Book Expectations Sheet

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This book will be seen by your teacher every half term, with
a comment on how well you are using it in lessons.
It is primarily for drafting, ideas and taking notes in lessons,
but must be kept tidy, with target sheets completed and
reviewed every term.


This book will be seen by your teacher every half term, with
a comment on how well you are using it in lessons.
It is primarily for drafting, ideas and taking notes in lessons,
but must be kept tidy, with target sheets completed and
reviewed every term.
Every half term, you will use the notes in this book to help you

Every half term, you will use the notes in this book to help you

write a formally marked assessment. This piece will be on A4 paper

write a formally marked assessment. This piece will be on A4 paper

and kept in your Progress File in the classroom. Your teacher will

and kept in your Progress File in the classroom. Your teacher will

level this piece of work and you will write the level you achieve on

level this piece of work and you will write the level you achieve on

your target sheet.

your target sheet.


Every lesson write the WALT, date and title

Write using blue or black ink; use pencil for drawing
Do not graffiti your book or tear out pages
Use every part of every page in the book
Bring your book to every lesson

If you do not follow these rules, you will be given a detention.

If you cannot sort out these problems in that detention you will
have to buy a new book for 50p.

Every lesson write the WALT, date and title

Write using blue or black ink; use pencil for drawing
Do not graffiti your book or tear out pages
Use every part of every page in the book
Bring your book to every lesson

If you do not follow these rules, you will be given a detention.

If you cannot sort out these problems in that detention you will
have to buy a new book for 50p.

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