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Embedding Properties of Central Products

Dr. Dandrielle Lewis

Students: Ayah Almousa, UW-Madison & Eric Elert, UW-Stout
UW-Eau Claire

October 17, 2014

Dr. Dandrielle Lewis (UW-Eau Claire)

Embedding Properties of Central Products

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Dr. Dandrielle Lewis (UW-Eau Claire)

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Normal Subgroups

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Normal Subgroups

Subnormal Subgroups

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Normal Subgroups

Subnormal Subgroups

Abnormal Subgroups

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Throughout this presentation...

Unless otherwise stated G will be a finite group.

Dr. Dandrielle Lewis (UW-Eau Claire)

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Throughout this presentation...

Unless otherwise stated G will be a finite group.
The direct product is always considered externally.

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Throughout this presentation...

Unless otherwise stated G will be a finite group.
The direct product is always considered externally.
For a, b G , the commutator of a with b, [a, b] = a1 b 1 ab.

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Throughout this presentation...

Unless otherwise stated G will be a finite group.
The direct product is always considered externally.
For a, b G , the commutator of a with b, [a, b] = a1 b 1 ab.
Let i : U1 U2 Ui be the standard projection map where
i ((u1 , u2 )) = ui where i = 1, 2.

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Definition of a Group

A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation satisfying the

following properties:

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Definition of a Group

A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation satisfying the

following properties:
Identity: There exists e G such that e x = x = x e, x G

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Definition of a Group

A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation satisfying the

following properties:
Identity: There exists e G such that e x = x = x e, x G
Inverses: For each x G , there is an element x 0 G , called the
inverse of x, such that x x 0 = e = x 0 x.

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Definition of a Group

A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation satisfying the

following properties:
Identity: There exists e G such that e x = x = x e, x G
Inverses: For each x G , there is an element x 0 G , called the
inverse of x, such that x x 0 = e = x 0 x.
Closure: x y G for all x, y G .

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Definition of a Group

A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation satisfying the

following properties:
Identity: There exists e G such that e x = x = x e, x G
Inverses: For each x G , there is an element x 0 G , called the
inverse of x, such that x x 0 = e = x 0 x.
Closure: x y G for all x, y G .
Associativity: x (y z) = (x y ) z for all x, y , z G .

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The Dihedral Group of order 8, written as D8

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The Dihedral Group of order 8, written as D8

The presentation of this group is
D8 =< r , s|r 4 = s 2 = 1, rsr = s >

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The Dihedral Group of order 8, written as D8

The presentation of this group is
D8 =< r , s|r 4 = s 2 = 1, rsr = s >

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The Dihedral Group of order 8, written as D8

The presentation of this group is
D8 =< r , s|r 4 = s 2 = 1, rsr = s >

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The Dihedral Group of order 8, written as D8

The presentation of this group is
D8 =< r , s|r 4 = s 2 = 1, rsr = s >

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Internal Central Product

Definition (Doerk, Hawkes)

Let U1 , U2 G . Then G is an internal central product of U1 and U2 if

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Internal Central Product

Definition (Doerk, Hawkes)

Let U1 , U2 G . Then G is an internal central product of U1 and U2 if

G = U1 U2 , and

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Internal Central Product

Definition (Doerk, Hawkes)

Let U1 , U2 G . Then G is an internal central product of U1 and U2 if

G = U1 U2 , and

[U1 , U2 ] = 1

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Internal Central Product

Lemma (Doerk, Hawkes)

Let U1 , U2 G , D = U1 U2 , U1 = {(u1 , 1)|u1 U1 } and
U2 = {(1, u2 )|u2 U2 }. Then the following are equivalent:

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Internal Central Product

Lemma (Doerk, Hawkes)

Let U1 , U2 G , D = U1 U2 , U1 = {(u1 , 1)|u1 U1 } and
U2 = {(1, u2 )|u2 U2 }. Then the following are equivalent:

G is an internal central product of U1 and U2 .

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Internal Central Product

Lemma (Doerk, Hawkes)

Let U1 , U2 G , D = U1 U2 , U1 = {(u1 , 1)|u1 U1 } and
U2 = {(1, u2 )|u2 U2 }. Then the following are equivalent:

G is an internal central product of U1 and U2 .

There exists an epimorphism : D G such that (U1 ) = U1 and
(U2 ) = U2 .

