma contours in the Boschert NC, the above setup number will
be used (for material number 0 and thickness 1.6mm).

NC Report Template Tab

This tab lets you choose a document template that will be used to produce the Report
File after the NC code has been generated (and that will thus include information on the
part processing).
For a full explanation on the Report File and how to create templates, see the
appropriate section of the Appendix chapter of Punch or Laser Manual.
Choose the template most suitable for you:

To print (or print preview) this report, use the regular printing options from the File

Report Language

You may have Report Templates in more than one language installed on your PC. In
such case, you may wish to switch between them.
Clicking this button you will be presented with a dialog allowing you to choose the
preferred language from the dropdown list. After you do, in File Name field you will be
presented with the dropdown list of reports in that language.

File Name


In this field you will be presented with the dropdown list of all the report templates
available in the currently chosen language:

Only templates that are named according to the following naming convention
will be displayed
Where "xxx" denotes the chosen language, and "*" is one of the four
formats used by cncKad DOC, RTF, TXT and OEM.
Select the template that will be used to create the Report file, or create your own
template and add it to C:\Metalix\Machines directory. Its name will appear here and
when you will select it, cncKad will use it to create a report. However, if you do not use
the above described convention, you will NOT be able to choose your template from the
dropdown menu.

Edit Report Template

When you click the Edit button, the currently chosen template will be opened in an
adequate editor. Specific editor that will be opened, can be chosen from Editors field.

Picture Size

The parameter entered here determines the percentage of the part's (or sheet's) graphic
representation size, which will be displayed in the report.

Template Editors

There are two pre-defined options you can use for editing your templates and the third
one allowing you for choosing an additional editor:
Built-in if you select this option, and when you click Edit button the editor that
will open will be adequate to the type of template chosen:
o DOC templates will be edited with Microsoft Word.
o RTF templates will be edited with Microsoft WordPad.
o TXT templates will be edited with the Metalix Editor.
o OEM templates will be edited with DOS Edit.
winword.exe if you select this option, the templates will be opened with
Microsoft Word; this editor is useful for creating tables, using colors and
specialized fonts for customized reports.
Browse this option allows you for selecting by yourself a specific editor with
which you would like to edit the templates. Henceforth, all the templates will open
with this editor.

Line Thickness

In this dialog, by assigning the colors to various thicknesses, you define the default
setting of the way the different lines will be represented in the printed report:


Drafting and Nesting


If this checkbox will be selected, the drawing will be printed by default in Black and White

Sheet Processing Technology Tab

When processing thick sheets, containing parts such as airing nets, with the aid of
single punches or cassette (cluster) tools there is a danger that the sheet will become
This effect becomes even more problematic when the multiplied punching method is
being used on such a sheet. This phenomenon causes loss of accuracy and sometimes
collisions between the sheet and the machine, resulting in considerable damage to both
machine and tools.
The Sheet Processing Technology dialog allows you to set the strategy cncKad will
use when creating NC code:



Although it is possible to set the processing strategy from this tab, it would be more
useful to create a strategy after you have created your part and set the order of the tools.
The difference between this tab and the one in Set Sheets and Clamps dialog is that the
settings defined here are general defaults and will be used only after you reload the
current part, open a new one or the next time you open cncKad, and the ones defined
there will influence only the current part.

Tool's Processing Strategy

From this section of the dialog you can set the strategy cncKad will use when creating
your NC code. Here you can decide how to distribute the punches (or cuts) of different
All Sheet
When you will choose this strategy, all the punches or cuts on the sheet will be made
first with one tool, and only then the machine will move to the next tool.
Choosing this strategy you command the machine to process all punches (or cuts) of
one part with ALL the tools (actually, all the Blue tools); only then the machine will move
the next part.
This option is useful when working with thick material or with old machines, where there
is a high risk of the machine getting "stuck" in such case, at least some of the parts are


Drafting and Nesting

completed. Mark the "safe" tools as Blue they will work all over the sheet, the Red
tools will work Per Part.
Choosing this strategy you command the machine to process all the punches (or cuts)
with ALL the tools (actually, all the Blue tools) on a current stripe. Only then the machine
will move to the next stripe.
It is recommended to use this option for parts with many holes, where the sheet may
easily get bent. After completing processing a stripe, you can remove it.
This option will not work on nestings.

Tools Section

This section shows the tools used in the processing of your part. If you have selected the
strategy for All Sheet, this field will be greyed out and thus unavailable for editing. If
your strategy is either Part or Stripe, you will be able to mark here "safe" tool as Blue
ones and the tools, which are allowed to work only per selected strategy, as Red ones.

Optimization Strategy

The options presented in this section govern the way your punches or cuts will be
For processing of Parts, Vertical and Horizontal Cuts you can define here the Starting
Corner and the Optimization Path.
Starting Corner
From this dropdown list you can choose which corner to start the optimization from:
Bottom Left
Bottom Right
Top Left
Top Right
You can also set this option to Auto, in which case cncKad will choose the best one of
all these options.
Optimization Path
Here, from the following dropdown list options you can choose optimization strategy,
which you want to use:
Snake Y:



Snake X:

One Way Y:

One Way X:

User Defined: The cutting or punching order defined by the user will be used as
the optimization strategy.
Fastest: In this case cncKad will choose the best one of these options.

Settings for Stripe

These options provide settings for the Stripe strategy:

No. of lines per Stripe in this field you need to enter the number of Part lines
(rows) to be included in one stripe.
Remove Stripes marking this checkbox you select whether or not to remove
the stripe when the machine finishes processing it. If this option is marked, a
trimming cut is created.
Direction of Stripes Removal when you choose to remove the stripes, in this
field you can select the direction of the punch (or cut) that will disconnect the
stripe from the rest of the sheet.
Removing Tool when you choose to remove the stripe, you must choose the
tool that will be used for the cut removing the stripes.


Drafting and Nesting

Cut and Split Sheet Tab

The options on this tab allow you to set default parameters for the Cut Sheet and Split
Skeleton (this section is available for laser cutting machines only) options which pertain
to the CAM technologies:

Cut Sheet Section

Here you can define default parameters for the Cut Sheet feature. For more information
on this option, see the appropriate section of the CAM Menu chapter in Punch or Laser
Choosing Tools Option
Auto Tool Selection if you check this checkbox, cncKad will choose the best tools for
cutting the sheet.
Manual Tool Selection in this case, you can select the appropriate tools for the vertical
and horizontal cuts from the Tools Library, by clicking the Tool button.
Here you define the default value for the Cut Sheet Offset. For more information on this
option, go to the appropriate section of the CAM Menu chapter in Punch or Laser

Split Skeleton Section

This section is available only for laser cutting machines.


Here you can define default parameters for the Split Skeleton feature. For more
information on this option go to the appropriate section of the Laser Manual chapter in
Laser Manual.
In this section you will be able to set the direction of the forthcoming cuts as well as the
distances between them.
In this section you have an option of setting the default option of when to split the sheet:
Before Parts the splitting of the sheet will be performed before all the parts will be
After Parts the splitting of the sheet will be performed after all the parts have been
already processed.

Trim Sheet Tab

In this tab you can select a tool to separate the parts from the sheet after they have been
processed. After you do, a set of trimming punches or cuts will be generated using the
selected tool:

More information on trimming a sheet you will find in Creating a Trimmed Sheet section
of Appendix chapter of Punch or Laser Manual.

Reposition Tab

The features of this tab allow the user to set the policy for making repositions of the
sheet with respect to the table. These repositions are being placed directly into the NC
code. Repositions are typically accomplished by moving the clamps and placing pins on
the sheet to hold it in place during the change of the position.
Below see the various repositioning options you will be able to define for your sheet:


Drafting and Nesting

Types of Reposition

Manual Reposition this option is valid only when you have already defined
repositions manually, using the Reposition and Transformation option of CAM
menu chapter of Punch or Laser Manual. In such a case, when you will check
this option, cncKad will give priority to your repositions, and will make no
changes to them.
Auto Reposition when selected, cncKad will set the repositions as you
specify in current dialog, overriding any previous reposition definitions you may
have set.


In this section the user can set the number of repositions to be made.
Minimum Reposition
This option creates as few repositions as possible, in order to make the needed
punches. If necessary, it splits the processing of a part.
Minimum Part Breaks
This feature tries to set the minimal number of repositions needed, so as not to split the
processing of any part. This may result in having more than the minimal number of
repositions possible, but will make sure that each part is processed in a single reposition
(unless the part itself is bigger than the reach of a single reposition).
For example, when your parts are placed on a sheet that extends beyond the table, and
therefore requires repositioning, the program will try to punch a whole part, make the
reposition, and then punch the next part. In this way there will be less of a chance for
inaccuracies resulting from repositioning.

Another reason to use this option is that when your machine has a slow repositioning
mechanism, you want to make as few repositions as possible.
User Defined
Here the user can define the repositions by himself. If he selects illegal positions, or the
Post Processor cannot reach the whole sheet due to the defined repositions, the
program will issue an error message and abort the NC creation. In any case, the
repositions set by the user will not change. There are a few things important to note
when entering reposition values:
No negative values are allowed.
Each reposition must be bigger than the previous one (not incremental).
Make sure that in the last reposition, the machine reaches the end of the sheet.
The "zero" position is always the sheet origin, therefore it is unavailable for

Max/Min Processing

By these options you can choose the minimal or maximal range of the sheet to be
processed during each reposition.
Max at 1st grip at each grip (Reposition) the machine will try to process as
much of the sheet as possible.
Max at Last grip whenever two grips (Repositions) overlap, the machine will
let the overlapped section be processed in the next grip.
When a Forming Tool is used, often it is placed as the last tool, so that the tools
following it
(especially punching tools like a long RE tool) will not "flatten" the form.
However, if the sheet to be processed is longer then the working range, and Reposition
is required, the cutting tool used after the Reposition (in the 2nd "grip") can flatten the
forms that were created in the 1st "grip".
To overcome this, we can now define the Min/Max Reposition per tool.
For example, suppose that we are processing a 2000mm sheet on a 1250mm machine.
We will set in Set Sheet and Clamps => Reposition tab to have:
[x] Max at 1"st Grip
However, in Used Tools => Tool Data => Reposition Types tab we will set for the
Forming Tool:
[x] Max at Last Grip
Now, all the tools will process up to 1250mm, but the Forming Tool will process only up
to 750mm.
After the Reposition, all the tools will process between 1250 2000, but that will not be a
problem for the forms they were made only up to 750. Finally the Forming Tool will
complete the forms from 750 2000.

