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Data Collection

This study was conducted at KL Central.As we know, KL Central is Malaysias largest transit
hub which integrated rail transportation centre, offering global connectivity and seamlessly
linking all urban and suburban residential, commercial and industrial areas.So,we choose KL
Sental to conduct our survey.We used structure questonaire and convenience sampling in our
study.On the last Sunday until Saturday(4-10 May 2014),we distributed 75 questionaires to
people at there.After finalize all the questionaires we got,only 50 questionaires useable. Apart
from that,we also did Pilot test.Pilot test was done to test logistics and gather information
prior to a larger study, in order to improve the latters quality and efficiency We tested among
10 UPM student.

Difficulties that we faced during the study is ignorance from people.When we first started to
gave questionnaire to them,they refused to answer.Maybe they worry we are salesperson that
want to selling some products to them.After we try to show our matric card to them,they were
willing to cooperate with us and help us to do questionares.In addition,we also faced people
who are not serious to do questionnaires.After we collected the questionnaires,we saw some
questions that with very low realibilty and credibility answer.
Lessons learnt from fieldwork experiences is ,how people feel about the survey affects the
quality of the data you receive. If you are frustrating your respondent, the data they give you
is compromised.In addition, we have no way of knowing how well the respondent
understands the questions. The design must account for this.We are not them,so do not know
how far they understand.And the most importantly,we need to be polite to respondents.Even
tough they are refused to answer the questionnaires.Because we represent UPM and we need
to take care UPMs name.

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