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Will For Oxford

Ive spent two years representing students in Oxford, so I know how

insensitive the university is to our needs, and how hard it is for you
to change this. Experiencing OUSU as a JCR President, I have discovered
how powerful it can be in making change happen but also how hard
it can be for students to access. As Chair of the Scrutiny Committee,
which critically examines the actions of elected officers, I know the
strengths and weaknesses of our Student Union and where it needs
improvement - it has to become more responsive to you.

Lets face it most people feel disconnected from
OUSU. But it does great things: achieving the best
bursary package of any UK university, campaigning
for Prelims resits, and extending the rights of
suspended status students. Because it sits on the
most powerful University committees, OUSU is the
only mechanism to achieve these goals. I want to
give you a direct channel to these discussions
with the Out of Hours Pledge, where other OUSU
officers and I will be on hand, for two hours after
5pm every week, running an open surgery that any
student can come to. I further pledge to ensure
an OUSU officer comes to your college every term
- making sure OUSU is your voice.
I am working For Oxford because I am passionate
about access, but the job doesnt stop at getting
people from all backgrounds making competitive
applications. We also have a duty to support
students once they arrive. Oxford can be
challenging for a host of different reasons, whether
you come from a non-traditional background, have
a disability, including mental health issues, or
identify as LGBTQ. I want to make sure colleges
and tutors can meet the needs of all of their

students, and I will work closely with Nick and Flora,

as well as the OUSU campaigns, to make sure this
There is a huge disparity between colleges in terms
of their provision, and any college can fail its
students. This is not just limited to academic
provisions. Some student accommodation
particularly for graduates is poor, not enough
support is given to those living out, and student
funding can vary hugely. I want to investigate the
major issues that students face at Oxford, and
formulate a Minimum Expectations document that
outlines what every student should be entitled to.
We can use this as a long-term strategy for
negotiations with the university and the colleges.
I believe it would be a disaster for access and
accessibility if the University were allowed to
introduce 16k fees. OUSU cannot be caught
sleeping in this regard we need to challenge 16k
fees proactively, eloquently, and strategically. I will
lead the fight on this with other Student Unions.

We want to create a University and a Student Union that is responsive to your needs. By signing up to the
Out of Hours pledge, putting together a powerful Minimum Expectations document, as well as lobbying the
university on your behalf, I believe we can work for Oxford to create a Student Union that is accessible and
available for all students. We will represent and fight for students on the issues you tell us are important.
So in 6th week, make your vote count for an Oxford for everyone.

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