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Sarah Brewster

ELED 3221
Science lesson observation
October 27, 2014
The science lesson I observed was actually a follow up lesson of the lesson I had just
taught a few days prior. My cooperating teacher finished reading Oh, Say Can You Seed and had
the students reflection on a planting experiment they had did in Kindergarten together. After
discussing what they had read and prior experiment she let them know they would be planting
seeds. She sent them off to their tables and I helped to pass out the materials. Each student was
given 1 cup of soil and two Lima bean seeds to plant. She instructed them to plant one seed in
the middle and to push the other down the side of the cup so they could see it when looking at
the cup. She had me come around to water each after they had planted the seeds.
Once those where finished she announced they were going to be doing a second
experiment. They were each given a sandwich baggie, two Lima bean seeds, and a wet paper
towel. She explained they were to place the seed in their paper towels and into the baggies. She
then came around with tape, which she wrote they name on and they were allowed to hang them
from the window.
They all meet back on the carpet and had a discussion why they planted the seeds two
different ways. She let them know they are going to be monitoring both to see which one grows
better and had them make predictions about which they thought would grow first and live the
longest. They then talked about plants and that they need to survive. They made a small anchor

chart with information from the book as a checklist and predictions about what they thought
would happen. One of those was to check the plants in seven days for growth as one of the
students pointed out; the book said it would take seven days for them to start growing.
I really enjoyed getting to observe at least science lesson while I was there and even
though this is something I have seen many times watching the students get so excited about it
never gets old.

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