How We Say It Is Not How We Mean It. Get Me? Power

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IHS Calendar Captions

We Do(Cover):
When what we do matters to us, nothing is too much and everything is easy.
Crafted confusion (concept page):
The beauty in crafted disorganization seemingly chaotic, yet overlies a deep sense of harmony.
Crimson crisps in the early morn, hues of blues in the eve, the mountains, so still yet ever-changing,
never cease to enchant us.
Sa Pa Sa:
No matter what shape it takes Classical to Contemporary, Harmonic to Discordant, Sound
permeates our lives we ride its waves of bliss.
The sky is one of our favourite teachers On a clear night, we lie on the grass and watch the stars
unfold a thousand stories, secrets, riddles
IHS Dining/Culinary Escapade:
What benefits our bodies the most? Healthy food or a good mood? Now thats a debate no one will
ever win. Always healthy, not always tasty, but always a joy to come together.
Our schedules are as predictable as the monsoon showers but who wants a boring life anyway?
Rainbows never cease to amaze!
Intense or mild, the weather at IHS has a mind of its own and who are we to argue? We just let it
script some of our sweetest memories.
Vibrant and colourful, appealing yet comfortably traditional, weve cracked the code of our schools
dress code!
IHS Dictionary: How we say it is not how we mean it. Get me? Power.
Wild: Childlike, carefree, we are who we wanna be until the monkeys pay us a visit!
Tech; Hi n Lo: Laptops, bullock carts, smarts boards, Madhubani, Robotics, Origami Who says
Old and New cannot coexist?
Thaka thaki ta: Fierce, Intense and Effervescent when we parade our March Past, you know we
mean business!
No School
I am not at school but I am the school. Sadhguru

Concept Page, Crafted confusion: Kshitej 12th
January, Magic: Vinisha 12th
February, Sa pa sa: Anvitha 12th
March, Star gazing: Goving Saroj 11th
April, IHS Dining: Harshada 11th, Vidhya, Student teacher
May, TBD: Garghi 11th
June, Alai: SriDevi 11th, Pooja 12th
July, Kapada: Aparna 12th
August, HIS Dictionary: Tosha 11th
September, Wild: Soundarya 12th
October, tech; Hi n Lo: Riyadhini 11th, Soundarya 12th
November, Thaka thaki ta: Arianth Tejas 12th
December, No school: Shruthi, Student teacher

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