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Benefits of Sahaja Yoga Meditation for Corporates

1. Positive Inner Change - What Meditation Can Do For Individuals

Enhanced physical and psychological well-being

More effective cognitive processes (memory, analysis, evaluation)

Improved awareness, maturity and balance

Improved decision making and creativity (less risk averse)

Increased interpersonal effectiveness

Ability to cope with stress (resistance to and recovery from)

2. Positive Climate Control - What Meditation Can Do For the Workplace

Improved interpersonal and group effectiveness

Self motivated ethical behaviours

Creative and synergistic problem solving

Heightened morale and improved working conditions

Develop customer service aptitudes and attitudes

Constructive collaboration vs destructive competitiveness

3. High Performance Culture - What Meditation Can Do For the Company

High performance culture: positive/innovative/adaptable/sustainable

Enhanced ability to deliver customer satisfaction

More satisfied, productive and loyal employees

Enhanced innovation processes in operations and administration

Responsible corporate citizenship

Fulfillment of "Duty of Care"

Increased productivity and increased corporate value

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