Prayer (Not Full)

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Assalamu Alaikum,

I want to know if I'm fulfilling my salah perfectly.

I'm confused about when to add another surah to a rakat.
Here's an example of my salah:
In zuhr salah,sunnah prayer (first 4 rakats)
when I'm praying alone.
I say;surah fatiha and add another surah in all 4 rakats (Sunnah prayer praying
Again in zuhr salah, Fard (Obligatory) prayer (First 4 rakats)
I say:surah fatiha and add another surah for the first 2 rakats and in the last
2 rakats I only say Surah Fatiha (Fard prayer praying alone)
Now in congregation prayer (Jama'ah prayer i.e when praying with imam)
In the quiet prayers i.e Asr,zuhr
In the fard prayer.
I say:Surah Fatiha and add another surah for the first 2 rakats and in last 2 ra
kats I only say surah fatiha.
In loud prayers when praying with Imam,
For example: Magrib salah
I listen to the imam in the first 2 rakats and in the 3rd rakat I say surah fati
ha only.
Is my salah complete?
Can I say 2 surahs in one rakat?
For example:Fajr prayer praying alone or if I'm the Imam.
First I say surah fatiha then I say some verses for Surah Ar-Rahman and some ver
ses form surah-Baqarah in the same rakat
When praying with Imam I say all the things the Imam says.
Imam says: Allahu Akbar, I say:Allahu Akbar, and Imam says:Sami Allah huliman ha
midah, I say: Sami Allah huliman hamidah (Quietly)
And are the Hanafis doing Bid'ah?
For example:Not saying Ameen loudly,Not putting their hands on the chest etc.
Jazakallah Khair

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