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Basis of Distinction


Public goods

Merit goods

Pure public goods are not normally provided

by the private sector because they would be
unable to supply them for a profit. It is up to the
government to decide what output of public
goods is appropriate for society. To do this, it
must estimate the social benefits from making
public goods available

Merit goods are those goods and services that

the government feels that people will underconsume, and which ought to be subsidised or
provided free at the point of use so that
consumption does not depend primarily on the
ability to pay for the good or service

Normally funded & provided by the

Marginal cost of supply close to zero if
provided to one, it is provided to all

Provided by both the public and private


Positive marginal cost to supply to extra


Limited in supply may be a high

Largely unconstrained in supply

opportunity cost

Non-rival one persons consumption

Rival consumption reduces availability
does not reduce availability for others
for others
Non-excludable giving rise to the free rider
Non rejectable - usually funded by general
Rejectable by those unwilling to pay

The non-rival nature of consumption To encourage consumption so that positive

provides a strong case for the government externalities of merit goods can be achieved
rather than the market to provide and pay for for example free inoculation against infectious
public goods.
Many public goods are provided more or
To overcome the information failures
less free at the point of use and then paid for
out of general taxation or another general form linked to merit goods
of charge such as a licence fee.

State provision may help to prevent the

On grounds of equity because the
under-provision and under-consumption of government believes that consumption should
government intervene
public goods so that social welfare is not be based solely on the grounds of ability to
pay for a good or service

If the government provides public goods

they may be able to do so more efficiently
because of economies of scale.
Direct provision of a public good by the

government can help to overcome the freerider problem which leads to market failure

Club goods

Natural monopoly
Artificial Scarcity

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