Current Process Time

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Step 1: Consultant Orders for Discharge Discharge Card filled by consultant

21 min 20 sec
Step 2: Nursing staff compiles all the progress notes, diagnostics reports,
discharge card and other patient related documents and prepares the file
24 min
Step 3: File is dispatched from the nursing station to billing through class 4
Step 3a: File signed by the CMO/AMO
31 min 9 sec
Step 3b: Discharge Card photocopied at the xerox center

Step 4: File received at the billing/TPA department by the class 4 employee

38 min
Step 5: Patient bill is generated by the billing staff (all charges are added and
25 min 3 sec
Step 6: Mail/fax sent to the TPA company by the TPA staff if the bill amount is
more than the pre-sanction amount
116 min 9 sec
Step 7: Mail/Fax received by the TPA company about the sanction/denial

40 min 3 sec
Step 8: Discharge slip issued by the billing staff after clearance of non-medical
charged or the amount as per clause (if any)
18 min 2 sec
Step 9: Patient is physically discharged

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