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Performance Task

ED 337-03
Khaleb Straight

Subject: United States History (11th Grade)

Unit: Civil Rights

Purpose: The purpose of this formative assessment is to evaluate 11th grade United States history
students understanding and comprehension over the material we have studied concerning the Civil
Rights Movement. Students will be evaluated on their understanding and comprehension of the key
events, ideals, documents, and organizations in the struggle for civil rights by African-Americans. This
assessment will measure students comprehension by practicing and developing their critical thinking
skills. The assessment will be used to assist the teacher in planning future lessons by monitoring students
understanding of the material. The results of this assessment will be shared with the students so that they
can monitor which targets they have or have not mastered as well as help them reflect and determine a
plan of action to assist them in closing the gaps in their learning.

Standards: (Michigan High School Content Expectations for United States History)
8.3.1 Civil Rights Movement Analyze the key events, ideals, documents, and organizations in the
struggle for civil rights by African Americans including
The impact of WWII and the Cold War (e.g., racial and gender integration of the military)
Supreme Court decisions and governmental actions (e.g., Brown v. Board (1954), Civil Rights Act
(1957), Little Rock schools desegregation, Civil Rights Act (1964), Voting Rights Act (1965))
Protest movements, organizations, and civil actions (e.g., integration of baseball, Montgomery Bus
Boycott (19551956), March on Washington (1963), freedom rides, National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC),
Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Nation of Islam, Black Panthers)
Resistance to Civil Rights.

Targets (Knowledge and Reasoning)

Learning Targets:
I can

Task Number

Analyze the events that proceeded after the war that led to or helped the
government take action in advancing the Civil Rights Movement.

3, 4, 5

Analyze the Supreme Courts reasoning in key Supreme Court decisions that
helped advance the Civil Rights Movement.

3, 4, 5

Identify the tactics used by the resistance in the Civil Rights Movement.

3, 4, 5

Examine the agendas and strategies of several protest movements,

organizations, and civil actions in the pursuit of civil rights and equal

3, 4, 5

Assessment for Learning: The Struggle for Civil Rights.

Name: _____________________________ Hour: ________________ Date: ________________

Objective: You are a reporter for TIME Magazine and it is the end of 1963. This year has been
very exciting for the news industry and the Civil Rights Movement is by far the biggest story.
You have been assigned a 4 page spread along with the cover for the last issue of the year. Your
job is to write a four page column on the events, people, and organizations that played the
biggest role in the Civil Rights Movement in 1963. You must also set up the situation that led to
the Civil Rights Movement in 1963. Your column will highlight one event, person, or
organization that you believe to have made the most impact in1963. The cover is to help promote
your column, make sure that is reflected in your design.

Directions: Please put your full name, hour, and date in the area provided at the top of the page.
Then follow along as I read the directions aloud.
The purpose of this formative assessment is to evaluate your understanding and comprehension
of the key events, ideals, documents, and organizations in the struggle for civil rights by AfricanAmericans during the Civil Rights Movement. Over the next week you will be given class time
to work on this assignment. There are 6 different steps to the assignment. You will need to check
in with me once you complete a step before you can move onto the next one. Most of your work
will be done in class but it may be necessary to do some of the work outside of class.

Grading Break Down:

Task #

Column Rough Draft
Column Final Draft

Total: 50



Start researching the key events, people, and organizations of the

Civil Rights Movement in 1963.
Have at least 5 sources to use for your column by the end of class.

1. Mon.

2. Tu.

Continue researching the key events, people, and organizations of

the Civil Rights Movement.
Have your highlighted event, person, or organization from the
Civil Rights Movement in 1963 picked out for the column.



Continue researching the key events, people, and organizations

that played a part in the Civil Rights Movement.
Start writing your rough draft of the column.


4. Th.

Finish up research on the key events, people, and organizations of

the Civil Rights Movement.
Start/Continue working on your rough draft of the column.


5. Fri.

Finish the rough draft of your column and turn in a copy.

Start working on the cover for Time Magazine that you are
designing to go along with your column.


3. Wed.

6. Mon.

7. Tu.

8. Wed.
9. Th.
10. Fri.

Rough draft of column will be handed back, please use this time
to look over my comments. If you need clarification on any of the
comments please let me know.
Start on final draft of column.
Continue working on the cover for Time Magazine that you are
designing to go along with your column.
Work on final draft of column.
Continue working on the cover for Time Magazine that you are
designing to go along with your column.
Last day in class to work on final draft of your column and work
on the cover for Time Magazine that you are designing to go
along with your column.
Day 1 of Presentations.
Day 2 of Presentations.



