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Branden Chambers

Class Title: 8th Grade Social Studies

Lesson Title: Kings M&M's (part 1)
Lesson Length: around 2 50 minute class periods
I. BenchMark/Standard:
1. 5 U3.1.1 Describe the role of the French and Indian War, how British policy toward the
colonies in America changed from 1763 to 1775, and colonial dissatisfaction with the
new policy. (National Geography Standard 13 p. 169 C, E)
2. 5 U3.1.2 Describe the causes and effects of events such as the Stamp Act, Boston Tea
Party, the Intolerable Acts, and the Boston Massacre.
3. 5 U3.1.3 Using an event from the Revolutionary era (e.g., Boston Tea Party, quartering
of soldiers, writs of assistance, closing of colonial legislatures), explain how British and
colonial views on authority and the use of power without authority differed (views on
representative government).
4. 8 U3.3.2 Identify economic and political questions facing the nation during the period
of the Articles of Confederation and the opening of the Constitutional Convention. (E1.4)

Behavioral Objective:
1. TLW be able to explain how the colonists reacted to British Tax laws, such as the Stamp
2. TLW be able to identify two colonial tactics used to demonstrate their displeasure with these
III. Anticipatory Set:
1. Teacher greets students at the door dressed as King of England.
2. Pass out student roles at door
3. Bell Work: Grab a perspectives through school house rock assignment from back of the
IV. Objective/Purpose:
1. Content Objective: I Can describe the experience of a colonist after the French and Indian
2. Language Objective: I Can articulate details on different taxations to pay for the French and
Indian War debt.
V. Input
1. Task Analysis:
1. Begin Kings M&M's simulation
1. assign each student to the spot for their role.
2. Give each colonist 4 cha ching and each rich colonist 8 cha chings.
3. Ask students how they saw perspective of king George in the video.
4. Pass out sim notes.
5. At the french and indian war.
6. Explain 1st question
7. Go over 2nd question
1. draw setting of simulation.
1. Mountains, french, indians, England, colonies, ocean.
8. Explain that we are in the french and indian war portion
9. pass out simulation notes to students.
10. let students know they get to buy M&M's with cha chings at end of simulation.
11. Their goal is to get as many candies as possible
1. frenchman rolls dice and gets to take total of that roll of cha chings from

2. French attack again

3. French attack again
12. if students wish to communicate they must take a boat and get on their knee.
13. Continue the french war until colonists agree to pay taxes.
14. Go over number 3 on sim sheet
15. answer 4 on sim. Sheet.
16. Soliders choose 3 colonists to train.
17. Soldiers now taking turns rolling dice.
18. Roll until french and indians start to loose out.
19. French have to surrender.
1. Natives are now under our rule.
2. After French and Indian War English and British are 1000 cha chings in debt
3. colonists must be taxed just like British.
4. Explain that Colonists will be taxed but not represented in Parliament.
2. Thinking Levels:
1. students will demonstrate knowledge of taxation without representation by reciting
questions on the school house rock video
2. Students will apply their knowledge of the taxation by simulating the events of colonist
3. students will demonstrate demonstrate evaluation by creating an opinion on the taxation
of the colonists
4. Students will be able to discuss why participants in the French-Indian War took the
actions they did.
3. Learning Styles:
1. Variations
1. students with physical difficulties or students with mental disabilities that affect their
ability to participate can be assigned specific roles in the simulation.
2. The school house rock video can be viewed at home or during a separate school
4. Methods and Materials
1. Methods:
1. physical
2. visual
2. secondary materials:
1. Bag of M&M's
2. Collection of player cards
1. King George III (1)
2. Parliament (1)
3. Tax Collector (2)
4. Colonist (several)
5. Rich Colonists (several)
3. Costume materials
4. Currency (cha chings)
5. Caution Tape
6. Sim sheet
7. School house rock sheet

VI. Modeling

1. Teacher will model student actions and steps of simulation.

2. Teacher will model and guide students through video questions
Checking For Understanding:
1. learners will be asked questions periodically throughout the simulation in order to gauge
their understanding of the experience.
Guided Practice:
1. teacher will work with students to answer questions during video and discuss
simulation during class.
IX. Independent Practice: none
X. Closure: Evaluation: How was the King portrayed differently between the school house
rock video and the simulation?

