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Theme: Introducing science

Learning area: Introduction to science
Learning objective: Understanding the use of measuring tools
Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
1. choose the right tool and measure length
2. estimate the area of regular and irregular shapes using graph paper
3. choose the right tool and measure the volume of liquid
4. choose the right tool to measure the body temperature and the temperature of a liquid
5. determine the volume of solid using the water displacement method
Approach: Constructivism
Suggested learning activities:
Measure the lengths of straight line, curves and the diameter of objects
Estimate the area of regular and irregular shapes
Determine the volume of regular and irregular solid
Measure the body temperature and the temperature of water
Scientific Skills: Measuring and using numbers
Thinking Skills: relating
Scientific Attitudes and Noble Value: Being systematic
Materials: LCD, extra exercises

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