List of Books On Research Methodology

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SNDT Womens University, Mumbai

4-credit Online Course on

Research Methodology


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, . ().(2006). .
: . (M)
, ., , .(2007). . : .(M)
, (2009).

. : .(M) (Pune)

, . . (2009). -: . : . (H)(Pune).
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: . (C)
, . (2009). . : , (H) (C)
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, (2010). . : . (M) (C)
, . , .(2005)..:.(H) (C)
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. (2011). (6th ed). :
. (M) (Pune)

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. (M) (C)
, () (2008). : . . . : . (M)

, (2011). .
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, . , (2007). ().. :
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, (2010). . : .(M) (Pune)
, (2012). . : . (H). (Pune).
, (2009). . : . (H). (Pune).
, (2012). . : . (H). (Pune).
, (2012). . :
. (H). (Pune).
, (2008). : . : . (H). (Pune).
, () (2012). : .
: . (M). (Pune).

Abu-Bader, Soleman Hassan (2010).Advanced And Multivariate Statistical Methods For
Social Science Research With A Complete SPSS Guide . Chicago: Lyceum Books(Pune).
Adams, J., Khan, H. T. A., Raeside, R. & White, D. (2007).Research methods for graduate
business and social science students. New Delhi: Response Books. (C)
Ahmeed, Najma Perveen (2002). Research Methods in Indian music (2nd ed.). New Delhi:
Manohar Publication & distributors. (C)
Alston, M. & Bowles, W. (2003). Research for social workers: an introduction to methods
(2nded.). New Delhi: Rawat. (C)
Angrosino, M. (2007).Doing ethnographic and observational research. Los Angeles: Sage
Publications. (C)
Banks, M. (2007).Using visual data in qualitative research. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Baporikar, Neeta (2010). Doctorate education: a practical guide. New Delhi: Viva Books. (C)
Barbour, R. (2007). Doing focus groups. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.(C)
Barone, Tom & Eisner, Elliot W.(2012). Arts based research. Los Angeles: Sage Publications
Bond, A. (2007). Your masters thesis: How to plan, draft, write and revise (2nd ed.). New
Delhi: Viva Books. (Juhu)

Boeije, H. (2010). Analysis in qualitative research.New Delhi: Sage Publications.(C)

Bordens, Kenneth S. & Abbott, Bruce B. (2005).Research and design methods : A process
approach . Boston: McGraw Hill. (Pune).
Briggs, Ann R. (et al) (ed) (2012). Research Methods in educational leadership and
management. London: Sage Publications. (C)
Byrne, David (ed) & Ragin, Charles C. (2009). SAGE handbook of case-based methods .
London: Sage Publications (Pune).
Chaudhary, C. M. (2009). Research methodology. Jaipur: RBSA publishers. (Juhu)
Chawla, Deepak & Sondhi, Neena (2011). Research methodology: Concepts and cases. New
Delhi: Vikas Publishing House (Pune)
Clark, P., Vicky, L. & Creswell, J. W. (2008). The Mixed methods reader. Los Angeles: Sage
Publ. (Juhu)
Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2007).Research methods in education (6th ed.).
Oxon: Routledge. (C)
Coppin, J. & Nelson, E. (2005).The art of inquiry: A depth psychological perspective
(2nded.). Connecticut: Spring Publ.(C)
Creswell, J. W.(2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design : Choosing among five
approaches2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. (C)
Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design [qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method
approaches]. (3rd ed.). London: Sage Publications. (Juhu)
Dana, Nancy Fichtman (2013).Digging deeper into action research . Los Angeles : Sage
Publications (Pune).
Dane, F. C. (2011). Evaluating research. [methodology for people who need to read
research]. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. (Juhu)
Das, D. K. Lal & Bhaskaran, Vannila (ed.) (2008).Research methods for social work. Jaipur:
Rawat Publication. (C)
Dharmapalan, Biju (2012). Scientific research methodology. New Delhi: Narosa Publishing
House (Pune)
Dhingra, Manish & Dhingra, Vaishali (2012). New Delhi: ENKAY Publishing House.
Dicks, Bella (ed) (2012).Digital qualitative research methods; Vol 1 to 4 . Los Angeles: Sage
Publications. (Pune).
Dixon, Jeffrey C & Singleton, Royce A (2013).Reading Social research : studies in
inequalities and deviance. California: Sage Publications. (C)

Engel, R. J. &Schutt, R. K. (2009).The practice of research in social work (2nd ed.). Los
Angeles: Sage Publications. (C)
Faulkner, Cynthia A & Faulkner, Samuel S (2009).Research methods for social workers: a
practice - based approach. Chicago: Lyceum books. (C)
Flick, U. (2009).An introduction to qualitative research (4th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage
Publications. (Juhu)
Flick, U. (2007).Managing quality in qualitative research. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Flick, U. (2007).Designing qualitative research. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. (C)
Fowler, F. J. (2009).Survey research methods (4thed.).

