Consumer Behavior - Value Transfusion Model

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Consumer Behavior

10 Emerging Produts Based on Value

Transfusion Model
Q) List down 10 products which will emerge in the coming 5 years
based on Value Transfusion Model in Pakistani society.
Based on the Value Transfusion Model the following are the 10 products which are expected to
emerge in the Pakistani society
1) Computerized Courses in schools (E-books):
In this fast era of technology a lot of schools in Pakistan have started adopting technology to
facilitate the student of the new era. Tablets and laptops are used to assist the acedemic learning
but in the coming 5 10 years the computerized note books will completely replace the hand
written notes and course books.
2) Packaged/Processed food items (especially fruits, vegetables, meat, rice, pulses)
Factors like education, awareness, increased competition, Health consiousness and convienience
due to the increased role of working women in the society have lead to changes in the consumer
buying patterns.
In Pakistan packaged clean and easy to use meat stores like KnNs, MeatOne etc are emerging
and similarly packaged and clean food items like rice, pulses, fruits, vegetables etc will be used
in the coming years.
3) Health Supplements:
Due to the stressed and busy economy, the role of health consiousness is increasing, but due to
late working hours and competetion there is less time left for people to take care of their health
therefore health supplements are replacing the nutrition gained from food.
4) Islamic Financial Saving Services:
The increased sense of saving and security for the future in the family groups with the role of
strong religeous institutions against interest compared to the past, an increased demand for better

saving and financial securities will be required in the coming years to facilitate the need of
securing the future of consumers.
5) Contraceptives:
The sense of having a small family for better standard of living, health of mothers and for the
economy in general is increasing day by day. This concept was considered disgraceful in the past
and religeous institutions opposed it too but now due to increased awareness the market for
contraceptives is increasing.
6) Women Office Accessories:
At present there are a few expensive brands working on the office accessories for women such as
briefcases, formal shoes and clothing lines. But in the coming 5 years, as women have started
working in offices apart from teaching etc where there is less need of formal attires, there will be
an increased demand for brands which will make office accessories for women aswell.
7) SPAs (oxygen spa)
Due to the environmental poluted conditions in the Pakistani society and increased stress a great
demand for oxygen Spas, facials and other massaging saloons will increase for both the middle
and upper classes.
8) Psychatrists and Anti depressants:
Going to a psychatrist was considered strange in the past as if only mental patients are supposed
to visit a psychatrist but due to frustration, stress, depressions, and tight working schedules for
consumers in Pakistani society a great demand for psychatrist consultation will open and the use
of anti depressants will increase.
9) Eye Sight Medicines/ Eye Sight safety protectors:
As the use of Gagdets is increasing day by day which harms the eye sight a lot which will create
a greater demand for new safety glasses or protectors will increase which will protect the eyes of
the consumers.
10) Day Time Marriage Banquets:
In the past the Pakistani society had a culture of having its wedding events at night and in open
air halls but due to the influences from the west Christian weddings and air conditioned banquets
a new trend of day time weddings is emerging which will require services in the coming 5 years

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