Reposition Safety

These options deal with the repositioning of the sheet before and after the processing:
None Will not add any reposition before or after.
Reposition Back After the sheet have been processed it will be brought back
to its original position by repositioning the clamps.
Start process from right side The processing of the sheet will be started at
the opposite side of the sheet than the one usually in use (left corner at 0,0

Drafting and Nesting

location). In that aim, the sheet will be repositioned before the processing and in
the end it will have the same position as when it was loaded. This option is useful
for sheets that bear few micro-joints, for instance, in order to avoid loss or
damaging of parts.

Tool Reverse Order For Transformation/Reposition

This option allows for reversing the tool's order set in Used Tools dialog for processing
the parts on transformed or repositioned sheet.

Laser Optimization Tab

This entire tab will be available only for laser cutting machines.

This tab is similar to the Laser Optimization tab of the Auto Cut dialog (and to the
Laser Optimization tab in Set Sheet and Clamps the dialog), with one important
distinction: The parameters set here are the initial global default settings cncKad will
offer for all parts created on this workstation, whenever this Laser Optimization tab will
be opened for a new part.
Naturally, you can change these settings for specific parts (see the Laser Optimization
tab in Set Sheet and Clamps the dialog) and cuts (see the Laser Optimization tab of
the Auto Cut dialog).
For information about the parameters in this tab go to appropriate section of Laser




Workspace Settings

In this dialog, browsing through tabs, you can set various parameters for your

Display Tab

The Display tab deals with various options that affect the way certain entities are being
displayed on the screen:

Many of these options of this tab deal with the default settings for adding Dimensions to
the part (see Adding a Dimension or Text in the Drawing Entities chapter). Whenever
you execute the dimensioning command for the first time in a cncKad session, the
settings defined here will be used. It is therefore advisable to define the settings
according to the options that you most commonly use.

Dimension Type

These options set the default Dimension Type that will appear in the Dimension Type
field, shown in Add Dim\Text dialog.
This by default is usually set to Horizontal or Vertical. But there are also other options
you can choose: Diagonal, Angle, Radius, Diameter, Angle to X, and Angle to Y.

Dimension Mode

Drafting and Nesting

These options set the default Dimension Mode that will appear in the Dimension Mode
field of Add Dim\Text dialog.
This by default is usually set to Single. But you can also choose one of the two other
options: Serial and From Base Point.

Text Size

This will set the default for the Text Size of the dimension text.
More information on this subject you will find in the appropriate section of the Drawing
Entities chapter of this manual.

Arrow Size

This will set the default for the Arrow Size of the dimension.
More information on this subject you will find in the appropriate section of the Drawing
Entities chapter of this manual.

Show Arrow

Checking or unchecking this option you can define whether to show dimension arrows or

Decimal Digits

Define here how many digits you wish to show in dimensions:

Show up to maximum digits to be shown (trailing zeros will be omitted).
Show exactly number of digits that should always be shown.
Next to the section's name you will be able to see the units for which the digits are

Right Align Text

When in Right-to-Left languages, such as Tai, check this option if you want the default
writing direction in text edit boxes to be Right to Left.
You can always change the writing direction later, by using <CTRL+ Right Shift> or
<CTRL+ Left Shift>.

System Origin

This option sets the point of origin that will be the systems reference point for the
drafting stage.
The System Origin for generating the NC program depends on the type of machine you
have; this setting is defined in the machine settings file, and will not be affected by the
definitions entered here.

Black Background

Mark this checkbox, if youd rather work with a black background (negative). It changes
absolutely nothing in cncKad, except for the colors of drawing.

Use Dash for Selected Entities

By checking this option the Selected Entities will be emphasized not only by color
change into blue, but also by dashed lines.

Show All Dies For Tools

If you check this option the dies of all the tools will be displayed.




When enabled, this option gives a possibility of displaying Rulers around the sheet. This
might be helpful by locating placement of Cut Sheet.
It is important to set the spacing parameters of the Rulers, because without parameters
this option will be disabled on the display.
The Rulers with spacing distance of 50mm will displayed on the screen as shown

Pins display

Depending on your machine type up to four pins holding the sheet can be displayed on
the screen.

Material Tab

From this tab you can define the default material type, its size and thickness, to be used
whenever a new part is created:


Drafting and Nesting

Default Material

This section of the dialog allows you to define the default material. You can choose the
material and thickness from the dropdown menus, and define the type of sheet.
List of Materials
Any time you will create a new part, a Material chosen from this dropdown Materials List
will be a default one for your sheet. Of course, you will be able to change it at any time.
Sheet Type
From three sheet types listed here choose the one you are using the most. It will be a
default setting, and will be presented any time you will create a new part. Of course, you
can change the selected type at any time.
This parameter is important for your machine, that she would know when to increase the
height of the head, if necessary.
The types of sheets are:
Normal this type designates regular, plain sheets.
Formed sheets that have been formed beforehand.



Irregular sheets with rough surface.
Sheet Thickness
The thickness set here will be the default one for your sheet, whenever you will be
creating a new part. It can be changed at any time.

Edit Material

In this dialog you can make changes into the Material Database:

To edit existing material records, click the field you wish to edit and change its content.
Be aware that if you make a change to one field and move to a different field,
the change you have made will be stored in the database.
If you delete fields and cannot recreate them, you can restore the installation default in
the following manner:
Delete the file C:\Metalix\Machines\Material.mdb
Close and re-open cncKad.
This will re-install the original database, but all the changes you may have made will be
After adding a material to your Database, you should define which sizes are available for
Clicking this button will enable you printing the Material Table out.
Add Material
When you want to enter a new material, click this button, and the following dialog will

Enter the new materials name and select the base Material Type for it:


Drafting and Nesting

This Material Type will be used to set the initial attributes for the new material
Tonnage, Density, Clearance, etc., so you should select the Type, that most resembles
the new material.
For example, when adding Copper to the list, you will probably select Aluminum as its
base Type:

As a result, Copper will be added to the list with Aluminums attributes:

You can now change the attributes, so that they reflect Coppers true nature click
inside a table cell and enter the correct value.

Edit Laser Technology Materials

This button will be available only for Laser Machines. Clicking it will open the following

This table varies from the one seen after clicking the Edit Material button, since each
material presented here corresponds to certain cutting technology. The materials shown


and added here will be available on Technology Cutting Table, in Material dropdown
Adding Material
Adding material to this table is the same as adding material to Edit Material table, with
one difference when for example we will add the list Copper with Aluminums attributes
it will be shown here this way:

Material Class indicates to which "family" specific material belongs to (what basis does
it have):
0 indicates steel
1 indicates stainless steel
2 indicates aluminum
Deleting Material
Selecting the desired material and clicking Delete button, removes the first one from the

Convert Materials

This button will be available only for Laser Machines, in case when you have upgraded
your cncKad version from the one you used to have to version 8.0 or higher and haven't
converted the Laser Material Technology from the old one to the new ones, yet.
The full explanation on this whole process you will find in cncKad V.8s new Material
List section of Appendix chapter of Punch or Laser Manual.

Sheet Database

This section of the dialog allows the user to access the database and to manage
materials stock.
Material List
This window shows which materials are available in the Sheet Database.
As you click the specific material and choose it's thickness, in the table below you will be
see the sizes available for selected material and thickness combination.
In this window you will find all the thicknesses which are available in the Sheet
Material + Thickness ID
In this field you have the option to give an ID name to a combination of material and
thickness value. To do so, select the desired Material and Thickness in the Sheet


Drafting and Nesting

Database section. Then, enter an ID in the Material + Thickness ID field. This ID will be
kept and displayed every time you use this combination.

Managing the Material Stock

After you have selected the materials you want to use for your parts, you should define
the sizes of the sheets available in stock for each material:

On the above shown picture you will see the Material and Thickness combination
displayed over the table, and inside the table you will see the sheet's stock for this
specific combination. To add more sheet's sizes to the stock you have two options:
Enter the size in the appropriate fields of X and Y columns, in the line marked with
sign. This is usually done if the size you define is specific only for this sheet.
If the size you want to enter you will be applying to other sheets as well, it is
recommended you add it to the Standard Sizes table.
When you will try to choose a material thickness in the Default Material area of
this dialog (the Seat default), or in the Set Sheet and Clamps dialog (the
current part settings), only those values you have entered into the database
will be available.
When you enter the Set Sheet and Clamps dialog, and click the Select Sheet button,
the sheet sizes available for the current Material and Sheet Thickness will be shown. If
the chosen thickness has been defined in the Material Database, without having
specific sheet sizes defined for it, then the Standard Sizes will be automatically loaded
into the Database.
In the Material Stock table you can enter the quantity of the specific sized sheets you
want to have in your database. You can also assign the Size ID for the specific sheet. It
will be kept and displayed for this sheet every time you use this Material and Sheet
Thickness combination.
After choosing one the size of the sheet you will be working on, during the creation of
NC, in the Post-Processor Options dialog you will have a chance of choosing the
number of sheets you want to use and checking the Update Sheet Quantities in DB
option :

This number of sheets will be deducted from the quantity of sheets entered in Material
Stock table, in quantity column.

