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In this section, fill in the information below about each method of storage. Include relevant diagrams under each
heading. Delete this red text when youre done.

Magnetic Storage
Definition/Characteristics: Magnetic storage is a media and devices store data in the form of tiny magnetised
How it works: Manipulating magnetically sensitive particles using an electro magnet

Examples of Devices/Media: hard drives disks

Solid State
Definition/Characteristics: cd / DVD storage devise
How it works: it uses memory chips
Examples of Devices/Media: memory stick

Definition/Characteristics: Information stored on optical media such as CD, DVD or Blu-Ray
How it works: The disc is made up of a constant spiral track of data extending from the centre of the disc to the outer

Examples of Devices/Media: disc

Advantages and Disadvantages

Fill in the table below. Use the internet to help you. Delete this red text when youre done.
Type of Storage

Hard Disk Drive

Typical Size




1 4 TB

Promptly store
data in a

Has a large of
storage and

Moving parts
therefore can be
damage when

1-2 TB

Personal back up
transfer large am
out of data to a

Its portable

Because its
portable it can get
damage and
moving parts


Back up

Large amount of

Its slow to access

32- 64 GB

Personal storage
from files to data

Small size large


They can be easily

lost because they
are small

32 GB

Storing data
mobile phones
and tablets

Small size large


They can be easily

lost because they
are small

Portable HDD

Magnetic Tape

Memory Stick

Flash memory

Storage Methods
Youve looked a lot at storage methods and what storage devices are used for. But you havent looked at how the
data is actually stored and accessed on a device.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is SEQUENTIAL storage/Access? In computing, sequential access memory (SAM) is a class of storage
devises that read their data in sequence
2. Give one storage device/media that uses the sequential method of file storage a example of storage device is
a computer an example of media that uses the sequential method is a cd
3. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of sequential method of file storage
1 Lack of computing capability


What is Random Access? Its a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly
Give one storage device/media that uses the Random Access method of storage
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of the Random Access method of storage

Random access is very fast

If your computer loses power all data stored in its ram will be lost

What is the definition of Backup? a copy of a file other item of data made in case the original is lost or damaged

What is the difference between Backup and Backing Storage? A backup copy is basically a secondary copy of a file
and backing storage would be a USB drive

Give two reasons why backups should be used/made

because backup takes a copy of everything you do so if your computer loses power you have a copy

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