Regulationsaboutrestaurants 2

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Marleen Martinez

21 October, 2013
Regulations about Restaurants
As I'm coming into work I see a rat run by me into the meat packages, I try to ignore it
but its so disgusting especially since I chop. While I'm chopping the meat it looks rotten, so I
asked my boss if I should throw it away and he said to just use the chemical to make it better or
at least make it look better. So as I went to go get the chemicals in the other side of the room I
stepped on poop it was really gross like someone or something had barely done that.When I got
the chemicals I put into the meat and the next day I came in it looked like a really good meat to
cook and get ready for a good meal or dinner.
According to the article 100 years Later, The food industry is still The Jungle by Adam
Cohen. He argues Sinclair awakened a nation not just to the dangers in food supply, but to the
central role government has to play in keeping it safe. What he was trying to say is that when
Sinclair finally got the governments attention, the government had to be able to keep the people
safer by being able to stop the dangers in the food supply. The meat inspection Act of 1906 was
desperately needed because there was rat droppings, rat poison, whole poisoned rats, rotting ham
that could no longer be sold as ham. Its impact in 2013 is the food and drugs that were/going on.
According to a menu posted at immigration has impacted fast
food menus because the menu includes Shitaki Mushrooms which are known to be from Japan.
Another menu posted at has impacted fast food menus because the menu
includes French Fries which are known to be from Belgium. Also another menu posted at has impacted fast foos menus because the menu includes Tacos
which are known to be from Mexico. As you may know we can conclude that immigration has
impacted American society in one way or the other. Also as you may know over the past years
the sizes of the food had grown or better said, bigger sizes. For example, twenty years ago the
pizza had 500 calories and now there 850.

Erick Schlosser writes in Fast Food Nation that workers were sneezing on there hands
while preparing the food, licking the salad dressing off their hands, picking their noses, and even
flicking their cigarettes into the food that is about to be served.... What he was trying to say is
that the workers who made the food for the consumers were doing disgusting things while
preparing their food. The suggestions that the author have to improve food safety conditions

In the research article titled Impact of Internet Posting of Restaurant Scores on Critical
Violations by A. Blake Waters et al describes Health departments rely on training and
inspections to ensure proper food handling behavior and reduce the risk of foodborne illness
outbreaks. What he is trying to say is that Health departments count on being able to train and
inspect to provide proper food approachment behavior. The impact of internet reporting of
restaurant grades on restaurants is that you get to view what other peoples experience was when
they went there and what they think about it, whether or not to go there.
There are many regulations that should always be in place to protect the consumers. One
of the top five is the demonstration of knowledge, which is when the employee shows his/her
ability to demonstrate safe food handling to the procedures recast to the task being achieved.
Another regulation from the top five is employee health controls, which is when the employee is

ill or injured he/she cannot put hands on the food in other words excluded from food services.
Also another regulation is controlling hands as a vehicle of contamination, which means that that
the employee must wash their hands in a procedure. The fourth regulation is time and
temperature parameters for controlling pathogens, which is having the right temperature. Last but
not least is consumer advisories, which is having the consumers know the hazards that might
damage them because of the food.
On October 5th, 2013 in the afternoon my partners and I went for a visit at Tommys
Restaurant. As we went in we didn't notice much of course, but we did see the letter grade which
was an A. As we pretended like we were consumers we notice that there was pieces of straw
wrappers and napkins in the floor and dirty trays. While we were supposedly waiting for the food
I noticed that there was a lot of different color gum under the tables. There was also broken
furniture with no condiments in good working conditions.
Other observations we made was that when I went to go check on the restrooms you
couldn't tell which one was which for a female or a male, they was dangerous wet spots on the
floor, the toilets weren't in good working conditions, no seat covers, and soap all over the sink.
As I got out I looked at the employees and they were touching the food while handling the
money with no gloves, some of them were eating, and no hair net gears.
With all the respect the consumers are responsible when it comes to health and safety.
One of the reasons why is because if they're on a diet then they should know that in which ever
restaurant they go to there either way gonna add something to it that makes you gain weight.
Also because they should already know what that food is made of or brought from like the
vegetables or meat. Another reason is because they should know already if its a healthy/good
restaurant because of the letter grade that they must have according to the Los Angeles County

requirements for a restaurant.

For own experience the factors that determine what restaurant to eat at is where you think
or know is the safest and cleanest place that have the requirements for a restaurant according to
Los Angeles County. It must have the top five regulations that the employees must follow. The
letter grades that are possible are A, B, C, and D. In which in this case you must go to a
restaurant with the highest letter grade which is A.
To conclude, based on my own observations and experiences I recommend that we can
find a better restaurant than Tommys. Even though there letter grade was an A, it isnt the safest
because of many reasons. One of the is because the bathrooms have no lock and they have soap
spill all over the sink. Another reason is because its also not the healthiest. One of the reasons is
because they are handling the food while making food and eating in the same time.

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