Standard Sizes

When adding a sheet size to your Database, you can define a custom size, or choose
one of the standard sizes from this dialog:

You can also enter here sheet sizes, which you want to be standard ones for more than
just one specific sheet. To do this, enter the values in the X and Y fields of the line
sign and click OK to confirm. The new sheet size you entered here will
marked with
be saved in this table and also will appear in the Material Stock table.

Extended Table

This table is similar to, but contains more options, than the table of Material Stock. Here,
except for sheet quantity and Size ID you will be able to add additional parameters like
Load, Code or Size.

User Data Tab

User Data is information that can be entered and stored with the part. It will be also used
in creating the Report File.
In this tab you can define only the default name of the programmer. All other user data
relates directly to the program and drawing being created, so there are no default values
for it. If you want to define or change other user data settings see the appropriate
sections of CAM Menu as well as NC Program Creation chapters.


Drafting and Nesting

Working Defaults Tab

The settings defined on this page have a direct effect on different aspects of the

Two Letter Tool Definition

Tools may be defined using a one or two-letter abbreviation, depending on the standard
adhered to at the machine site, e.g. C6 or RO6.

Enable update of LASTSET

When this option is checked you will be able to update the LASTSET setup file during
the creation of the NC code program.

Window with Drag

Checking this option defines that the Window selection method (described in
Introduction chapter) allows the selection simply by dragging and releasing the mouse,
and unchecking it tells us that the mouse must be clicked in order to select the window's
end point.

Report with Windows Font

Defines whether the Report File will contain Windows fonts when printed out or not.



Editor Reloads Externally Modified File

This option defines whether the Metalix Text Editor will reload a file, when you enter it
for editing, after it has been modified by another editor outside the scope of cncKad, or

Change Mouse Wheel Direction

This option affects the Zoom Realtime option when used with the Mouse Wheel. If you
check or un-check this option, the mouse wheel direction will change accordingly for
zoom in and for zoom out.

Use XP style

Activate this option and the buttons on the toolbars will be displayed with XP Style.
Old style:

XP style:

Adjust punch parameters to current tool type

Defines whether the Auto Punch Parameters in the Auto Punch dialog will be
automatically adapted to the currently selected Tool Type for example by choosing
appropriate Tool Spacing type for each of them Overlap for Rectangular tool, Scallop
for Round tool or Wheel Connect for Wilson Wheel tool.

Minimize Rotation Auto Turn ON

Checking this box, automatically turns flags the Minimize Rotation row, in Used Tools
dialog, each time you place a tool which requires rotation in Auto Index station. If this
box is unmarked, no action will be taken in such case.

Notify after parts update

This option applies to Manual Nesting.

Parts that have undergone some changes as DFT are being updated into NST files.
When you will check this option here, you will be notified of the update.

Never update NST files

This feature applies only to Nesting.

If you select this option, any changes you make to DFT file will NOT be updated in NST
files that contain it.


Drafting and Nesting

Ask before Punch Shape

cncKad always asked you whether you wished to punch directly a placed shape, if the
matching tool was available. Now you have an option to decide about the action to be
taken for a specific shape.
When the option Ask before Punch Shape will be checked, any time whenever cncKad
will find in the tool library a fitting tool for the placed shape, it will issue a warning:

Now, not only you are given the possibility of choosing whether you want to punch the
shape or not, but also you have an option of choosing a default action for a particular
shape being placed on the current part. To do so, check the Do not ask again for this
shape box, when the warning appears, and press Yes button. From now on, whenever
you will place this shape again on this part, cncKad will recognize and punch it
automatically. If you chose No for an answer, cncKad won't punch this shape.
The action undertaken, chosen from the warning dialog, will be the case for the
current part only and as long as you do not re-run cncKad.
If you don't want to be asked about any shapes at all, just uncheck the Ask before
Punch Shape box.
Delete Stored Info
Clicking this button all the information which was saved according to your choice,
concerning all the shapes, will be erased.

Send to Disk

Choosing one of the two alternatives, described below, you define where the created NC
program will be copied automatically to:
Send to A:\ selecting this option your program will be sent to the floppy disc drive.
Send to other location in this field you can enter a specific drive you want the
program to be saved on or you can use Browse Location button for searching the
desired directory.

Decimal Digits

This option defines how many digits should be displayed after the decimal point.
This setting has an effect on the dimension text displayed. Increase this number for
greater accuracy.


This value is a tolerance, used when converting splines (curve entities) into Line entities.
Because curve entities such as splines and parabolic curves cant be used in cncKad,
they are converted into line entities. The higher this value is, the closer the line entities
will represent the original path of the curve. That also means that more lines will be
created, therefore making a larger drawing and NC Code.



This option is available only when importing IGES Files.


This is the working tolerance parameter for cncKad.

Angle Tolerance

This is the working angle tolerance parameter for angles in cncKad.

Post-Processor Options Tab

The options of this tab deal with settings concerning the Post Processing Stage the
last stage, before creating the NC code:

Use Macros

This option is available only for some machines.

It's very useful when using multiple parts on a single sheet, because it allows the user to
shorten the program by using macros (or in other terminology Sub-Routines).
Selecting this checkbox enables the macros as a default. If you don't want using them
for a specific sheet, you will be able to uncheck the Use Macros option in Post
Processing Stage of NC Program Creation.


Automatic Testing of Common Cuts

Drafting and Nesting

By selecting this option you define to automatically test common cuts at the Post
Processing Stage of NC Program Creation, if the Common Cuts option has been
chosen. This feature will check for duplicates and will make sure that no double punches
have been placed between two adjoining parts.

Automatically Remove Punches on Sheet Edge

Selecting this option will locate the parts on the sheet in a way, which the punches
placed on the edges of the part will be situated outside the sheet's range:

This feature is useful in sparing the material as well as saving the processing time.

Check For Not Processed Contours

Marking this option sets the default usage of the Check Process option of CAM Menu. If
the contours will be not processed you will be notified about that by an appropriate

Warn If Processing In Y Smaller Than Dead Zone Y

Choosing this option you will be warned anytime the processing in axis Y will be smaller
than the size of the Clamp's Dead Zone.

Prompt To Overwrite Existing NC File

This option will overwrite the already existing NC File with the currently created one.

Report File Creation Options

From this dropdown list you define the default setting for creating a Report File. The
options are as follows:
Do Not Create Report File
Create Report File
Print Report File
Create and Print Report File
More information on creating Report File and the types of Report Templates you can
find in Appendix chapter of this manual.


This feature is designed for Shop Floor Seats, where the NC code is created just before
being transmitted to the machine.


If this option is selected, the Turret Setup file "LASTSET" will be updated by default. If
you want to deactivate it only for the current part processing go to Post-Processor
Options of NC Program Creation.

Run Simulation After Post Processor

Choosing this option defines that after the Post Processing stage of NC Program
Creation, the graphic creation screen will remain open and the simulation of created NC
code will be loaded in a separate module, where the user will be able to simulate it.

Automatic Detection

This function is available for punching machines only.

In this section, you can order the post processor:
Not to detect groups of single punches: no group detection will be operated.
To automatically detect lines of single punches: cncKad will detect
automatically a line of single punches and turn it into a "single on line" punch
type in the code.
To automatically detect grids: cncKad will recognize grids of singles and turn
them into a "grid punch type in the code.
This is another way of shortening the NC code.
This feature similar to the one which appears in the Auto Punch dialog, with one
important difference: here the sheet processing is not being affected.


Drafting and Nesting

Live Update tab

Checking this option and choosing Download's Directory allows you to automatically
update cncKad installation.
For more information on this function, see The cncKad Service Pack section of the
Appendix chapter of Punch or Laser Manual.

Punch and Cut Warnings

This dialog defines when warnings are to be given depending upon certain
In all cases, when the checkbox is ticked, an appropriate warning is issued to the user if
the indicated event has occurred. The user can then decide whether or not to proceed
with the CAM.
When the box is not ticked, cncKad assumes that the user wishes to proceed with the
CAM and no warning is being issued.
Choose the warnings you wish to receive:


This section shows processing connected warnings:


Warn if Over Tonnage
Punching with the current tool exceeds the stated tonnage for the machine.
Warn if Punch Destroys Part
Making a punch will destroy the part. cncKad now also identifies when the punch
destroys the part for D, Double-D, Cross (Corner Radius) and Special Tools.

Warn if No Station for Tool

The warning appears only during NC creation.

There are no stations available on the turret to accommodate specific tool.

Warn if Over Travel in Y

The warning appears only during NC creation.

The tool cant reach a specific point from where it sits in the turret.

Technological Limits Warnings

This section denotes warnings of technological limitations.
Warn if Punch Less than 1.5 Tool
Warns if the selected Nibble or Crunch is less than 1.5 times the tool length.
Warn if Punch Step Less than Thickness
Warns if the punching step size is smaller than the materials thickness, or when using
Single punch type, the tool is smaller than the thickness.

Manual Reposition Warnings

This section denotes the warnings issued during manual reposition.

Warn if CAM in Clamp Dead Zone

The warning appears during NC creation.

Warns if the program is trying to process the sheet, while inside the Dead Zone of the
Warn if CAM is out of X working Range
Warns if the program is trying to process the sheet outside the table.

Temporary disabling some of the warning messages

This feature allows the user to disable some warnings for the whole session. When one
of the warnings Punch destroys part or Over tonnage is detected is displayed, the
user can mark the checkbox: Do not show this message again in the current
session. If he does so, the message will not be displayed until a new part is opened or
until the cncKad is restarted. Whichever button he will press (Yes or No), this choice will
be remembered during the whole session and the actions will be undertaken


Drafting and Nesting

DFT Text Tab

This tab defines settings for the DFT Text feature of cncKad, i.e. for the text placed on
your part that is processed as entities:

Choose Your DFT Font Directory

In this field you should type in the path for the directory containing the pre-defined and
user-defined DFT fonts.

