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Lighting/colour tone dull and grey suggesting depression

Setting We can assume she is entering school because there are gates and many buildings inside with
signs. Also the character is wearing a backpack connoting education because backpacks are commonly
used to carry books, pencil cases etc.
Sound diegetic - many cars driving which implies its set outside on an average day perhaps morning
because people are driving to work also the character is walking into school to attend her lessons which
usually starts 9am. Since it is a normal day it suggests this gloomy atmosphere is constantly present for
the main character as it is normal to her.
The medium close up of her back connotes the audience is following her so we can see her natural living
- her body movement, actions, dialogue.

The non diegetic piano music starts when she enters school suggesting her problems begins whenever
she is in school. This is because the piece is very slow which creates the feelings of despair and
Her action of looking back connotes an uncertainness of being where she is now and that she may want
to go back out of school perhaps she feels safer out of school.
(Throughout Tasneem is holding the camera)

Camera movement circles around Sammy, now we can see the front of her. Connotes she is the main
subject as the video so far as built up from only seeing her back.
Facial expressions are miserable, vagueness to surroundings. The medium close up shot is more intimate
with the character.

Camera has switched to Sammys pov. We see mainly the ground because she is looking down
suggesting insecurity.
Actions in long shot - From Sammys perspective we see three other female students, one of them runs
to the other two happy implies they are friends. The audience can start to question that does Sammy
have any because she didnt join them like the other student.

Looking back
Voice over

Someone elses pov of view now

The audience realises the pov is one of the friends they have not seen because the camera sits with the
group of friends. Sammy sits alone far away from the group, this distance suggesting they are not close.

The ending slowly approaches Sammy and circles around her to create feelings of melancholy and

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