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Normal Subgroups of Central Products

If f : G H is an epimorphism of groups and
Sf (G ) = {K G | ker(f ) K } and S(H) is the set of all subgroups of H,
then the assignment K 7 f (K ) is a one-to-one correspondence between
Sf (G ) and S(H).
Under this correspondence, normal subgroups correspond to normal

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Normal Subgroups of Central Products

If f : G H is an epimorphism of groups and
Sf (G ) = {K G | ker(f ) K } and S(H) is the set of all subgroups of H,
then the assignment K 7 f (K ) is a one-to-one correspondence between
Sf (G ) and S(H).
Under this correspondence, normal subgroups correspond to normal
U1 U2

1 (H)

U1 U2

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Normal Subgroups of Central Products

Theorem (Brewster, et. al. 06)
Let U1 , U2 be groups. Then N E U1 U2 if and only if [Ui , N] Ui N
where i = 1, 2.
U1 U2


Ui N

[U i , N]
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Normal Subgroups of Central Products

Let G = U1 U2 be the central product of subgroups U1 and U2 . Then
H E G if and only if [Ui , H] Ui H where i = 1, 2.
U1 U2


Ui H
[Ui , H]

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Example: Normal Subgroups of D8 C4

Consider the central product of D8 and C4 such that D8 C4

= C2 . This
group has the following presentation:
D8 C4 = hr , s, y |r 4 = s 2 = 1, rsr = s, r 2 = y 2 , ry = yr , sy = ysi

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Example: Normal Subgroups of D8 C4

Consider the central product of D8 and C4 such that D8 C4

= C2 . This
group has the following presentation:
D8 C4 = hr , s, y |r 4 = s 2 = 1, rsr = s, r 2 = y 2 , ry = yr , sy = ysi

What are the normal subgroups of this central product?

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Normal Subgroups of D8 C4

D8 C4 = hr , s, y |r 4 = s 2 = 1, rsr = s, r 2 = y 2 , ry = yr , sy = ysi
Isomorphism Type
Trivial group
C4 C2
D8 C4


# Normal Normal Subgroups
hr 2 i, hsi, hrsi, hr 2 si, hr 3 si, hry i, hr 3 y i
hr 2 i
hy i, hr i, hsy i, hrsy i
hr 2 , si, hr 2 , rsi, hr 2 , sy i
hr , sy i
hr , y i, hs, y i, hrs, y i
hr , si, hry , sy i, hrsy , ry i
D8 C4

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To see that hsi D8 C4 is not normal, we check that [hsi, D8 ]  hsi D8 :
[s, r ] = sr 3 sr = r 2
/ hsi
So hsi is not a normal subgroup of D8 C4 .

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Subnormal Subgroups

Let H G . We call H subnormal in G , written H sn G , if there exists a
chain of subgroups H0 , H1 , . . . , Hr such that
H = H0 E H1 E . . . E Hr 1 E Hr = G

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Subnormal Subgroups

Let H G . We call H subnormal in G , written H sn G , if there exists a
chain of subgroups H0 , H1 , . . . , Hr such that
H = H0 E H1 E . . . E Hr 1 E Hr = G
This is called a subnormal chain from H to G .

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Let G = U1 U2 be the central product of subgroups U1 and U2 . Then
H sn G if and only if [Ui , H, . r. ., H] Ui H for i = 1, 2
U1 U2


Ui H
[Ui , H, . r. ., H]

We define [a, b, c] = [[a, b], c] and define commutators of n elements

recursively: [a1 , a2 , . . . , an ] = [[a1 , a2 , . . . , an1 ], an ]
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Abnormal Subgroups

Consider H G . H is said to be abnormal in G , written H abn G , if
g hH, gHg 1 i g G .

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Abnormal Subgroups

H G is abnormal if it is maximal but not normal in G .

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Abnormal Subgroups

H G is abnormal if it is maximal but not normal in G .

Define the diagonal subgroup of a group G G as
= {(g , g ) : g G }.

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Abnormal Subgroups

H G is abnormal if it is maximal but not normal in G .

Define the diagonal subgroup of a group G G as
= {(g , g ) : g G }.
It is known that a group G is simple if and only if is maximal in
G G . (Thvenaz)

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Abnormal Subgroups

H G is abnormal if it is maximal but not normal in G .

Define the diagonal subgroup of a group G G as
= {(g , g ) : g G }.
It is known that a group G is simple if and only if is maximal in
G G . (Thvenaz)
Consider the group A5 A5 .

