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AC10410 and EC10910

Answers to the Hypothesis Testing Questions

1. p-value = 0.05938 >5% so we cant reject H0 and conclude
that fuel consumption has not improved.
2. p-value = 0.00307 < 5% so we reject H0 there is very strong
evidence that fuel consumption is worse than the
manufacturers claim of 39mpg.
3. p-value is just less than 5% so we reject H0 and accept that
they are working less than 40 hours at the moment.
4. p-value = 2 x 0.04272= 0.08544 >5% so we cant reject H0
and conclude that the machine is working properly.
5. p-value is between 5% and 10% so we cant reject H0 and
conclude that the management consultant is correct.

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