Lesson Plan Template1

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Your Name: Janae Wilson

Title of Lesson:
Grade: 3rd and 4th grade
NOTE: Please list at least two complete standards your lesson plan covers. [Common Core State Standards
(math and language arts), Next Generation Science Standards (science), Arizona State Social Studies
Standards (social studies)].
Provide an overview/synopsis of the lesson and the topics that it will cover. Make sure to provide a reason
why you selected this to be relevant for a unit on sustainability?
The topics that I will be going over is the water system water pollution and ways to have a clean water system. In
the lesson we will find ways to turn polluted water into clean water. I believe this is very relevant to sustainability
because we need water in order to survive. We need to use futures thinking to find ways so we can be more
sustainable when it comes to water and saving our planet.
Describe what you want students to know/be able to do as a result of the lesson.
For example, Students will be able to
I want students to be able to come up with different ways keep our planet safe and educated those about the
importance of water; I want them to be able to see the difference in polluted water and clean water.
What measures will you use to know if you students met the objectives?
The way I will know if my students understood the lesson is to be able to complete the worksheet with the different
water systems and complete a poster on ways we can better our future and make the world we live inn more
What will students need to know prior to completing this lesson and how will you access their prior
My students will only need to know the importance of water and how we need it to survive. I dont expect them to
know too much about it and that is why we will be filling out a KWL sheet so we can compare what we didnt know
before the lesson to what we know once the lesson is complete.
List of required materials.
2 liter water bottle
Dirt (Penical Scarping , rocks , sand)
Cotton Balls
List of key vocabulary terms.
Water Filter removing chemicals
Pollution- affects environment ; may have harmful or poisonous effects
Hard Water- water in lakes , rivers on the ground and wells
Soft Water- may contain minerals , viruses and bacteria
Raw Water has many germs and viruses , may be hard water also

Procedural Steps (Step by step instructions for teaching the lesson): To begin this lesson we will have all the
materials placed on the table, with the two liter bottle of water we will cut the bottle in half
Take a cup and place some dirt in it
Take the top of the bottle place it into the end of the bottle and place the cotton balls in it to stop anything from
coming out
Take the sand pr pencil sharpens and put them in the bottle that has the cotton balls in it
Place the rocks on top of the sand and pencil shavings,
Then take the dirty water and pour it inside the bottle with the sand and rocks
After the dirty water is poured observe how much of the water when though
When it is enough water, take the dirty water you originally started with and compare it to the water that you just
poured though the water filter you just created.
List any references you used to create this lesson. If you borrowed ideas from any lesson plans please note
them here. Use APA format.
Crate, K. (2013, April 3). Make Your Own Water Filter Experiment. Retrieved November 7, 2014.


Provide a complete explanation of how your lesson plan connects to futures, system, strategic, or values
thinking. Define the way of thinking you selected and used in this lesson plan. Remember, this should be
included meaningfully in the lesson plan.

My lesson plan connects to futures thinking because we are learning how

to filter our own water. It is futures thinking because we are finding ways
to turn our polluted water into clean water. I like this lesson because we
can physically see the dirty water then turn into a cleaner version of
water it is still not clean enough to drink but I believe my students will be
able to see the difference in the water before it went through the filtration.

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