Next Monday, The Federalists (Declan, Emma and Amy) Will Meet in

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The date is September 1788 and the draft constitution has been

circulated. Two opposing groups have emerged the federalists and

the anti-federalists.
Some famous federalists included: Alexander Hamilton, James
Madison, George Washington and John Adams
Some famous anti-federalists were: Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee
and George Mason.
The list of illustrious individuals in our History class who will oppose
each other in debate on the motion that all states should ratify the
Constitution is no less impressive.
Next Monday, the federalists (Declan, Emma and Amy) will meet in
debate against the anti-federalists (Chris, Sarah and Mary). All
speakers must speak for 3-5 minutes. The time-keeper for this titanic
struggle will be Jason. Elle will be the adjudicator and will vote on the
most convincing teams alongside Entsar, Jack and Christina.
Use your textbook, outside sources and the questions on the board
for preparation. Good luck!

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