Space Between Letters

This option sets the distance between letters as a percentage of the characters size.

Width of Space Char

In this option's field you can set the size of the Space character (ASCII 32) on a line of
DFT Text, as a percentage of the regular characters size.

Max bulge

The Bulge is the difference between an Arc and the straight line connecting its ends. The
value entered here is the maximal bulge allowed for a letter. Arcs whose bulge value is
smaller than the one entered here will be converted into straight lines.

Part Report Template Tab

From this tab you can choose the document template that will be used to produce the
Part Report File before the NC is generated, thus it will solely include information on the

The settings in this tab are similar to the ones used in the NC Report Template Tab (in
the Machine Settings dialog) here you can also choose the language of the report, line
thickness, picture size, as well as edit your template.


For a full explanation of the Report Files and how to create templates, see the
appropriate section in the Appendix.
The Part Report will be similar to the one shown below:

And this is the way the Part Costing Report looks like:


Drafting and Nesting


To print (or print preview) any of these reports, use the Print Part Report and Print
Preview Part Report options in the File Menu.

CAD Link Options Tab

The following tab presents options that concern the import of parts from other drafting
systems through the CAD Link feature:

Bend Lines

In this section choose how you wish to import Parts Bend Lines from Solid Works ,

SolidEdge , Autodesk Inventor , PTC Pro/ENGINEER and Vertex G4 : Bound,

Centre, Both or None.
In the following example, you can see a section of a part imported with Bound Bend

And, below, the same part imported with both its Bound and Centre Bend Lines:


Drafting and Nesting

Bend Lines tab

In this tab you can enter global settings for bending the lines, such as:
Which Bending Program you want to use (to look for it on your PC use Browse button).
Bend Lines' properties (line color and style for positive and negative angle).
Which bending parameters you want to export to the Bending Program (Angle, Radius,
K Factor).


Report Settings

This option allows you defining the settings for all raports in one place.
More information on functions presented here you will find in the NC Report Template
Tab section of this chapter.



In this dialog you will find a few features, which don't exist on NC Report Template Tab
of Machine Settings nor on Part Report Template Tab of Workspace Settings, such as:

File Format

Clicking this button you will be presented with the following list of file extentions:

Choosing one of the formats (DOC, RTF or TXT) will display in File Name field only the
names of the files in that format. If you will select *.* format, all the files avialable for
chosen language, in any format, will be displayed.


Drafting and Nesting

Select the Machine

Clicking the Machine button will allow you choosing one of the installed machines for the
current session if you have more than one machine installed on your seat.



cncKad supports the following languages for the user interface and for command
Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Taiwanese, Thai, Turkish.
When this option is selected, the following dialog is displayed:

From the dropdown list select the required language and click OK button. The user
interface including all the command prompts will appear in the selected language.
In addition to the language you can select the Character Set. It is recommended you
leave this at the default setting.
If characters in the interface and dialogs do not appear correctly, choose the Character
Set proper for your specific language.


Set Font...

This option allows you choosing the font that will be used for placing dimensions and
text on your part (see the appropriate section in the Drawing Entities chapter):


Set Working Units

In this dialog you can define with which units of measurement you will be working
metric or inches. This setting can be changed later, whenever you start a new drawing:




Drafting and Nesting

8 The Nest Menu

The integral Nesting utility in cncKad allows the user to import (Load) into one sheet
many different DFT Part files. These part files must be already processed.
The imported parts cannot be changed geometrically or processed within the nesting file.
They can however, be changed in the original part file. Any change in the part file will
automatically update the nesting files where that part appears.
An imported part can be Placed anywhere on the sheet and it can be Rotated, Mirrored,
Moved, Copied, etc.
The Nest menu contains all the options that the user will need to manipulate the sheet
and the nesting on it. Some of these options can also be found on the Nest Toolbar:

Only when a nesting file is opened, the Nest Menu and Toolbar will be activated and all
the other toolbars that arent relevant to the nesting process will be hidden.


Opening a Nest

There are two options for opening a Nest:

Creating a New Nest
Opening an Existing Nest
Both options are available from the File Menu or Standard Toolbar:


Creating a New Nest

To start this process, you will be presented with a Save dialog:



Define a directory to Save your Nest file in, give it a name and press the Save button.
The following dialog will be opened:

Define the parameters of your Nest sheet size, material, sheet thickness, etc. You can
also add information in the User Data tab.
After filling out the necessary data and clicking OK, cncKad will create a sheet at the
size you defined. The sheet will be displayed as a red rectangle and the machine table
as a brown rectangle.


Drafting and Nesting


Opening an Existing Nest

To open an existing Nest you will be presented with the following dialog:

To aid you in opening the correct Nest, you can click (once) on a Nest in the list, and a
preview of it will be displayed in the right side port of the dialog.
After choosing the Nest and clicking Open the nest will be opened in cncKad.


Load and Place

All loading of parts into the Nest is done via the Load and Place command.
The parts that can be loaded in the NST file are normal cncKad DFT files that have
been processed.
Loading and Placing a part is a two-stage process:
Loading a Part
Placing the Part in your Nest


Loading a Part

When the Load and Place command is selected, the following dialog is displayed:



Select the part that you wish to import by clicking the file name. When you have found
and selected the part to import, click the Open button.
The part will appear "ghosted" around the cursor. Moving the cursor will move the part.


Placing a Part

At this stage the part has been imported but not yet placed on the sheet. There are
several commands that allow the user to manipulate the part as he wishes before
placing it in the nest. These commands appear on the status bar when you choose this
For more information on the manipulation commands go to the Inserting a sub-part
section on File Menu chapter of this manual.
Having set the above options, click the mouse or press Enter at the desired location and
the part will be placed. When you do so the following dialog will be opened:

Here you have the option to cancel the positioning by pressing No button, or to finalize it
by pressing Enter or Yes. When you press Yes the part will be placed at the selected
Once placed, you can place more of the selected part with the same definitions as the
previous one, manipulate it again or press Esc to exit the command.


Pick and Place

This command is very similar to the Load and Place command, except that you select
an instance that has already been placed on the sheet.
The selection is performed by clicking an instance of a part with the cursor and pressing
Enter to confirm the selection.


Drafting and Nesting

As soon as an instance has been picked, you will be able to manipulate it as explained
in the Inserting a sub-part section of the File Menu chapter of this manual.
Click the mouse or press Enter at the desired position and the part will be placed
A dialog will be opened asking if you are sure you want to place the part at the selected
position. You still have the chance to cancel the positioning by answering No or to
confirm it by clicking Yes.
You can continue placing more of the selected instance with the same definitions as the
previous one, or press Esc to exit the command


Deleting a Part

Click on the part that you wish to Delete, and press Enter to confirm the deletion.
If the part is a group, the whole group will be deleted.


Moving a Part

The Move Part command moves selected part(s) from one position to another.
When you choose this option from the Nest menu you will be presented with the
following sub-menu:


Move Absolute

This command will move a selected entity or group of entities to an absolute position or
relative/polar to a defined base point.
Select a part and move it with the cursor, which will be placed automatically at the center
of the part or group of parts.
Before placing the part in a new place you will be able to manipulate the part as
described in the Inserting a sub-part section of File Menu chapter.
Click the cursor at the position you wish to place the part or enter a coordinate position
to move the parts to, by pressing the spacebar:

Define the position as described in the Positioning with Different Coordinate

Systems section in the Introduction chapter. Press Enter or select Apply to close the
The part will be moved to the defined position.


A new dialog will open asking if you are sure about the part positioning. Press Enter or
Yes to confirm the move or No to return one stage back, to the positioning stage.
After placing the part once in a new position, the command will start working like a copy
command, allowing you to position more of the same part at other positions, without
moving the previous one.
Having finalized your placement, press Esc and the command will return to the selection
stage allowing you to select more parts to move.


Move Relative

This command will move part(s) by specified X and Y distances.

After selecting a part the following dialog will appear:

After defining the distances, click the Move button. The part(s) will be moved.
The dialog will remain opened and will allow the user to redefine more distances to move
the same part selected. When you have completed the move operation for this part or
group of parts, click the Close button or press Esc.
The Move Relative command will remain active, enabling you to continue selecting
more parts to move.


Nest Array

The Nest Array command will create copies of a selected part a defined number of
times in the X and Y directions at specified distances. The resulting copies of the
instance can be grouped together and given common cuts.
After selecting the Array option and selecting a part (or a number of parts) to make into
an array, you will be presented with the following dialog:


Drafting and Nesting


Number (of parts)

This option defines the number of parts to array along each axis.


Dist. Between Parts

Define the distance between the parts in the array.


Directions (X and Y)

This option enables the user to define the direction for the array relatively to the selected
part. The array can be created in the X positive or negative directions (meaning right or
left side of the selected part) and in the Y positive or negative directions (meaning
upwards or downwards). See the figure below:

In this example, the array was created in the positive direction for X (right side) and
negative for Y (downwards).



This option allows the user to group the Array. If you uncheck this checkbox, each new
instance in the array will stand individually. If the array is grouped, any action such as
move, rotate, mirror or delete will affect the whole array.
You will be able to Edit the array only if you check the Grouped option.




Grouped Array Common Cuts

If the instance selected for the Array was not mirrored or rotated, you will have the
option to create common cuts.
If you enable these options, you will lose the ability to define distances between
the parts for the direction enabled.


Editing the Nest Array

As mentioned before, only if the array has been Grouped can it be edited.
To do so select the Nest Array option, click on one of the array instances and press
The Nest Array dialog will appear allowing you to make any changes you wish to the
IMPORTANT: If you have made an ungrouped array and you do the
procedure above you will be creating a new array that will be placed over
the old one, not replace it.


Split array

This feature allows splitting an array into two.