Name: _____________________________ Hour: ________________ Date: ________________

Task 1: Research (5 Points)

For this assignment you are going to need to have at least five sources before starting your
column. You must use a minimum of two of two primary sources and two secondary sources
for your research.
Use the space below to list the sources you have found. Under each source write down the
valuable information you found from the source. This will allow you to evaluate the value of
each source. If you are having trouble pulling valuable information from the source to write
down you may not want to use the source. Having a list of sources along with what information
is in each source will be helpful for when you write your column. Five sources are required but
additional source sections are provided for your convenience.
Source 1: _____________________________________________________________________
Valuable Information: __________________________________________________________

Source 2: _____________________________________________________________________
Valuable Information: __________________________________________________________

Source 3: _____________________________________________________________________
Valuable Information: __________________________________________________________

Source 4: _____________________________________________________________________
Valuable Information: __________________________________________________________
Source 5: _____________________________________________________________________
Valuable Information: __________________________________________________________
Source 6: _____________________________________________________________________
Valuable Information: __________________________________________________________
Source 7: _____________________________________________________________________
Valuable Information: __________________________________________________________
Source 8: _____________________________________________________________________
Valuable Information: __________________________________________________________

Name: _____________________________ Hour: ________________ Date: ________________

Task 2: Highlight (10 Points)

For task 2 you are required to choose one event, person, or organization to highlight in your column.
Below is a list of questions for you to fill out. The questions below are to help give you structure when
writing the highlight of your column.

Question 1: What event, person, or organization are you highlighting in your column?

Question 2: How is this event, person, or organization related to the Civil Rights Movement?

Question 3: What did the event, person, or organization accomplish in 1963?


Question 4: Tie in your event, person, or organization in with the events that proceeded after the war
that led to or helped the government take action in advancing the Civil Rights Movement.

Question 5: Explain how Supreme Courts reasoning in key Supreme Court decisions that helped
advance the Civil Rights Movement ties in with your event, person, or organization.

Question 6: What road blocks did your event, person, or organization face in 1963?

Question 7: Explain the agendas and strategies of your event, person, or organization that were involved
in the protest movement, organizations, and civil actions in the pursuit of civil rights and equal

Name: _____________________________ Hour: ________________ Date: ________________

Task 3 and 4: The Column

(Rough Draft = 5 Points) + (Final Draft = 20 Points) = Total of 25 Points
Your column in Times is a recap on the Civil Rights Movement in the year 1963; it must also
have one event, person, or organization as the highlight of the column. Your column needs to be
4 pages long. If you need more than four pages for your column you may have it. If you do go
beyond four pages you must make sure your column stays on task and is top quality. We do not
want to add extra pages if they add nothing to your story.

The rubric below is to help guide you while writing your column. This is the same rubric I will
be using to grade your column! To receive full for your column all targets on the rubric must be

Task 3: Rough Draft (5 Points)

The rough draft of your column is due on the first Friday. To receive feedback on how to
improve your column you must have your rough draft handed in on Friday! If you finish it early
you may turn it in before Friday!

Task 4: Final Draft (20 Points)

The final draft of your column is due on the second Thursday. On Thursday we begin
presentations so all work for the column and cover must be finished and turned in at the
beginning of class.

Name: _____________________________ Hour: ________________ Date: ________________

Rubric for Task 4: The Column

Targets: I

#1. Analyze the

events that
proceeded after
the war that led
to or helped the
take action in
advancing the
Civil Rights

I correctly
identified key
events that
proceeded after
the war and led to
or helped the
government take
action in
advancing the
Civil Rights

I somewhat
identified key
events that
proceeded after
the war and led to
or helped the
government take
action in
advancing the
Civil Rights

I did not correctly

identify key
events that
proceeded after
the war and led to
or helped the
government take
action in
advancing the
Civil Rights

I did not
address this
target in

# 2. Analyze
the Supreme
reasoning in
key Supreme
Court decisions
that helped
advance the
Civil Rights

I accurately
identified the
Supreme Courts
reasoning in key
Supreme Court
decisions that
helped advance
the Civil Rights

I identified some
of the Supreme
Courts reasoning
in key Supreme
Court decisions
that helped
advance the Civil
Rights Movement

