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Atomic units & Prefixes Page 1 of 3

Definition of atomic units

t = 2.4189 10 s Atomic unit of time
1 hartree = 27.2113961 eV Atomic unit of energy
= 219474.63068 cm
= 627.50956 kcal mol-1
me = 9.1093897 10 kg Atomic unit of mass
= 5.4857990 10 a.m.u.

Definition non-SI units

1 cal = 4.184 J (def.) calorie

1 erg = 1 10 J (def.) erg
1Å =1 10 m (def.) Ångström

Physical Constants

N = 6.0221367 1023 mol-1 Avogadro constant

-23 -1
k = 1.380658 10 JK Boltzmann constant
7 -1
R00 = 1.097373153 10 m Rydberg constant
h = 6.6260755 10 J sec Planck constant
mu = 1.6605402 10 kg Atomic Mass Constant
a0 = 0.529177249 10 m Bohr constant
8 -1
c = 2.99792458 10 ms Speed of Light
mp = 1.6726231 10 kg proton mass
me = 9.1093897 10 kg electron mass
e = 1.6022 10 C electron charge

See also: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 72nd edition, p. 1-18.

Energy Conversion Table (analytical)

Eh eV cm-1 Hz K J J/mol
Eh 1 2R00hc/e 2R00/100 2R00c 2R00hc/k 2R00hc 2R00hcN
eV e/(2R00hc) 1 e/(100hc) e/h e/k e eN
cm 100(2R00) 100hc/e 1 100c 100hc/k 100hc 100hcN
Hz 1/(2R00c) h/e 1/(100c) 1 h/k h hN
K k/(2R00hc) k/e k/(100hc) k/h 1 k kN
J 1/(2R00hc) 1/e 1/(100hc) 1/h 1/k 1 N
J/mol 1/(2R00hcN) 1/eN 1/(100hcN) 1/(hN) 1/(kN) 1/N 1

Energy Conversion Table (numerical)

Eh eV cm Hz K J J/mol
6.5796839 -
Eh 1 2.7211396 101 2.1947463 105 3.1577322 105 4.3597482 10 2.6255000 106
1015 18

-2 2.4179883 1.6021773 10- 9.6485309 104

8.0655409 103 4
eV 3.6749309 10 1 1.1604448 10
1014 19

2.9979246 1.9864475 10- 1.1962658 101

cm-1 4.5563353 10-6 1.2398424 10-4 1 10 1.4387687
10 23

1.5198299 10- 4.1356692 10- 3.3356410 10- - - -

Hz 1 4.7992157 10 6.6260755 10 3.9903132 10
16 15 11 11 34 10

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Atomic units & Prefixes Page 2 of 3

2.0836738 -
1.3806580 10
K 3.1668297 10-6 8.6173857 10-5 6.9503877 10-1 1 8.3145112
1010 23

2.2937104 6.2415064 5.0341125 1.5091890 7.2429233 6.0221367

J 1
1017 1018 1022 1033 1022 1023
J/mol 3.8087983 10-7 1.0364272 10-5 8.3593461 10-2 2.5060689 109 1.2027165 10-1 1.6605402 10 1

Atomic masses (including electrons) of most abundant isotope in a.m.u.

H 1.007825
D 2.0140
He 4.0026
C 12
N 14.00307
O 15.99491462
F 18.9984
S 31.97207
Cl 34.96885
Ar 39.962383124
Ca 40.08

Prefixes for use in S.I. units.

amount prefix symbol

10-18 atto a

10 femto f

10 pico p

10 nano n

10 micro µ

10 milli m

10-2 centi c

10-1 deci d

101 deca da

10 hecto h

10 kilo k

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amount prefix symbol

106 mega M

109 giga G

1012 tera T

1015 peta P

10 exa E

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Last update: Sat Aug 7 13:17:54 BST 2004 e-mail: Anthony J. H. M. Meijer

http://meijer.group.shef.ac.uk/local/units.html 25/11/2552

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