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Abnormal Subgroups

H G is abnormal if it is maximal but not normal in G .

Define the diagonal subgroup of a group G G as
= {(g , g ) : g G }.
It is known that a group G is simple if and only if is maximal in
G G . (Thvenaz)
Consider the group A5 A5 .
A5 is simple, so is maximal and not normal in A5 A5 .

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Abnormal Subgroups

H G is abnormal if it is maximal but not normal in G .

Define the diagonal subgroup of a group G G as
= {(g , g ) : g G }.
It is known that a group G is simple if and only if is maximal in
G G . (Thvenaz)
Consider the group A5 A5 .
A5 is simple, so is maximal and not normal in A5 A5 .
So abn A5 A5 .

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Abnormal Subgroups
Theorem (Brewster et. al., 09)
Let D = U1 U2 where either U1 or U2 is solvable. Let K D. Then
K abn D if and only if i (K ) abn Ui and K = 1 (K ) 2 (K ).
U1 U2


1 (K ) 2 (K )


1 (K )

Dr. Dandrielle Lewis (UW-Eau Claire)


2 (K )

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Abnormal Subgroups

But what happens if one of the factors in the direct product is not

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Abnormal Subgroups

But what happens if one of the factors in the direct product is not
Recall that = {(g , g ) : g A5 } is abnormal in A5 A5 .

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Abnormal Subgroups

But what happens if one of the factors in the direct product is not
Recall that = {(g , g ) : g A5 } is abnormal in A5 A5 .
But cannot be written as the direct product of two subgroups of
A5 .

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Abnormal Subgroups
Let G = U1 U2 be the central product of subgroups U1 and U2 , where
either U1 or U2 is solvable. Then H abn G if and only if H = V1 V2 where
Vi abn Ui for i = 1, 2.
U1 U2



Dr. Dandrielle Lewis (UW-Eau Claire)

V1 V2



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Future Directions & Possible Capstone Projects for


Characterize pronormal subgroups of central products.

Characterize abnormal subgroups of direct products and central
products of two groups where neither factor is solvable.
Classify normal subgroup containment in direct products.

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Past Research with Undergraduates

Research Problem:
Construct the subgroup lattice of D8 D8 , and identify the
extraspecial group of order 32 that lies within it.

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Past Research with Undergraduates

Research Problem:
Construct the subgroup lattice of D8 D8 , and identify the
extraspecial group of order 32 that lies within it.


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Past Research with Undergraduates

Research Problem:
Construct the subgroup lattice of D8 D8 , and identify the
extraspecial group of order 32 that lies within it.

1. To improve Brewster and Lewis Subgroup Containment Theorem for
further use.
2. Provide an example that illustrates the usefulness of the Subgroup
Containment Theorem.
3. To examine the normal subgroups of the extraspecial group of order 32
given from D8 D8 .

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Past Research with Undergraduates

Research Problem:
Construct the subgroup lattice of D8 D8 , and identify the
extraspecial group of order 32 that lies within it.

1. To improve Brewster and Lewis Subgroup Containment Theorem for
further use.
2. Provide an example that illustrates the usefulness of the Subgroup
Containment Theorem.
3. To examine the normal subgroups of the extraspecial group of order 32
given from D8 D8 .

Linear Algebra.

Dr. Dandrielle Lewis (UW-Eau Claire)

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D8 D8 Subgroup Lattice

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D8  D8 Subgroup Lattice

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Dr. Dandrielle Lewis (UW-Eau Claire)

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The UW-Stout REU.

Dr. Dandrielle Lewis (UW-Eau Claire)

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The UW-Stout REU.
This project was funded by NSF grant DMS-1062403.

Dr. Dandrielle Lewis (UW-Eau Claire)

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B. Brewster, A. Martnez-Pastor, and M. D. Prez-Ramos, Normally
embedded subgroups in direct products, J. Group Theory 9 (2006),
no. 3, 323339.
, Embedding properties in direct products, Groups St. Andrews
2005. Vol. 1, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., vol. 339,
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2007, pp. 246255.
, Pronormal subgroups of a direct product of groups, J.
Algebra 321 (2009), no. 6, 17341745.
K. Doerk and T.O. Hawkes, Finite soluble groups, De Gruyter
expositions in mathematics, W. de Gruyter, 1992.
Jacques Thvenaz, Maximal subgroups of direct products, Journal of
Algebra 198 (1997), no. 2, 352 361.
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