Los Angeles:

Sage Publications.

Gibbs, G. R. (2007). Analyzing qualitative data. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. (C)
Glenn, J. C. (2010). Handbook of research methods. New Delhi: Oxford Book Company.
Greener, Ian. (2011). Designing social research : a guide for the bewildered. Los Angeles :
Sage Publications. (Juhu & Pune)
Greenstein, Theodore N. and Davis, Shannon N. (2013). Method of family research. (3rd ed).
Los Angeles : Sage Publications. (Juhu)
Grinnell, Richard M & Unrau, Yvonne A (ed) (2008).Social work research and evaluation:
Foundations of evidence - based practice (8th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. (C)
Gupta, Mukul & Gupta, Deepa (2011). Research Methodology New Delhi: PHI Learning
Private Limited. (Pune)
Gupta, S.L. and Hitesh, Gupta. (2011). Research methodology : text and cases with SPSS
applications. (2nd ed). New Delhi: International book house P. Ltd. (Juhu)
Hamilton, Lorna & Corbett - whittier, Connie (2013).Using case study in education research.
London: Sage Publications. (C)
Hammond, Michael & Wellington, Jerry (2013).Research methods : the key concepts. Oxan:
Routledge. (C)
Hart, Chris (2005).Doing your masters dissertation : Realizing your potential as a social
scientist . New Delhi: Vistaar Publications(Pune).
Henn, Matt, Weinstein, Mark & Foard, Nick 2010. Critical introduction to social research.
Los Angeles : Sage Publications. (C)

James, E. A., Milenkiewicz, M. T. &Bucknam, A.(2008). Participatory action research for

educational leadership : Using data-driven decision making to improve schools. Los Angeles:
Sage Publications. (C)
Kamath, R. &Udipi, S.(2010). Thesis and scientific writing: Process form and content.
Udaipur: Agrotech Publishing Academy.(Juhu)
Kitchin, R. & Duncan F. (2005).The Academic's guide to publishing. New Delhi: Vistaar. (C)
Kothari, C. R. (2008). Research methodology : Methods and techniques (2nd rev ed.). New
Delhi: New Age International. (C)
Kumar, A. (2011). Methods in psychological research. New Delhi: Anmol Publ. (C)
Kvale, S. (2007).Doing interviews. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. (Juhu)
Lenburg, J. (2007). Viva facts on file: Guide to research. New Delhi: Viva Books. (C)
Little,Todd D. (2013).Oxford handbook of quantitative methods : Volume 1&2 . Oxford:
Oxford University Press. (Pune).
Locke, L. F., Silverman, S. J. &Spirduso, W. W.(2010). Reading and understanding research
(3rd ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.(Juhu)
Madan, P., Paliwal, V. &Bhardwaj, R. (2010).Research methodology . New Delhi: Global
Vision PublishingHouse. (Juhu)
Marshil, Stephen & Green, Nick (2010). Your PhD companion: a handy mix of practical tips,
sound advice and helpful commentary to see you through your PhD. New Delhi: Viva Books.
McBride, D. M. (2010).The Process of research in Psychology. Los Angeles: Sage
Publications. (C)
McBride, D. M. & Cutting, J C.(2010). Lab manual for psychological research (2nded.). Los
Angeles: Sage Publications. (C)
McNeill, Patrick & Chapman, Steve (2005). Research methods (3rd ed.). Oxan: Routledge.
Moustakas, Clark. (1990). Heuristic research : design, methodology, and applications.
Newbury Park : Sage Publications. (Juhu)
Nadkarni, M. V. &Deshpande, R. S. (eds.) (2011).Social science research in India
[institutions and structure]. New Delhi: Academic foundation.(Juhu)
Nestor, P. G. &Schutt, R. K. (2012).Research methods in psychology: Investigating human
behavior. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. (C)

