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School of Education

Module 3:

The Dissertation

Venue: Checkland Building Room B406

Code: KV713
Time: 1000 1600

Tutors: Keith Turvey; Irena Andrews.

Day 6: Introduction to the Dissertation
Date: Saturday 8th November
Aims of session:
Introduction to KV713 (Dissertation)
Working with a Statement of Intent
Designing and planning methods
The nature of an MA Dissertation
Devising a timetable

Introduction to KV713

Clarification of timescales and process

Working with the Statement of Intent

1. Responses to feedback
2. Reflect on your proposals using the following questions/prompts/checklist:
i) From the proposal is there a clear and focused research question?
ii) Is it clear that the research question is grounded in your professional context with
a clear rationale?
iii) Is it possible to see from the proposal that you have identified the significant
knowledge bases (ie theory/research literature) that will help to inform your
iv) Does the methodology accurately and critically (ie using methodology literature)
define the parameters of the research (e.g. accurate use and definition of terms
like case study etc)?
v) Do you have a clear course of action identified in your proposal that identifies
what data you will collect when and how you will analyse this?
vi) What aspects of your proposal will benefit from further clarification?

Devise an action plan




Planning and Designing - questions and approaches


The nature of an MA Dissertation





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