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November 4, 2014

Dr. Ruth Williams-Hooker

The University of Memphis
Elma Neal Roane Fieldhouse
495 Zach H Curlin Street #161
Memphis, TN 38152
Dr. Williams- Hooker:
Three years ago, I was ready for change and a new challenge. I had been working as a personal
assistant and nanny for a family for several years and though I enjoyed them and the work, I
wanted to pursue a different profession. One of the children that I cared for is a type 1 diabetic
and managing his health was a big part of my job. After years of tracking what he ate, drank, and
his physical activity, there was no way around the direct relationship of what he ate and the state
of his health. There is nothing more heart breaking than telling a child he can go to a birthday
party, but cant eat any of the cake or attempting to reinsert his pump after several failed attempts
and amidst a tear stained face. Facing diabetes head on year after year sparked something in me
that I could no longer ignore. I knew that a career in health care was the challenge I had been
looking for and after discovering the combined Internship and Masters degree through the
University of Memphis I took my next step and began to fulfill the DPD courses required for
My education and experience in both the workplace and at home has prepared me for a career in
dietetics. While obtaining my bachelors degree in international business, I foresaw that I did not
want to simply be a 9-5 businesswoman. I selected several electives in hospitality and resort
management along with international finance and international communication. The classes in
hospitality and resort management showed me how to plan for the expected and to be prepared
for the unexpected. The international classes expanded my horizon beyond my own backyard,
showing me how to effectively communicate and understand those of another culture. Since
obtaining my bachelors degree, I have spent most of my time managing a bakery, planning and
organizing several large weddings and events, and consistently getting my family of three
dressed, fed, and out the door by 7:30. The common theme in all these things is time management
and organization. Through many years of training and practice, I have developed and sharpened
these skills.
I believe that I am a great fit for the internship at the University of Memphis because I am a tiger
through and through. Both of my parents received their graduate degrees from Memphis and I
hope to do the same. Throughout my 9 years at Memphis, I have developed a relationship with
not only the school, but also fellow students and faculty. My resume is enclosed; if you have any
further questions about its content please do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to
speaking to you soon and am full of anticipation for the future!
Thank you for your time,

Laura Coplon Weaver

Enclosure: Resume

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