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Global Studies II

Unit II Russia

Name ______________________________
Date ____________

Totalitarianism under Stalin

1. Define the term totalitarianism a government that takes total control of public and private life

2. While reading the excerpt, create a list of methods of control used by Soviet leaders and examples



Police Terror
Religion/ethnic persecution

The Great Purge

Control of education
Newspapers, motion pictures
Spread of communism

Of all the methods of control, which allows the MOST long-term control?
Indoctrination because they can control what kids learn who are the future.
3. Stalins methods of control.
a. What was the Great Purge? How would Stalins use of this action increase his power?
A campaign that killed anyone who threatened his power. He eliminated any threats to him.
b. What was Pravda? How did Stalin explain the purpose of art in the USSR?
A newspaper that was used by Stalin to explain why the art was being used.

c. What is an atheism? How did Stalin use atheism to influence his control over his citizens?

Atheism is the belief in no deities. He used this to show and tell people that religious beliefs were

4. Stalins control over the economy.

a. What is a command economy? when the government makes all economic decisions
b. Stalins Five Year Plans
1. Purpose numerical goals to increase the output of steel, coal, oil and electricity

2. Results?

People faced shortages of food, housing, clothing and other necessities

c. What methods did Stalin use to bring agriculture under state control?

Collective Farms- he gathered thousands of privately owned farms and combined them into large
government farms.

d. Kulaks - Who were they?

People from the Ukraine who murdered officials and torched property of the

1. How did they create a problem for Stalin?

They posed a threat to his polices .

2. How did he solve the problem?

He took control of kulak land and killed more than 3 million Ukrainians.

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