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Student Teacher: Ms. Erin Carter

Date: November 12, 2014
College Supervisor: Mrs. Hipple
Level: 1st grade
Mentor: Miss. Trainer


Pennsylvania Academic Standards and Common Core Standards

CC.1.2.1.A: Identify the main idea and retell key details of text.
CC.1.2.1.B: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
CC.1.2.1.E: Use various text features and search tools to locate key facts or
information in a text.
CC.1.2.1.G: Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.
CC.1.2.1.L: Read and comprehend literacy non-fiction and informational text on grade
level, reading independently, and proficently
Students will:
Summarize material in an informational text using main idea and details
Student Friendly Learning Objectives
I will:
Summarize material in an informational text using main idea and details
Tier 1:
Based on text

Tier 2:
Based on text

Tier 3
Based on Text

Essential Question(s)
What is the main idea in the text?
What are the supporting details in the text?
Materials and Resources
The Groundhogs Shadow By Ben Wilson
The Pet Vets By Liane B. Onish
Bicycles By Sara Nicholas
Deer Watching By Eileen S. Sherry
Guided Reading Sheet for Running Records
Instructional Procedure/Activities
Day One (Wednesday):
Deer Watching (G)
o When students arrive at the table, they should bring their purple reading
bags. Students should begin reading one of their books in this bag until
instructed to close their books and put them in their purple bags.

Ask students if they have ever seen a deer? Ask students what they
know about deer?
o Tell students that we are going to read a story called Deer Watching. Tell
students that in this book we are going to learn more about deer, but
before we do we must go over a few words to help us with our reading.
o Before giving the students the book, tell students that we should
remember to read all the text on the page, even the blue text called
captions. Also prompt students to begin reading softly or to themselves.
o Give students a book. Complete running records of two students at this
o At the 5-minute mark, tell students to stop. Have students put their
books down. Ask students to give a fist. Thumb- main idea. Fingersdetails.
o Have students put their books in their purple bags and place them in
their cubbies. At the buzzer, students should switch to their next station.
Bicycles (F)
o When students arrive at the table, they should bring their purple reading
bags. Students should begin reading one of their books in this bag until
instructed to close their books and put them in their purple bags.
o Ask students if they have ever ridden a bicycle. Discuss with students
the different stages that they took to ride a bicycle (Example: tricycle,
training wheels, two-wheel)
o Tell students that today we are going to read a story called Bicycle. In
this book we will learn about what bicycles looked like long ago. Before
reading, go over key words in the text. Remind students that after
reading we will be summarizing the text.
o Before giving the students the book, tell students that we should be
remember to read all the text on the page, even the blue text called
o Give students a copy of the book. Complete running records on two
students at this time.
o At the 5-minute mark, tell students to stop. Have students put their
books down. Ask students to give a fist. Summarize the story using main
idea and details.
o Have students put their books in their purple bag and place them in
their cubbies. At the buzzer, students should switch to their next station.
Day Two
The Pet Vets (G)
o When students arrive at the table, they should bring their purple reading
bags. Students should begin reading one of their books in this bag until
instructed to close their books and put them in their purple bags.
o Ask students if they have a pet? Ask students if their pet has ever been
sick? How do you know it was sick?
o Tell students that today we are going to read a story about
veterinarians. In our story, it will tell us how these vets help our pets
when they are sick. Before reading, go over key words in the
text.Remind students that after reading we will be summarizing the text
using the main idea and details.
o Remind students to read the captions and to read softly or to

Give students a copy of the book. Complete running records on two
students at this time.
o At the 5- minute mark, tell students to stop and place their book inside
their purple bag. Ask students to make a fist. Thumb- main idea; fingersdetails.
o At the buzzer, students should switch to their next station.
The Groundhogs Shadow (F)
o When students arrive at the table, they should bring their purple reading
bags. Students should begin reading one of their books in this bag until
instructed to close their books and put them in their purple bags.
o Ask students if they know what/when Groundhogs day is? What
happens on this day?
o Tell students that today we are going to be reading The Groundhogs
Shadow. In this story we will learn what happens on Groundhogs day
when he sees his shadow. Before reading, go over the key vocabulary.
o Give students a copy of the book. Complete running records on two
students at this time.
o At the 5- minute mark, tell students to stop and place their book inside
their book bag.
o At the buzzer, students should switch to their next station.
Summative: Observation, Running

Students are placed in small reading instruction groups based on Fountus and Pinnell
reading levels.

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