Only Grouped arrays can be split.
When you choose this option and click the array you want to divide, the following dialog
will appear:

You will be able to determine the direction of splitting, set the number of parts for the
new array, and choose whether to Perform "Cut Sheet" between arrays or not.
The results for the settings above will be as shown below:


Drafting and Nesting


Original Array

This section of the dialog shows the parameters of the original array you wish to split.
Nx, Ny: The number of parts in the X and Y directions respectively.
Dx, Dy: The distance between parts in the X and Y directions respectively.


Split on X or Y dimension

The user can choose to split the array in the X or Y directions (but not both).
Split on X dimension: The new number of parts in the first array will be counted
on the horizontal direction.
Split on Y dimension: The parts will be counted on the vertical direction.
First array new N: This parameter defines the number of parts that will be in the
first array, i.e., before the split.
For example:
The original array is Nx=8, Ny=3.
The Split is on the X direction.
New N is set as 5
The result will be two arrays the first one 5 by 3, the second one will be 3 by 3 (the
remainder of the original array).


Distance between arrays

This option defines the distance between the new arrays.




Perform "Cut Sheet" between arrays

This feature enables you to automatically cut your sheet in the division line between the


Reposition and Transformation

For information on this subject please refer to the Reposition and Transformation
section of CAM Menu chapter of Punch or Laser Manual.


Set Part Order

The user can define the part punching / cutting order with the aid of one of three


Setting Order by Mouse

When this option is selected, a number will appear next to each type of part placed on
the sheet. The numbers represent the cutting order. By clicking the part, the user
changes the order of the numbers and therefore the cutting / punching order.


Setting Order by List

This command is the same as the Ordering by List option explained in Tools Menu
chapter of Punch or Laser Manual, except that here you are ordering a Nest and not a



8.10 Functions
After creating your Nest, you may to add Functions to the processing.
When adding Functions to a Nest, you can add Tool Functions or Program Functions. To
view the options available for these manipulations, see the Defining Functions section
in CAM Menu chapter of Punch or Laser Manual.

8.11 Set Sheet and Clamps

This option opens the Sheet and Clamps dialog.
For further information about the options available from this dialog, refer to the Set
Sheet and Clamps section in CAM Menu chapter of Punch or Laser Manual.

8.12 Nest Data

This option allows the user to view information about the parts that have been placed on
the Nest and to see how many copies have been placed from each part.
When this option is selected the following dialog is displayed:


Drafting and Nesting

In this list, the user can select any part and all its instances (copies) will be highlighted
on the sheet.


User Data

When you click the User Data button, the User Data of the part (if any was given in the
original file) will be displayed in the dialog shown below.

This user data can only be viewed. Any changes to the part specific user data must be
made in the original part (DFT file).


Delete Part

The Del Part button will delete all instances (copies) of the part(s) selected.


Edit Part

Clicking the Edit Part button opens the selected part in cncKad in a new session. Make
any changes you wish and save the part. The changes will be updated into the Nest file
after you exit the Nest Data dialog and click Esc.



8.13 Ask Part

This command works almost the same as the Nest Data option.
The difference is that here the user first selects a specific part on the sheet and then the
Nest Data dialog opens with this part highlighted on the list. While in the Nest Data
option the dialog open first and when you select a part on the list, its instances (copies)
will be highlighted on the sheet.
This command is useful when you have a Nest with many parts, sometimes
with similar names, where it would be very difficult or take a lot of time to
find a specific part on the list its simpler to select it graphically on the

8.14 Part Instance Data

This option is only for multi head cutting machines.
The Part Instance Data option offers you a list of the different instances of parts in the
Nest, and the possibility of manipulating the properties they have been imported with.
After selecting this option choose one (or more) of the part instances on the nest: the
Part Instance Data dialog will open, highlighting on the sheet corresponding instances
of the selected part(s).

When you will click on the Properties button, the following dialog will appear:

In this dialog, you will find one or two tabs, according to your machine features:


The Multi Head tab

Drafting and Nesting

The Part Unload Deposit tab


The Multi Head Tab

This option is intended for laser machines with multiple heads. Select the number of
heads you want to use and set the Distance between heads. Click OK button and the
dialog will disappear. In the Nest Data window you will see additional information about
each of the part instances amount of heads chosen for it and the distances between

When you will press the Exit button, the dialog will close and other samples of your part
will appear at the defined distance. They will be highlighted with another color, denoting
they will be cut by the additional head. See picture below:


The Part Unload Deposit tab

If the selected Part Instance has an Unload function defined, you can redefine it from



8.15 Explode to Sheet

This option takes the current Nest, and transfers its geometry to the sheet.
The upshot of this action is that the Nest parts can now be processed and manipulated
just like any other part in cncKad, with almost all the drawing and processing options
To be able to manipulate the parts make sure the mode button is set to the SHEET

8.16 Copy Part Contour to Sheet

This option transfers the contours of the Parts included in the Nest onto the Sheet.
The upshot is that the inner entities of the instances of a single Part can still be
processed/ manipulated together (cf. Explode to Sheet above), and the outer contours
can be processed individually.

8.17 Update Parts

Parts placed in the nest, which have undergone some changes as DFT, will be
automatically updated into NST files.
If you check the Notify after parts update option in the Settings => Workspace
Settings => Working Defaults tab, a dialog will appear notifying you of the update
anytime you make changes to the part:

8.18 Split Skeleton

This option is for Laser machines only.
After finishing cutting the sheet, the user choosing this option has the possibility of
splitting the remnant sheet skeleton into small pieces. For more information on this


Drafting and Nesting

option, refer to the Split Skeleton section on the Laser Manual chapter of the Laser

8.19 Tool Manipulation

After creating your Nest, you may want to change the order of the tools used, or optimize
the processing of the Nest.
In the following sections you will find description for the few features available for these
manipulations. For more options see the Used Tools section on Tools Menu chapter of
Punch or Laser Manual.


Change Tool

For the Nest loaded in cncKad there is a possibility of changing the tool for the part.
This feature however is available only when the option Mode=Sheet is active and it
works just for the cuts placed on the sheet (Not on the part).


Tools at 0 and 90

For a chosen tool with which you want to punch a horizontal entity, you are now able to
set the working angle to 0. If you want to punch a vertical entity with the same tool, you
can set the working angle to 90 for it. The two instances of the same tool will be seen
as two separate tools and they wont be placed in the Index Station.
When you will place two instances of the same part of the sheet one in 0 and the
other rotated by 90, the program will assign punches for the tools. It will always punch
horizontal entities of both parts with one tool and the vertical ones with the other, even
though their angle changed.




Drafting and Nesting

9 Estimation Menu
The Estimation Menu proposes several options for calculating and generating
production cost reports for Current and Generic Parts using cncKad:

Before estimating part production cost, the user must define once the Estimation


Estimation Settings

In this table you will set the estimations basic parameters hourly setup and various
processing rates:



These parameters will be used to calculate the cost of the part, so it is important
to input the correct values.
These settings are defined per machine, so make sure that the appropriate
machine is selected in the Machine button on the State Bar before you make
any changes; the settings will be kept by default for this machine, but they
can be changed according to the circumstances.
Fill in this dialog once for each machine. You will then be able to proceed to the
part cost estimation.
The parameters in this dialog are described in the following sections.


Drafting and Nesting

Once these settings have been defined, the user may proceed to an Estimation for the
Current Part or for a Generic Part.



In this section, enter values in the appropriate fields for Engineering and Programming
Price per hour, as well as default values for Engineering and Programming Time.


Machine costs

This section allows you to set machine-specific Prices and Timing; as mentioned
earlier, these will be saved as default values for that machine.


Other machines

This section allows you to define Prices per hour for operating additional machines
(grinding, drilling and tapping).



Here, define the Price and Preparation Time for Sheet Bending.


Cost Estimation

There are two options for Cost Estimation:

Estimation for Current Part (for the part you have already created and processed)
Estimation for Generic Part (for parts that have not yet been created)
For each of these options, you may generate an Estimation Report.


Estimation for Current Part

This table will help you to evaluate processing costs for a part which has already been
created and processed. Some sections of this table slightly differ for laser and punch

Make sure the values in the Estimation Settings for your current machine have
been filled before entering this dialog.
Make sure the part has already been processed manually or automatically.



In this dialog, some sections are not available for edit: they mostly relate to part-specific
features, such as material type and thickness, part dimensions, various CAMing
definitions and CAMing time.
Pricings are considered fixed (as defined in the Estimation Settings dialog) and will be
included in the final price calculation for the current part.
Timings are generally editable, unless they were determined by the NC process.
Set the various parameters as explained in the following sections, and then press the
Recalculate button at the bottom right of the dialog to obtain the resulting Cost per
You can also print and print preview the Estimation Report.


In this section, the user may change default Preparation Time values (previously set in
the Estimation Settings dialog) to fit this specific part. As explained above, the pricing
per hour is fixed and cannot be edited here.


This information is not available for edit, as explained above.

Cutting Machine

Here, you can set a different Machine than the current one for the part processing cost
estimation: all the values in the dialog will be changed according to the parameters you
have filled in the Estimation Settings dialog for that machine.


Drafting and Nesting

Make sure you choose a machine that supports the part processing technology.
You can also edit the Machine Setup Time as needed.
CAMing speed:
For a Punch machine, information on the punching and nibbling speed is
For a laser machine, in addition to cutting speed, you will be able to see
information on gas, head and lens used for that part. This data is taken from the
Settings Menu => Machine Settings => Cutting Parameters tab => Cutting
Technology Table dialog.

Part Properties

The Part Properties displayed here are for information only, and they cannot be edited:
Bounding X and Y: These values give the dimensions of the part's bounding
rectangle in X and Y directions.
Area Gross and Net: The Gross value is the parts area including holes, and the
Net value is the parts area without the holes. These values are presented in
square meters/inch.
Weight Gross and Net: These are the parts weights (in kg/lbs) with and without
the holes area respectively.
Material Price: This value is calculated automatically by searching for the
Material Price per Kg/Lbs for the current Material Type in the Settings Menu
=> Workspace Settings => Material tab => Edit Material button => Material List

The calculation includes the Gross Weight and the Sheet Efficiency defined for
the current part.
Efficiency: This value represents Part Efficiency on the sheet in percentage
and it can be edited.
Besides information on the parts physical properties, you may also view data on the
CAMing such as tools quantity and various processing lengths.