Branden Chambers
Class Title: 8th Grade Social Studies
Lesson Title: Kings M&M's (part 2)
Lesson Length: around 2 50 minute class periods
XI. BenchMark/Standard:
1. 5 U3.1.1 Describe the role of the French and Indian War, how British policy toward the
colonies in America changed from 1763 to 1775, and colonial dissatisfaction with the
new policy. (National Geography Standard 13 p. 169 C, E)
2. 5 U3.1.2 Describe the causes and effects of events such as the Stamp Act, Boston Tea
Party, the Intolerable Acts, and the Boston Massacre.
3. 5 U3.1.3 Using an event from the Revolutionary era (e.g., Boston Tea Party, quartering
of soldiers, writs of assistance, closing of colonial legislatures), explain how British and
colonial views on authority and the use of power without authority differed (views on
representative government).
4. 8 U3.3.2 Identify economic and political questions facing the nation during the period
of the Articles of Confederation and the opening of the Constitutional Convention. (E1.4)

Behavioral Objective:
1. TLW be able to explain how the colonists reacted to British Tax laws, such as the Stamp
2. TLW be able to identify two colonial tactics used to demonstrate their displeasure with these
Anticipatory Set:
1. KIMS VOCAB: Repeal.
1. Content Objective: I Can explain how colonists were taxed by England.
2. Language Objective: I Can articulate the colonists' reaction to being taxed.
XV. Input
1. Task Analysis:
1. Pass out each student's assigned currency.
2. Have students take out simulation sheet
3. Students begin by filling out answer to question 8
4. Put up caution tape and declare proclamation Line of 1763
5. Open up time for student discussion and questions
1. guiding questions: how do colonists feel about this?
2. Who should be responsible for the land?
3. Why?
4. Who deserves the land.
6. Have students answer question 9
7. Pass Stamp act of 1765
1. have tax collectors collect 1 chi ching from each colonist for each piece of paper
they have.
2. Divide funds up, give some to tax collectors, give some to parliament.
3. Ask students to answer question 10
8. Pass stamp act of 1767
1. all imported goods from England are taxed
1. have tax collectors draw one tax cards from the bin, tax colonists who have the
item on the card for the listed amount.
2. Colonists who cannot pay must go to debtors jail (have them sit along and open

2. repeat stamp act until a colonist comes to complain (you may have to push them /
remind them to do this.)
9. Pass 1770 repeal of all tariffs except Tea
10. Have students answer #12
2. Thinking Levels:
1. students will demonstrate knowledge of taxation without representation by reciting
questions on the school house rock video
2. Students will apply their knowledge of the taxation by simulating the events of colonist
3. students will demonstrate demonstrate evaluation by creating an opinion on the taxation
of the colonists
4. Students will be able to discuss why the colonists were taxed
3. Learning Styles:
1. Variations
1. students with physical difficulties or students with mental disabilities that affect their
ability to participate can be assigned specific roles in the simulation.
2. The school house rock video can be viewed at home or during a separate school
4. Methods and Materials
1. Methods:
1. physical
2. visual
2. secondary materials:
1. Bag of M&M's
2. Collection of player cards
1. King George III (1)
2. Parliament (1)
3. Tax Collector (2)
4. Colonist (several)
5. Rich Colonists (several)
3. Costume materials
4. Currency (cha chings)
5. Caution Tape
6. Simulation sheet
7. School house rock sheet
1. Teacher will model student actions and steps of simulation.
2. Teacher will model and guide students through video questions
Checking For Understanding:
1. learners will be asked questions periodically throughout the simulation in order to gauge
their understanding of the experience.
Guided Practice:
1. teacher will work with students to answer questions during video and discuss
simulation during class.
Independent Practice: none
Closure: Evaluation:

1. Why did tension rise between the colonists and England?

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