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1. Kuo B. C.

, Digital Control Systems, 2nd Edition, Saunders College Publishing,

2Signal Conversion and Processing
3The z-Transform
4Transfer Functions, Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs
5The State Variable Technique
6Controllability, Observability and Stability
7Time-Domain and z-Domain Analysis
8Frequency-Domain Analysis
9Digital Simulation and Digital Redesign
10Design of Discrete-Data Systems
11Optimal Control
12Micro-processor and DSP Controls

2. Haralick R. M. and Shapiro L. G., Computer and Robot Vision, Vol. II, Pearson
Education, 2002.
- Volume II covers the higher level techniques of illumination, perspective projection, analytical
photogrammetry, motion, image matching, consistent labeling, model matching, and knowledge based
vision systems.Both volumes of Computer and Robot Vision address the growing and rapidly evolving area
of computer vision with depth and breadth and explore details and specific algorithms not available in most
competing texts.

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