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Living by Faith: Victorious Faith

26 October 2014
Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church
"The just shall live by faith."
Living by faith isnt complicated just do what God says.
I. Victorious faith in overcoming the world (Hebrews 11:33-35a)
A. Temporal victories of faith:
1. subdued kingdoms David and Solomon
2. worked righteousness Samuel (1 Sam 3, 7).
3. obtained promises Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
4. stopped the mouths of lions Daniel (Dan 6)
5. quenched the violence of fire Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego
(Dan 3)
6. escaped the edge of the sword Jehoram (2 Kgs 6-7) and
Hezekiah (2 Kgs 18-19)
7. out of weakness were made strong Gideon (Judg 6-8)
8. became valiant in battle Barak (Judg 4)
9. turned to flight the armies of aliens Jephthah (Judg 11)
10. women received their dead raised to life again Elijah and
Elisha (1 Kgs 17:17-24 and 2 Kgs 4:18-37)
B. The victory was in God vindicating His people and gaining the glory
through their actions.
God is able to step into our lives and do miraculous things...and oridinary
Christian things.
II. Victorious faith though being overcome by the world (Hebrews 11:35b38)
A. Temporal victories by the world: this is a list of ways in which the
world treated Gods saints!
B. The real victory was in His people being faithful despite the treatment.
Believers shouldnt expect that the Christian life will be a bed of roses
John 16:33; 2 Tim 3:12; 2 Cor 4:17.
C. God may not do the miraculous even though He could.
The Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save (Is 59:1).
Faith is always victorious...even if our circumstances dont show it.

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