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Branden Chambers

Class Title: 8th Grade Social Studies

Lesson Title:
I. BenchMark/Standard:

1. G4.4 Forces of Cooperation and Conflict

1. Explain how forces of conflict and cooperation among people influence the
division and control of the Earths surface.
2. Forces of cooperation and conflict divide Earths space and involve the
control of land, resources, strategic routes, and domination of other peoples.
3. 7 G4.4.1 Identify and explain factors that contribute to conflict and
cooperation between and among cultural groups (e.g., natural resources,
power, culture, wealth).

II. Behavioral Objective:

1. TLW show mastery of content standards by describing and debating the historical context of
racial slurs through classroom discussion.
2. TLW be able to generate a personal and local solution to issues they see surrounding the use
of racial slurs in their own lives.
Anticipatory Set:
1. What is the main idea of the comic strip on the board.
1. Content Objective: I can connect with the history of the N-Word.
2. Language Objective: I can express my opinion on the N-Word.
V. Input
1. Task Analysis:
1. Begin lesson by discussing Anticipatory set comic and discussing with class
2. discuss with students the history of the word.
3. Ask students how / why the word is still relevant today
4. Ask students why they think it may be unnecessary and hurtful to use the word in these
5. Continue as an open discussion with students providing their insight and opinions.
6. Evaluation: Do you think that the N word is a term that we should erase from every
day vocabulary? What is something you can do in your every day life that can help to
eliminate the term from your vocabulary and the vocabulary of people around you.
2. Thinking Levels:
1. Learner will show comprehension by discussing the impact of the N-Word
2. Learner will show application by creating a strategy to prevent racial slurs from being
used in their immediate area.
3. Learner will demonstrate evaluation by judging the importance of primary and
secondary resources which contain racial slurs.
3. Learning Styles:
1. Variations
1. Document Analysis
2. Class Discussion.
4. Methods and Materials
1. Methods:
1. OBE

2. Political Cartoon
2. secondary materials:
1. Teacher lead classroom discussion by providing the necessary questions for student



Checking For Understanding:

Teacher will informally assess student responses during discussion to see if they understand
the cultural significance of racial slurs.
Teacher will assess student evaluations to determine if they understand how they can
address racial slurs in the classroom.
Closure: Evaluation
Do you think that the N word is a term that we should erase from every day vocabulary?
What is something you can do in your every day life that can help to eliminate the term
from your vocabulary and the vocabulary of people around you.

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