This section of the Estimation dialog allows you to include additional manufacturing
costs when using other machines.
First check the relevant processing options; you may now define the quantity of holes for
Drilling and Tapping, or the quantity of Bending, as well as the Manufacture Time for
each unit. For Grinding and Bend Setup, set a global time:

Once youre done with these settings, press the Recalculate button and prices will be
calculated for each extra processing according to fixed prices per hour.
On the right side of the Manufacture section, you may view several processing times
which are taken from the NC process and thus cannot be edited.

The Total Processing Time takes into account all the information in the Manufacture
section and can be recalculated at any time by pressing the Recalculate button.

The Recalculate Button

Press this button to update intermediate and final cost calculations in the dialog.


The results of the estimation are given from different perspectives for your information,
and they appear once you have filled the rest of the dialog and pressed the Recalculate


Drafting and Nesting

Here, you may view the Cost per Part including or not the material cost, and the
difference in cost depending on the part quantities produced. As a rule of thumb, the
more parts are produced at a time, the cheaper the cost per part is.
You may also define a Part Quantity according to your needs, and press the
Recalculate button to see the results.


Estimation for Generic Part

This table will help you to evaluate processing costs for a generic part; this means that
you can define approximate values for a part that has not yet been created, and estimate
in advance its general cost.
Some sections of this table slightly differ for laser and punch machines.

Make sure the values in the Estimation Settings for your machine have been
filled before entering this dialog.

The options in this dialog are similar to the ones in the Estimation for Current Part dialog;
you may refer back to that section for more information on these options. The main
difference is that here, since the part has not yet been created, the user has control over
many more parameters:
Sections which are not available for edit are estimated automatically according to
your input (rather than according to CAMing, as this was the case in the
Estimation for Current Part dialog).
Pricings are fixed, as defined in the Estimation Settings dialog. Timings are
generally editable.



At the bottom right of the dialog, the Standard Part button allows you to display
default values for your part, or you can manually set the various parameters for
the part to be created: Preparations Time, Material Type and Thickness, the
Cutting Machine and the Generic Part Properties. Change the Manufacture
parameters as needed.
Finally, press the Recalculate button at the bottom right of the dialog to obtain
the resulting Cost per part.
You can also print and print preview the Estimation Report of your Generic

Generic Part Properties

This section is similar to the Part Properties section in the Estimation for Current Part
dialog, only here, you must define yourself the Size and Bounding Area of the part to
be created.
You may also set approximate CAMing definitions, such as Processing Lengths
(cutting, vaporization, engraving and travel), as well as Pierce, Punch and Tool
Quantities. If you wish to augment or reduce a value in these fields, you do not have to
erase the whole value: you may type in the + or signs, followed by the appropriate
value. Then, press Enter to update the old value, as shown below:
Old Value

Adding 3.5

Press Enter to update the


Once you have defined the parameters in this section, press the Recalculate button to
update the Cost Estimation.

The Reset Button

Press this button to cancel changes in the Part Properties and in the Manufacture

The Standard Part Button

This option allows you to automatically enter default values as a basis for the various
parameters in the Part Properties section; click this button and the following dialog will


Drafting and Nesting

You may define the Standard Part as Rectangular or Circular; the settings for the
parts dimensions will appear accordingly: Width and Height for a Rectangular part,
Diameter for a Circular part.
In the table below, define the quantity of Holes with a specific Diameter.
To add more holes of a certain diameter, press the Tab key and a new row will appear
where you can enter new values.
If you wish to cancel all changes in this dialog, press the Reset button.
When youre done defining the part's dimensions and holes, press the OK button to
confirm. The Part Properties section will reflect those changes; from there, you may
change those values to fit your particular needs.


The Estimation Report

The Estimation Report is a Production Cost Report that shows the results of the
estimations made for the Current Part or for a Generic Part. It may be generated via the
appropriate buttons in both dialogs: you can Print Preview this report, or Print it directly.


To define the Report Settings, choose an appropriate template from the ones available
in the dropdown list in the Settings menu => Report Settings dialog => Estimation Report
Template section:

As with all of cncKad reports, you can customize the Report Template to suit
your needs more or less details, company logo, etc.
When you press the Print or the Print Preview button, the following dialog appears:

Choose the appropriate option and press OK. If the template for this report was in .doc
format, Word will open, showing the resulting report:


Drafting and Nesting



10 Index
About Settings.................................. 153
Add a button....................................... 70
Add Material ..................................... 186
Add Row........................................... 169
Adding a Dimension or Text............. 101
Adding Material ................................ 188
Adding Text ...................................... 108
Adding Text to a Dimension ............. 107
Adding the Interface
CAD Link ........................................ 49
Adjust punch parameters to current
tool type ........................................ 192
After Parts ........................................ 178
All ....................................................... 30
All Sheet........................................... 174
Angle ................................................ 117
Angle Dimension .............................. 105
Angle to X Dimension....................... 106
Angle to Y Dimension....................... 106
Angle Tolerance ............................... 194
Arc Bulge............................................ 47
Array................................................. 144
Array Direction ................................. 151
Arrow Size................................ 106, 183
Ask ..................................................... 74
Ask before Punch Shape ................. 193
Ask Part............................................ 218
Auto Nest ................................... 41, 163
Auto Processing ............................... 163
Auto Reposition................................ 179
Auto Scroll Enabled............................ 73
Auto Snap .......................................... 83
Auto Tab........................................... 162
Auto Tool Selection .......................... 177
Auto .............................................. 216
Autodesk ............................................ 49
Automatic Detection ......................... 196
Automatic punch of specific shapes... 98
Automatic Testing of Common Cuts 194
Automatically Remove Punches on
Sheet Edge................................... 195


Backup Machine Settings ................. 158

Backup Machines Directory .............. 158
Banana Shapes .................................. 96
Batch File Name ................................. 56
Batch Mode ........................................ 54
Batch Mode dialog.............................. 55
Beam Diameter................................. 170
Before Parts...................................... 178
Bend Line ......................................... 117
Bend Lines........................................ 202
Bend Lines tab.................................. 203
Bend Relief ....................................... 133
Bending Radius ................................ 117
Bending/Factor Size ......................... 118
Bevel Array ....................................... 146
Black Background............................. 183
Black/White................................. 59, 173
Bolt Holes ........................................... 95
Bottom Left to 0,0 ............................. 148
Brief introductory note
CAD Link ......................................... 50
Buffer ................................................ 163
Bulge ................................................ 193
CAD Link ...................................... 48, 54
CAD Link Options Tab...................... 202
CAD Link Toolbar ............................... 10
CAD mode .......................................... 26
CAM Menu.......................................... 15
CAM mode.......................................... 26
CAM Mode.......................................... 78
CAM Toolbar ........................................ 8
Center Point, Radius and Two
Angles ............................................. 88
Chamfer............................................ 121
Change Attribute............................... 133
Change Mouse Wheel Direction....... 192
Change Tool ..................................... 221
Check ................................................. 75
Check Contours.................................. 77
Check For Not Processed Contours . 195
Check function

Drafting and Nesting

CAD Link ........................................ 51
Choose Your DFT Font Directory..... 199
Choosing Tools Option..................... 177
Circular Array ................................... 145
Close ................................................ 116
cncKad Help....................................... 18
cncKad Introduction ............................. 1
cncKad Material List........................... 50
Color................................................... 32
Color Button ....................................... 26
Colored Tool Path by Speed .............. 80
Command tab
Toolbars.......................................... 71
Common Toolbar ................................. 4
Compensation .................................. 118
Connect Contours .............................. 77
Context Help ...................................... 18
Contour .............................................. 30
Contour Fillet.................................... 123
Contour Overlap............................... 170
Convert Arc to Line Under Bulge ....... 76
Convert Material............................... 188
Convert Single Punches to Grid....... 151
Convert Single Punches to Grids ..... 147
Convert to Bend Line ....................... 119
Convert to NST File............................ 38
Cool Look ........................................... 69
Cooling Time .................................... 165
Copy................................................. 137
Copy Absolute.................................. 137
Copy Part ......................................... 138
Copy Part Contour To Sheet............ 220
Copy Progressive............................. 138
Copy Relative................................... 137
Copy/New......................................... 167
Corner Cutting Style......................... 164
Corner Notch.................................... 125
Corner Notch with Bend Relief and
Chamfer for Laser......................... 127
Corner Notch with Bend Relief and
Chamfer for Punch ....................... 127
Corner Notch with Bend Relief for
Laser............................................. 126

Corner Notch with Bend Relief for

Punch............................................ 125
Corner Notch with Chamfer .............. 126
Cost Estimation ................................ 225
Create New Font .............................. 112
Creating a New Nest ........................ 207
Creating New Part .............................. 37
Creating the Repository.................... 161
Current Machine ............................... 156
Current Material Content .................. 168
Cursor Port ......................................... 26
Cut and Split Sheet Tab ................... 177
Cut Sheet.......................................... 216
Cut Sheet Section............................. 177
Cut Toolbar........................................... 9
Cutting options.................................. 169
Cutting Parameters tab..................... 164
Cutting Table .................................... 166
D Shapes............................................ 93
Decimal Digits........................... 183, 193
Default Material ................................ 185
Delete CAMs .................................... 121
Delete Dims ...................................... 121
Delete Duplicates ............................... 76
Delete Entities .................................. 121
Delete Entities Under Tolerance......... 76
Delete Help Lines ............................. 121
Delete Last ....................................... 120
Delete Old Sections.......................... 158
Delete Parameters............................ 168
Delete Part........................................ 217
Delete Row ....................................... 169
Delete Stored Info............................. 193
Delete Toolbar ...................................... 7
Deleting a Part.................................. 211
Deleting Entities and Objects ........... 120
Deleting Material............................... 188
DFT Text........................................... 111
DFT Text Tab ................................... 199
Diagonal Dimension ......................... 104
Diameter Dimension ......................... 105
Dim Button.......................................... 25
Dimension Mode....................... 102, 182
Dimension Settings........................... 106