Oates, B. J. (2006). Researching information systems and computing. New Delhi: Sage
Publications. (C)
Pandya, S. R. (2010). Educational research. New Delhi: A P H Publ.
Panneerselvam. (2013). Research methodology. Delhi : PHI Learning. (Juhu & Pune)
Paris, Django & Winn, Mainsha.T .Humanizing research : decolonizing qualitative inquiry
with youth and communities . Los Angeles: Sage Publications. (Pune).
Pathak, R. P. (2008). Methodology of educational research. New Delhi: Atlantic Publ. (C)
Phophalia, A. K. (2010). Modern research methodology [new trends and techniques].
Jaipur: Paradise Publisher.(Juhu)
Pickard, Alison Jane (2013). Research methods in information (2nd ed.). London: Facet
Publishing. (C)
Polonsky, M. J. & Waller, D. S. (2009).Designing and managing a research project [a
business student's guide]. New Delhi: Response Books. (Juhu)
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (2010).(6th ed.).
Washington: American Psychological Association. (C)
Quayle, Syed Mohammed Haseebuddin (2010).The craft of language and literary research.
New Delhi: Atlantic Publication and distributor. (C)

Ramesh Babu, G. (2008). Research methodology in social sciences. New Delhi: Concept
Publishers. (Pune).
Ramji, Hesmita (2009). Researching Race . England: Open university press. (Pune).
Ranjit Kumar (2012). Research Methodology: Step by step guide for beginners . Los
Angeles: Sage Publications.
Rao, K. Jagannatha & Raju, Murali Mohan (2012).Encyclopaedia of advanced research; Vol 1
to 10. Delhi: Pacific Books International. (Pune).
Rapley, T. (2007).Doing conversation discourse and document analysis. Los Angeles: Sage
Publications. (C)
Roy, Sanjay (2013). Filed work in social work. Jaipur Rawat Publication. (C)
Ruane, J. M. (2005). Essentials of research methods : A guide to social science research.
Malden: Blackwell. (C)
Rublin, Allen & Babbie, Earl (2010).Methods for social work research. New Delhi: Gengage
Learning. (C)

Salkind, N. J. (ed.) (2010). Encyclopedia of research design vols.1-3.Los Angeles: Sage

Publications. (C)
Sarantakos, S. (2005). Social research (3rded.).New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (C)
Sawers, Neil (2009). Ten steps to help you write better essays & term papers (3rd ed.).
New Delhi: Viva Books. (C)
Sharma, Sukeshprabha P.; Desai, Pankajkumar M. & Prajapati, Rakeshkumar S.
(2011).Using SPSS for social statistical research methods . Jaipur: Shree Niwas Publications.
Shenoy, G. V. & Pant, M. (2006).Statistical methods in business and social sciences.Delhi:
Macmillan India Ltd. (Juhu)
Skott, Beth P & Ward, Masjo(ed) (2013).Active learning exercise for research methods in
social sciences. California: Sage Publications. (C)
Smith, J. A. (ed.) (2008). Qualitative psychology : A practical guide to research methods
(2nd ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Sriram, Chandra Lekha(et al) (2010). Surviving field research: working in violent and
difficult situations. Oxan: Routledge. (C)
Stoecker, Randy (2013). Research methods for community change: a project-based
approach (2nd ed.). California: Sage Publications. (C)
Tarling, Roger (2008). Managing social research practical guide. Oxan: Routledge. (C)
Taylor, B., Sinha, G. &Ghoshal, T. (2006). Research methodology : A guide for researchers
in management & social sciences. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India. (C)
Taylor, Claire; Wilkie,Min & Judith,Baser (2006). Doing action research : guide for school
support staff. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. (Pune)
Vijaylakshmi, G &Sivaporagasam(2008).Research methods [tips and techniques] . Chennai:
MJP Publishers. (Juhu)
Wellington, Jerry & Szczeivilski, Marcin (2008). Research methods for the social science.
London: Continuum International. (C)
Wilson, Elaine (ed) (2013). School based research : a guide for education students (2nd
ed.). London: Sage Publications. (C)
Wimmer, R. D. & Dominick, J. R. (2006).Mass media research: Process, approaches, and
applications. New Delhi: Cengage Learning.(Juhu)

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