I inaccurately
identified the
Supreme Courts
reasoning in key
Supreme Court
decisions that
helped advance
the Civil Rights

I did not
address this
target in

#3. Identify the

tactics used by
the resistance in
the Civil Rights

I included a clear
understanding by
clearly identifying
the tactics used by
the resistance in
the Civil Rights

#4. Examine
the agendas and
strategies of
several protest
and civil
actions in the
pursuit of civil
rights and equal

I thoroughly
showed an
understanding of
the agendas and
strategies of
several protest
organizations, and
civil action in the
pursuit of civil
rights and equal

I included
somewhat of an
understanding by
identifying some
of the tactics used
by the resistance
in the Civil Rights
I somewhat
showed an
understanding of
the agendas and
strategies of
several protest
organizations, and
civil action in the
pursuit of civil
rights and equal

I did not include

an understanding
by not identifying
any of the tactics
used by the
resistance in the
Civil Rights
I did not show an
understanding of
the agendas and
strategies of
several protest
and civil action in
the pursuit of
civil rights and

I did not
address this
target in

I did not
address this
target in


Student Self-Assessment
Name: ____________________________ Hour: _________________ Date: ________________
Directions: Please complete the following questions in complete sentences. These questions are
meant to help you reflect on how you did on the assignment. Your responses will not affect your
grade. Your responses will allow me to see where I can help you be more successful. They will
also help me know where I need to improve my assessments in the future.

1. Did you feel you had enough time to complete the assignment? If not, what task(s) should
have been given more time to complete?

2. What could you have done to better manage your time?

3. What was the most challenging part of the assignment?

4. Do you think that you were prepared for your presentation? Why or why not?

5. What do you think your score will be on the Final Draft of the Column? ___/20

Score: ____/20

The Struggle for Civil Rights Self-Assessment

Name: ____________________________ Hour: _________________ Date: ________________
Part 1: Charting Progress
For part 1, you are going to look at how well you did on each of the specified learning targets.
You will add up the total number of points that you received for each learning target and chart
them below. After you have charted your data assess how you did. If you believe you need to
work on a target or if you received less than 3 points for a target mark X in the Do I need to
work on this? column. See the example below for additional help.
Learning Targets:
I can
#1. Analyze the events that proceeded
after the war that led to or helped the
government take action in advancing
the Civil Rights Movement.
# 2. Analyze the Supreme Courts
reasoning in key Supreme Court
decisions that helped advance the Civil
Rights Movement.

Learning Targets:
I can
#1. Analyze the events that proceeded
after the war that led to or helped the
government take action in advancing
the Civil Rights Movement.
# 2. Analyze the Supreme Courts
reasoning in key Supreme Court
decisions that helped advance the Civil
Rights Movement.
#3. Identify the tactics used by the
resistance in the Civil Rights
#4. Examine the agendas and strategies
of several protest movements,
organizations, and civil actions in the
pursuit of civil rights and equal

Total Score


Do I need
to work on

Do I need to
work on this?

Part 2: Improve your Understanding and Mastery of Learning Targets

Look over your chart in Part 1 and find the targets that are marked with an X in the Do I need
to work on this column. Please use the guide below to help you improve your understanding
and mastery of the target(s) you have identified.

Target #1: Analyze the events that proceeded after the war that led to or helped the
government take action in advancing the Civil Rights Movement.
o Please reread pages 440-445 in your textbook and list four events that occurred after
World War II which helped the Civil Rights Movement gain momentum.

Target #2: Analyze the Supreme Courts reasoning in key Supreme Court decisions that
helped advance the Civil Rights Movement.
o Reread pages 455-460 in your textbook and make sure you correctly answered the
questions on the Civil Rights and The Supreme Court handout. Write a paragraph
to explain the key decisions made by the Supreme Court during the Civil Rights

Target #3: Identify the tactics used by the resistance in the Civil Rights Movement.
o Look over your Civil Rights: A Struggle handout and list 5 different tactics used by
the resistance in the Civil Rights Movement. Explain how the law stopped these

Target #4: Examine the agendas and strategies of several protest movements, organizations,
and civil actions in the pursuit of civil rights and equal opportunities.
o Reread Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail. Use Chapter 24
Section 5 and 6 to compare Martin Luther King, Jr.s strategy to Malcolm Xs
strategy (Section 5) and other organizations strategies (Section 6) in the pursuit of
civil rights. Make a Venn Diagram to show the differences and similarities of these

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