Dimension Toolbar ............................... 9
Dimension Type ....................... 103, 182
Dimensions from Base Point............ 103
Dimensions/Text .............................. 101
Direction ........................................... 163
Direction of Stripes Removal............ 176
Directions (X and Y) ......................... 213
Directives ......................................... 157
Display Bend Lines ............................ 81
Display Options for the Preview
Printing ........................................... 62
Display Tab ...................................... 182
Displaying Dimensions in the
Printing ........................................... 63
Dist Between Parts........................... 151
Dist. Between Parts.......................... 213
Distance between arrays.................. 215
Distance Between Parts................... 155
Dividing the Printout
Printing ........................................... 63
Do Not Show ...................................... 79
DOC Report
Printing ........................................... 57
Dont use Arcs.................................... 47
Double Corner Notch ....................... 131
Double Corner Notch with Bend
Relief for Laser ............................. 132
Double Corner Notch with Bend
Relief for Punch ............................ 132
Double D Shapes ............................... 93
Draw Menu......................................... 14
Printing ........................................... 58
Drawing Arcs...................................... 87
Drawing Circles .................................. 91
Drawing Entities ................................. 83
Drawing Lines .................................... 83
Drawing Points ................................... 90
Drawing Shapes................................. 91
Edit Bend Line.................................. 118
Edit Button.......................................... 59
Edit Dim Text/Text............................ 109
Edit Fonts ......................................... 113


Edit Laser Technology Materials ...... 187

Edit Machine Files section................ 157
Edit Menu ........................................... 12
Edit NC ............................................... 42
Edit Part............................................ 217
Edit Report Template........................ 172
Edit Shape ........................................ 100
Edit Toolbar .......................................... 7
Editing Machine Files ....................... 157
Editing the Nest Array....................... 214
Editing the processing
CAD Link ......................................... 52
Editor Reloads Externally Modified
File ................................................ 192
Ellipses ............................................... 96
Enable update of LASTSET ............. 191
Entity Masking .................................... 29
Entity Type.......................................... 32
Entry ................................................. 164
Bending......................................... 225
Estimation Calculations .................... 225
Estimation Menu............................... 223
Estimation Report ............................. 231
Estimation Settings........................... 223
Preparations.................................. 225
Exit.............................................. 67, 164
Explode Multiple Part........................ 152
Explode to Sheet .............................. 220
Export to Auto Nest ............................ 42
Exporting to Other File Formats ......... 46
Extend .............................................. 124
Extended Table ................................ 190
File Formats Supported for Import...... 44
File Listing .......................................... 67
File Menu...................................... 11, 35
File Name ......................................... 171
File name and path............................. 47
File Names ......................................... 36
File Options Toolbar ........................... 10
File Types ........................................... 36
Fill Tools ............................................. 79
Fillet .................................................. 122
Fillet All Part ..................................... 123

Drafting and Nesting

Filter On/Off........................................ 31
Filter Settings ..................................... 32
Fixed Size ........................................ 118
Folder Sharing.................................. 159
Font Selection .................................. 115
Font Size .......................................... 115
Format................................................ 47
Formatting a Batch File ...................... 54
Formed............................................. 185
From Base Point ................................ 78
Full Cut Tool Width............................. 78
Functions.................................. 166, 216
Gas, Head and Lens ........................ 167
General Defaults .............................. 153
General options................................ 169
Generating a Batch from AutoNest
CAD Link ........................................ 55
Generic Part
Estimation..................................... 229
Generic Part Properties.................... 230
Geometry ......................................... 157
Geometry options............................. 169
Global Size Update .......................... 109
Graphic and Report File
Printing ........................................... 58
Graphic Creation CAD ......................... 1
Graphic Creation CAM ......................... 1
Green ................................................. 79
Grouped ........................................... 213
Grouped Array Common Cuts.......... 214
Grouped Arrays Common Cut.......... 152
Help Line By Absolute Angle.............. 87
Help Line by Relative Angle ............... 87
Help Line Through Two Points........... 87
Help Lines .......................................... 85
Help Lines Toolbar ............................... 5
Help Menu.......................................... 18
Hole Buffer Size ............................... 163
Horizontal Dimension ....................... 104
Horizontal Help Line........................... 87
ID Char............................................. 157
Import Parameters ............................. 45
Importing Files.................................... 43
In Contour .................................. 31, 147

Index Button ....................................... 26

Inserting a Sub-Part............................ 39
Inventor............................................... 49
Irregular ............................................ 186
Join ................................................... 121
Join All ................................................ 76
K Factor ............................................ 118
Keyboard Shortcuts ............................ 28
Languages........................................ 205
Large Buttons ..................................... 70
Laser................................................. 157
Laser Optimization Tab .................... 181
Layers Filter........................................ 46
Line Button ......................................... 27
Line Settings..................................... 158
Line Thickness.................................. 172
Printing............................................ 58
Line Type............................................ 32
Linear Dimension.............................. 105
Lines ................................................. 178
List of Materials ................................ 185
Live Update tab ................................ 197
Load and Place................................. 209
Load From Backup ............................. 72
Loading a Part .................................. 209
Local Machines Folder ..................... 162
Log File Name .................................... 56
Machine ............................................ 154
Machine Button................................... 27
Machine costs................................... 225
Machine Files Caching ..................... 159
Machine Parameters ........................ 156
Machine Path.................................... 156
Machine Settings ...................... 153, 155
Machine Tab..................................... 154
Machines Folder User Rights ........... 159
Machines Selection .......................... 156
Managing the Material Stock ............ 189
Manual Reposition............................ 179
Manual Reposition Warnings............ 198
Manual Tool Selection ...................... 177
Manufacture...................................... 228
Master Machines Folder ................... 162
Master users..................................... 159


Material + Thickness ID ................... 188
Material List...................................... 188
Material Tab ..................................... 184
Material Thickness ........................... 167
Material Type ................................... 167
Max Angle ........................................ 164
Max at 1st grip.................................. 180
Max at Last grip................................ 180
Max bulge......................................... 199
Max/Min Processing......................... 180
Measure ............................................. 77
Methods ........................................... 165
Minimum Part Breaks....................... 179
Minimum Reposition......................... 179
Mirror........................................ 140, 163
Mirror Both Axes .............................. 141
Mirror Command .............................. 140
Mirror Horizontal Axis....................... 141
Mirror Part Horizontally .................... 142
Mirror Part Vertically......................... 142
Mirror Vertical Axis ........................... 141
Master........................................... 161
Share / Stand Alone ..................... 160
User Only...................................... 160
Mode Button....................................... 26
Move ................................................ 135
Move Absolute ......................... 135, 211
Move Dim / Text ............................... 110
Move Part......................................... 137
Move Relative .......................... 136, 212
Moving a Part ................................... 211
Moving Toolbars................................. 72
Multi Colored Tools ............................ 79
Multi Head Tab................................. 219
NC Report Template Tab ................. 171
Nest Array ........................................ 212
Nest Data ......................................... 216
Nest Menu.................................. 16, 207
Nesting Toolbar.................................... 9
Never update NST files .................... 192
CAD Link ........................................ 50


Toolbars .......................................... 70
No Snap.............................................. 25
No. of lines per Stripe ....................... 176
Normal .............................................. 185
Notch ................................................ 124
Notches for Punch\Laser machines.. 124
Notify after parts update ................... 192
Number (of parts) ............................. 213
Number (of Parts) ............................. 151
Number of arcs sections .................... 47
Offset ................................................ 177
Offset "V" Notch................................ 130
Offset Contour .................................. 148
Offset Oval Notch ............................. 129
Offset Rectangular Notch ................. 128
Offset Round Notch .......................... 129
Offsets ...................................... 154, 165
One Point, Center Point and Angle .... 89
One Way X ....................................... 176
One Way Y ....................................... 176
Open for Update
CAD Link ......................................... 50
Open Order File.................................. 39
Opening a Nest................................. 207
Opening an Existing Nest ................. 209
Opening Existing Part......................... 36
Optimization Path ............................. 175
Optimization Strategy ....................... 175
Original Array.................................... 215
Orthogonal Mode................................ 84
Other machines ................................ 225
Out Contour ........................................ 31
Ovals .................................................. 92
Pan Realtime ...................................... 74
Panel .................................................. 23
Parallel at Distance............................. 86
Parallel by Distance.......................... 100
Parallel Line...................................... 100
Parallel Through Point ................ 86, 101
Part ........................................... 155, 174
Part Array ......................................... 150
Part Center Option............................ 142
Part Defaults..................................... 153
Part Instance Data............................ 218

Drafting and Nesting

Part Report Template Tab................ 199
Part Unload Deposit tab ................... 219
Parts Path ........................................ 156
Perpendicular Help Line..................... 86
Pick and Place ................................. 210
Picture Size ...................................... 172
Printing ........................................... 59
Piercing ............................................ 165
Piercing options................................ 169
Pins display ...................................... 184
Place Text ........................................ 111
Placing a Part................................... 210
Placing the Dimension ..................... 107
Play cncKad Movies........................... 18
Point to Point...................................... 78
Polygon .............................................. 98
Position ............................................ 166
Positioning Using the Absolute
Method............................................ 32
Positioning Using the Polar Method ... 33
Positioning Using the Relative
Method............................................ 33
Positioning with Different Coordinate
Systems.......................................... 32
Post Processing ............................. 1, 42
Post-Processor Options Tab ............ 194
Preparing the Parametric system
CAD Link ........................................ 53
Previous ............................................. 31
Print.................................................. 186
Printing ........................................... 59
Print Options
Printing ........................................... 59
Print Preview ...................................... 60
DOC Report.................................... 60
Standard Report ............................. 60
Print Preview Full Report ................... 60
Print Preview of a Report File
Printing ........................................... 66
Print Preview of Drawing in CAD
Printing ........................................... 64
Print Preview of Drawing in CAM
Printing ........................................... 63

