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Do Now 11/06 (2:46min)

1. What type of modifications to the

physical geographic area did the
mining company do so they could
mine for diamonds?

2. How does the environment influence

access to the mine area?

Do Now 11/06 (1:30min)

1. What type of modifications to the physical
geographic area did the mining company do so
they could mine for diamonds?
The mining company built a dyke system around the mines
which allowed the company to drill their mine shafts into
the lake itself.
The company built a ice road so they could transport
equipment into the area.

2. How does the environment influence access to the

mine area?

The remote wetland area forced the mining company

to utilize the coldest part of the year to be able to
access the mine area via the ice road. Otherwise
the only access is by aircraft.

Objective 11/06

SWBAT explain
how humans
adapt and
interact with the

Group Activity (16min)

1. Move into jeopardy groups.
2. You will be given a slip of paper for your
Using what we have learned:
3. Write bullet points for how/what YOU &
YOUR PARTNER would need to do to
adapt to that environment.

4. Write bullet points for how/what YOU &

YOUR PARTNER would need to do to
modify the physical environment to
accomplish your objective.

Group Activity (20min)

Come back together and share
Use the white board to list information

Unit Questions 11/03 11/06 (10m)

1. How does the location of a natural resource
influence the location of economic activities?
The location altered how the mining company was
able to bring in equipment and how they
transport equipment and staff.
2. What geographic factors influence a society's

ability to control territory, like the Diavik Mine in

Geographic features such as rivers, lakes, forests,
mine pits, lodging, processing, administration
buildings and native buildings are all factors which
influence how Canada controls the diamond mine.

Unit Questions 11/03 11/06 (10m)

3. How do physical processes and the
environment influence humans?
The physical process and environment influence
how humans are able to efficiently function in the
area. Having specialized equipment and clothing

which can handle the cold weather and rough work

are two examples.

Unit Questions 11/03 11/06 (10m)

4. How have people adapted to the physical
environment in various places and regions?
People adapt to certain conditions. Adapting certain
clothing, building materials or food sources are
examples of ways humans adapt to different places
and regions.
5. How have people have modified the physical

People will build human geographic factors such as
dams, towers or bridges to better access

Unit Questions 11/03 11/06 (10m)

6. How does technology

influence human interactions
with the environment?
Technology allows humans to focus on
certain areas for building or exploitation

through the use of precise mapping of

the area.

Exit Ticket (8min)

Using at least three complete sentences
answer the following question.

How have people have modified the

physical environment at the Diavik

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