Print Preview Part Report ................... 60

Printing Examples
Printing............................................ 63
Printing Options .................................. 56
Printout of Report File with the
Drawing........................................... 67
Private Tool Library .......................... 155
Proc Button......................................... 25
Processing parts from CAD Link ........ 50
Program Functions ........................... 162
Prompt To Overwrite Existing NC
File ................................................ 195
Punch and Cut Warnings.................. 197
Punch Toolbar ...................................... 8
Punched Sheet ................................... 97
Purple ................................................. 79
Purpose of this feature ....................... 18
Quantity ............................................ 179
Radius Dimension ............................ 105
Rapid Tool Path.................................. 78
Read Machines Settings from
Backup .......................................... 158
Recalculate Button ........................... 228
Rectangles.......................................... 92
Rectangular Array............................. 144
Red ..................................................... 79
Redo ................................................. 120
Redraw ............................................... 73
Regular users ................................... 159
Relative............................................. 116
Remove a button ................................ 70
Remove Stripes ................................ 176
Removing Tool ................................. 176
Replace Text .................................... 110
Report File
Printing............................................ 58
Report File Creation Options ............ 195
Report Language.............................. 171
Report Settings................................. 203
Report types
Printing............................................ 57
Report with Windows Font................ 191
Reposition and Transformation ........ 216
Reposition Back................................ 180


Reposition Safety ............................. 180
Reposition Tab ................................. 178
Toolbars.......................................... 71
Restore All Defaults ........................... 72
Right Align Text................................ 183
Rotate............................................... 138
Rotate Command ............................. 139
Rotate Part 180 degrees .................. 140
Rotate Part 90 degrees .................... 139
Rotate Part -90 degrees................... 140
Run Bending Program........................ 54
Run Parametric File ........................... 39
Run Simulation After Post Processor196
Running Auto Punch .......................... 52
Save Backup ...................................... 72
Saving a Sub-Part .............................. 41
Saving Files........................................ 38
Saving the current file ........................ 19
Scale ................................................ 143
Scale Factor ..................................... 118
Scaling and Moving the Part in
Preview........................................... 63
Tools............................................. 175
Select Option Toolbar .......................... 5
Select the Machine........................... 205
Selecting an Entity ............................. 30
Selection Filter ................................. 134
Selection Methods.............................. 30
Selection Options ............................... 30
Send Problem Report......................... 18
Send to Disk..................................... 193
Send to Diskette................................. 42
Send to Machine ................................ 42
Sending a Problem Report................. 19
Sending and Saving the Report File .. 22
Sequence ......................................... 178
Serial Dimensions ............................ 103
Set Font............................................ 205
Set Layers .......................................... 48
Set Part Order .................................. 216
Set Reference as 0,0 ....................... 148
Set Sheet and Clamps ..................... 216


Set Working Units ............................. 205

Setting Machine Folder User Rights
Mode ............................................. 159
Setting Order By List ........................ 216
Setting Order by Mouse.................... 216
Settings for Stripe ............................. 176
Settings Menu............................. 18, 153
Settings tab
Toolbars .......................................... 71
Shapes List......................................... 99
Shapes Toolbar .................................... 6
Sheet ................................................ 154
SHEET................................................ 26
Sheet Database................................ 188
Sheet Parameters Display ................ 167
Sheet Processing Technology Tab... 173
Sheet Thickness ............................... 186
Sheet Type ....................................... 185
Sheet/Part Button ............................... 26
Show All Dies For Tools ................... 183
Show Arrow .............................. 107, 183
Show Clamps Bar............................... 80
Show Dies Modes............................... 79
Show Dies only during Ask ................. 79
Show End Points ................................ 73
Show for all tools ................................ 79
Show for Close to Clamps Tools ........ 79
Show in Nest .................................... 107
Show Shear Scrap.............................. 79
Show Tool tips .................................... 69
Side Button ......................................... 26
Simulation....................................... 1, 42
Single Dimensions............................ 103
Single Fillet ....................................... 123
Single Selections ................................ 30
Smooth ............................................. 149
Snake X ............................................ 176
Snake Y ............................................ 175
Snap ................................................... 24
Snap Auto........................................... 24
Snap Button........................................ 23
Snap Center ....................................... 24
Snap End............................................ 24
Snap Intersection................................ 24

Drafting and Nesting

Snap Nearest ..................................... 25
Snap Part ........................................... 25
Snap Perpendicular............................ 24
Snap Tangent..................................... 24
Solid Works ........................................ 49
SolidEdge........................................... 49
Space Between Letters .................... 199
Spacing Specification....................... 115
Span Angle......................................... 98
Spline ............................................... 115
Split .................................................. 121
Split array ......................................... 214
Split on X or Y dimension................. 215
Split Skeleton ................................... 220
Standard Part Button........................ 230
Standard Report
Printing ........................................... 57
Standard Sizes................................. 189
Standard Toolbar ................................. 3
Start Parts Placement ...................... 155
Start process from right side ............ 180
Starting Corner................................. 175
State Bar ............................................ 23
Status Bar Enabled ............................ 73
Step 1 Problem Description ............ 19
Step 2 Personal Data ...................... 20
Step 3 Reduced Problem Report .... 21
Step 4 Instruction ............................ 21
Stretch.............................................. 142
Stripe................................................ 175
Sub-Parts ........................................... 39
Switch To Current ............................ 167
System Origin................................... 183
Tangent - Perpendicular..................... 84
Tangent - Tangent.............................. 84
Technological Cutting Parameters ... 169
Technological Limits Warnings ........ 198
Template Editors .............................. 172
Temporary disabling some of the
warning messages........................ 198
Text Along ........................................ 107
Text Input ......................................... 115
Text Size .......................... 106, 118, 183
Text Size Update.............................. 110

Text Under........................................ 107

The Estimation Menu.......................... 17
The Users Interface ............................. 1
The View Menu................................... 68
Thickness ......................................... 188
Three Points ....................................... 90
Tolerance.......................................... 194
Tool Manipulation ............................. 221
Tool Port ............................................. 27
Tool Reverse Order For
Transformation/Reposition ............ 181
Tool Selection Button ......................... 27
Toolbar tab ......................................... 68
Toolbars.............................................. 68
Tools at 0 and 90 ........................... 221
Tools Menu......................................... 17
Tool's Processing Strategy ............... 174
Transform Menu ......................... 15, 135
Transform Toolbar ................................ 7
Trapeze (Connector Shapes) ............. 94
Travel Gap........................................ 170
Travel Speed .................................... 170
Triangle............................................... 98
Trim .................................................. 123
Trim Sheet Tab................................. 178
Turret ................................................ 157
Turret Setup
CAD Link ......................................... 52
Two Entities Intersection .................... 25
Two Letter Tool Definition................. 191
Two Points and Included Angle .......... 89
Two Points and Radius....................... 88
Two Tangent Points and a Radius ..... 90
Types of Reposition.......................... 179
Undo ................................................. 120
CAD Link ......................................... 50
Update LASTSET ............................. 195
Update Local Machines' Folder
Mode ............................................. 160
Update Parts..................................... 220
Update with a Parametric system
CAD Link ......................................... 53
Update with a single-use model


CAD Link ........................................ 52
Update Your Local Machines Folder
Now .............................................. 160
Updating the Repository................... 161
Use Area For Contour Sizes ............ 169
Use Dash for Selected Entities ........ 183
Use Diameter For Contour Sizes 80, 168
Use exporting file path ....................... 47
Use Global ....................................... 163
Use Macros ...................................... 194
Use Part Border ............................... 163
Use Rectangular Border................... 163
Use Sheet K Factor.......................... 117
Use XP style..................................... 192
Used Tools List .................................. 28
User Data ......................................... 217
User Data Tab.................................. 190
User Defined ............................ 176, 180
User Defined Hole Diameter ............ 165
User Defined Mirror.......................... 142
Using the Interface
CAD Link ........................................ 49
Using the Menus ............................ 2, 11
Various Gap Parameters.................. 170
Vertical Dimension ........................... 104
Vertical Help Line ............................... 87
View Menu ......................................... 13
Warn if CAM in Clamp Dead Zone... 198
Warn if CAM is out of X working
Range ........................................... 198
Warn if No Station for Tool............... 198
Warn if Over Tonnage...................... 198


Warn if Over Travel in Y ................... 198

Warn If Processing In Y Smaller
Than Dead Zone ........................... 195
Warn if Punch Destroys Part ............ 198
Warn if Punch Less than 1.5 Tool .... 198
Warn if Punch Step Less than
Thickness...................................... 198
Warnings .......................................... 197
Width of Space Char ........................ 199
Window............................................... 31
Window with Drag............................. 191
Windows Font................................... 114
Working Defaults Tab ....................... 191
Working with CAD Link ....................... 50
Working with files................................ 35
Working with the Parametric system
CAD Link ......................................... 53
Working with Update
CAD Link ......................................... 52
Workspace Settings.......................... 182
Yellow ................................................. 79
Zoom In .............................................. 74
Zoom Next .......................................... 74
Zoom Out............................................ 74
Zoom Part........................................... 73
Zoom Previous ................................... 74
Zoom Realtime ................................... 74
Zoom Sheet ........................................ 74
Zoom Toolbar ....................................... 4
Zoom Window..................................... 74
Zooming the Part
Printing............................................ 62

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